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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. current list: - unable to copy paste to translate chat - creature ids field on creature page not large enoug, unable to copy - no copy/paste creature ctc - can not copy ATC keep posting
  2. You can write those
  3. they are good and interesting suggestions.. currently you receive a skill that increases (or should) your efficiency. Fails sounds a bit better. Connecting heat to resource collecting is not bad either, but i am not sure how to do it exactly (as concept). At this point if i discuss more about things that will be, they might remain just words lost in a topic. I better do what is being worked on now and deal with that, and when time comes for profesions or anything alike we discuss it then. There are lots of perfect ideas in my head and on the forum but only one at a time gets implemented. To reach a step where professions will be possible there is an other step that is needed and that is the ability to gain secondary tags. It is a feature that will be useful for multiple things but its currently unfinished. The last part of your post is the most useful however
  4. current list: - unable to copy paste to translate chat - creature ids field on creature page not large enoug, unable to copy - no copy/paste creature ctc keep posting
  5. current list: - unable to copy paste to translate chat - creature ids field on creature page not large enoug, unable to copy keep posting
  6. translation is a real point. noted. i will be waiting for more opinions too. At this point i see little reason to limit chat copy/paste.. its an unwanted side-effect of this change, i could add a copy chat button, a paste one, things could be worked around, but before any decision i want to hear more opinions why copy/paste/right click is impairing your gameplay
  7. the point is, i will be fighting against custom modifications of the interface even if it means to quit work on other sections and focus on this. All protection measures are eventually beatable somehow, randomizing variable names and obfuscating sourcecode are enough to cause some trouble to someone trying to do such tools. Against someone already used with how md works its futile. but any change done now will prevent new techies to create cheating tools. When i hear the opinion of someone using scripts to play md, i hear a very altered view of whats going on, and that can affect my view and others to see how things really are. Nevertheless people that create such tools or discover certain bugs are welcome and its why i gave medals for such things. There is a difference between abusing and using.. but when it comes to opinions, their view of the gameplay is biased regardless if they are using or abusing such tools. this is my opinion at least. I admit for example i don;t have a clear view of md gameplay at this point, but i NEVER had, i walking blind in this coding adventure aiming for targets that might be there or not. Plus i disliked the attitude to be honest. To get back on topic, resource icons remain where they are now, i did some minor adjustments to how the tooltip looks and an other change is upcomming to make it more clear to people that never collected resources how they can do that. You all miss the fact that a new player has no ideas what is what and where is that.
  8. i fail dramatically at reading long posts, even if i myself tend to write quite a lot oftenly. all i have to say is that the following things are in plan for a long time for future development: - collect resources will make you advance a specific hierarchic branch, similar to profession, that will enable you access to more advanced tools, and give you tags to certify your evolution. Access to abilities such as spells, functional items, restricted locations specific to the profession will be available to advanced stages of each branch. Basically if you keep doing one thing you advance in that direction. However if you will do other competing things some progress will go backward as an other will advance, so that will make you pick a path so to say. This is the current plan, and i believe you say the same thing.
  9. My dear No one, as you can observe from the matrix code..sorry i mean source code, there is an imminent threat to all scripts of any sort created to alter md interface. While they still work, the latest change allows to stop any of them at any time with a simple renaming of something that script uses. This is indeed a measure against you personally, but will be helpfull in the future for any similar situation. Now let me explain why You are a valuable player. Your skills allowed you to add certain modifications that you say they made things easier but in fact they basically altered your perspective of the gameplay and together with that your ability to have useful opinions. You say i don;t play so i can't know how things work in the games reality for the everyday md player....in turn I say you play with help of scripts that lead to a similar situation. The inbalance created by using "tools" will always be harmful and not helpful to md. Take for example a script to attack players for example, while farming makes things easy for you it takes you out of the "reality" of the game. I can't believe you are gathering resoruces "manually"..and i also know i can;t stop THAT sort of tools, however, i can always try to make it harder and harder for someone to do modifications to the interface in their own advantage as this is usualy known as "cheating"
  10. how about a no chat day, lol
  11. i think the "mistakes" a noob does are proportionate to his age. For example a young player (active days) is so unlikely to actually reach jail at all. Its a matter of the attitude of older player towards newer ones, you could simple tell someone that what he does its wrong. There are many announcements and nobody not even me can keep track of all, but regarding rules they should follow a general common sense direction. You can do pretty much all that the interface allows you to do, and when there is something wrong its usually something others will notice too. For new players is actually more simple than for older players that reach many times to the edges of these "rules" i don't think the announcement issue will ever be solved, mainly because it is not a good idea to rule a realm through announcements but instead they should just announce things that happend not things that should happen from now on in a certain way. Its a concept flaw and i am aware of it, but currently i can't do much about it other than hope md rules system works at the community level not at the strict rules level, if you know what i mean..
  12. "Unfortunately Mur, you will not be able to prevent what I do...bla bla" i can easily do that, i just did for the resources delay thing... (it can still be done, but i doubt you have the knowledge how :D) if you prefer i work on countermeasures instead of something productive, no problem
  13. ..prepare for surprises :D
  14. *facepalm* heat was an example..an almost good one..that could work,,, but still an example. Resources in a location have and will have a delay. Its not a bug, could be different but its intended. I believe it will infuence gameplay in a good way, you say i can't possibly know that "because i don't play".. Maybe not playing it helps me see it the way i want it to BE, and thats the guidance it needs to grow in a direction and not just expand randomly. Maybe one day i will make keyboard shortcuts for collecting resources, that would make you happy No one, "will make those scripts of yours less interesting ;)" Why ...WHHYYYYYY.....why would we still need to move it below if they are no longer taking up the space?????? *searches for his pills* BAN ME FOR FORUM RP
  15. hahaha...this is funny on one hand you complain about nobody bothering about resources, on the other you say you can't collect them as easy as before .. resource collecting is not intended to be a reflex speed test game. In fact if it would be possible i would add a time to collecting them as hooking into one resource and taking time to actually taking it, but requires too much work. Some people see things as more clear when they are placed on a list, preferably large amounts of comparative numbers. MD is not within that spirit, in fact, the numbers are there because its too hard to make them numberless yet still manage-able. Not sure if you know what i try to say. Its like having amounts like "few - some - enough - plenty - lots" and having numbers like " 10 - 50 - 200 - 1000 - 5000". My changes change the gameplay, they are not random, and as long as i consider them a step forward to make md more md they are good. I welcome feedback, but that doesn;t mean i won't reply like i do now when i think it is the case. The point is simple. - resources should be more proeminent as their use and support in the gameplay will increase - the delay is both a graphical adjustment to fit with the fading text AND it is intended so you won;t see the resources imediatly when you enter the scene. Think of it, it actually makes sense, you enter in a place you don't imediatly spot the resin on a tree, you observe the tree first. - the resource numbers are unbalanced now because resources are not used as they will be. speed delay is intended..if you prefer a better integration i could bind displaying resources to HEAT, making them show slower if heat is higher and show faster if heat is low... sounds better?... it might be difficult to explain it in a reasonable fashion and confusing to new people.
  16. am i missing something here? Phantom you were not punished in addition to anything due to escaping. The announcement states clearly: "As a reminder, if you escape jail you risk additional jailtime as announced previously. Escaping could be used to try and prove innocence, but can also agravate your situation." Maybe its not well formulated but it refers to future not past. You jail time was not decided by council due to me interfering with it, i discussed with council and determined a period of one month of jail time is appropriate for the discussed incident. THERE IS NO PUNISHMENT FOR YOU ESCAPING THE JAIL VIA ME PORTING YOU OUT. If you escaped other ways, that is something for someone else to investigate, in any case that is not the topic here. There is a difference between being PUNISHED in addition for escaping, and a jail time being delayed to be determined due to you not being in the actual prison. This must be cleared out because it sounds as a big missunderstanding. Maybe even i understood it wrong, but how it should be is that you get one month starting now of real jail...and this is NOT an additional penalty to anything, this is the sentence.
  17. "Most of the time nobody cares about the resources" might be so now, but they start to be more and more used and about all aspects of future md development related to quests and such will need resources or items that in turn will somehow need resources at some point. "It will just make the page even more difficult to see." Current location (atm still in testing for the next 30min or so.."go go chewey!"), is above the unused spece from the scene bottom, making use of a space that was there anyway and remained blank after scene text vanished. "The current new location interferes with scene couplets." give exact coords if you find a scene that has clickables under the resources images/text "Also, a cookie can be used to to remember the status of the tab (open / hidden)." if you refer to the sidebar, yes in the future there could be an option to remember the state, currently is not that important, the gameplay requires little to no refreshing of the entire interface
  18. No one..your tech suggestions i am sure they are well intended but are useless, please try to make me understand what the visual issue is, not what you think its wrong in the code. Do you mean the main page, the one with the scene shifts a bit down? I can't see this happening now, i think its fixed or its my browser? (not) sorry to hear that recent changes are so annoying for you i am sure you will survive them
  19. anyone using 'coloidal silver'? i am interested in an opinion from someone actually suing it, not reviews found on google. I am really interested, but don't ask why Thanks
  20. This is quite a cool feature! Thanks Chewy
  21. and thank the mysterious dude2 too..that will be revealed soon :P
  22. "dude 2" haha good one
  23. :)
  24. what changed to require such things, it sounds massive :D and scarry (probably not a good ideea to answer that here)
  25. none of them do anything..they were supposed to do somethign one day (like many other things) "discovered properties" - my intention was to give some sort of progress path for those items with properties (abilities) based on users personal stats. For example a certain weapon, used by someone with over x attack, causes a spell to be triggered each fight. "effectiveness" can't remember what that is exactly, i can only think that the effects of the equipment were supposed to be altered by its integrity "damage" "integrity" with each fight items were supposed to get some damage, and eventually when damage gets zero you lose them, and you need to aquire new ones...or repair them in time, that was the plan 8 years ago "Alignament?" I really can't remember what this is about Now the focus is on inventory items instead of equipement, however, at some point items will collide with equipment. Basically equipment items will be also inventory items. There are other hidden things in the equipment section, like the gems part. The interface has the needed things to display equipment enhanced by gems..i think they are called slots. At that time there was no way to have these enhancing items because there was no personal inventory other than the equipement one. You need to understand that in my mind md is a very long term project and some branches look deserted till they collide somehow with other branches and re-establish their oneness so to say. However some things changed in my view of md since back then.. i wish it to be more player orientated, giving more ability to someone to change things rather than discover them. Some branches are set back too much, for example equipement , at this point, should already be integrated with items and the item image upload to allow someone to create its own equipment and display it on the little tiny figure. As it is now, there is an unfair "competition" between avatars and equipement when it comes to display/interface. I prefered to focus more on the items and rush things a bit in that direction because they are needed to complete other branches as well. Chew will be mad on me (is already probably) but from my point of view i think its better i do the the things that alter md in concept, even if i leave them unfished , the solutions are there to be found. If i focus on clsing existing branches and "complete" them, the plan for their future integration with the rest of md will be lost. new things i don't remember that much, old things apparently are very fresh in my mind sometimes..seeing md as one single thing and not a pile of features, is one of them.
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