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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. oh wow.... i should do this more often . Your info is most interesting. I will reward all that brought new info so far, that means: Grido 85 Aelis 35 Z 60 Fyrd 20 Manda 40 Mr mystery 40 great job everybody, now i will have a long time continuing the investigation from here
  2. with the auction going on, and increased silver demand, here is a way to gain some extra silver for the auction: 35silver CUPON reward for whoever finds a historic record of the name Marducci before 1900 40silver CUPON for whoever finds what the name Duralia means and its origin. 25silver CUPON for whoever finds the meaning and origin of the name Maha bonus 20 if you find an important historic figure with the name duralia or maha before 1900 note: marducci is spelled right, its not martucci. maha might be macha but its 90% maha. please keep answers short and with reference links where you found the info. reward will go to the first people that bring the most useful information. the purpose of this research is personal. CUPON MEANS YOU WILL GET THAT AMOUNT OF SILVER CREDITED FOR YOUR AUCTION BID. cupon is tradeable . I will exchange remaining cupons to silver, if you wish so, after auction is over.
  3. Highest bidders so far: MRAlyon 160 silver (for the dark) Grido 11 gold (for the morphs) About how the auction will end: Auction will end friday, the winning bidder needs to be unchallanged for the most of the day. There won't be a last minute auction stealing for one silver difference! So don't worry about not hitting submit on time like it happens with the ebay auctions. once a winning bid stands out, it should remain winning and everybody else accept they lost the auction. I strongly suggest you do a lot of private talks and settle who wants these items most, otherwise you will empty your coin stash too fast. There is no minimum for any auction i will start, so if there is no counterbid these could sell for 1 silver, or 1000 silver, it depends only on you. Its not like you don't know eachother, you know eachother very well and you are allowed to team up against "me" (the house). Of course there is a HUGE risk in keeping such auctions on low bids and i am not even sure it is possible. [color="#2E8B57"][b]CERTIFICATE Now to torture you a bit more, all these items and items in future auctions will come with a certificate. I will create a certificate inventory item to state as proof of you winning that item. This means you will get not only the won item/creature/whatever but also one aditional inventory item named something line "Auction certificate" (suggestions are welcome!) with description that will detail the item you won. The certificates will be named on purpose the same, all of them, regardless of item, but they will have different description. In that way , if you will own more certificates they will show up stacked and not individually. You can trade, sell, or give them away as you wish. These items will not offer any ownership rights extra to me handing out the item to the owner, and once given out they are not bound to the merchandise. They ca be used together with the won item as a proof to future buyers that the merchandise was indeed won for that price and in an official MD auction. Thats pretty cool for an auction i think.[/b][/color]
  4. BFH will remail LHO, and i am confident this event will make him be more carefull than any other lho. This jail time should not affect neither manda nor bfh reputation and their tags should be changed back after they end their time there .. but this cant go unpunished. Also if any of you two get into a similar situation again it will be a lot worse than first time, you should remember that.
  5. drach cave is closed explicitly, regardless if you have access to it or not.
  6. Manda - 2 weeks jail BFH - 1 week its good i didnt posted this yesterday because i planned it to be month not weeks. However this is the only time you have the excuse of abusing something out of ignorance, the second time.... P.s. i is funny how after this event i got 3 pms talking about other bugs from other people. scared you might end up in jail too?
  7. providing info that will lead me to find how you got that admin key, like when you started to have such access and what event was close before, like noc fight, storymode, item use, etc... will lower your jail time...bu tonly if i can track that. sad thing is that you could have kept a drach and even get a reward if you reported this as soon as you could and not get greedy and abuse it as much as you could. I know you are not a bad person or a bug abuser but ignorance and abuse will be punished regardless of that.
  8. my other computer just crashed before i hit send on the long reply i wrote, so here it is again shorter. you took 16 drachs ang gifted just a few to bfh, and to one other guy that happend to be at the cave entrance. You sent one to ailith to confirm you can access the cave, she sent it back. you had 11 drachs on you when i locked you. i confiscated all 16 drachs. i have no clue how you got that admin key to enter all those locations (they are all closed by same key). One thing is certain, you did not struggle to much to find out yourself and you tottaly abused the drach cave. you will do jail for abuse by ignorance. You are very lucky i stopped you before you SOLD any because then you would have been ip baned forever. bfh, you have no excuse, you as a lho should know better and not allow this to happen without checking with grido or me. If you think its normal to get drachs from the cave then you have no place as a lho. you will do jail for your ignorance and for receiving those drachs without reporting something odd was going on when everybody knows the cave is locked. i will decide an other time your jail time but it will be long. your accounts remain locked untill then. this should be a lesson to lho that they are responsable for the advices that they give , if those advices lead to abuse be neglijence or intent.
  9. Current highest bid: Totenkopf 88 silver I am bored 10 gold no hurry, auction ends next friday ...
  10. coins then. (i ran out of poneys i will think about how many, i think the above answers will have an influence on that
  11. best thing i could do is to put a coin pack in wish shop so that you can spend wishpoints on a fixed ammount of coins.... but nothing more. If that sounds acceptable, i will put it up before auction ends. However, i have no clue at this moment what would be the equivalent value and it might change after auction is over. is there any need for secret bids or other "facilities"? if so pm me and i will analyze your request. Toten 88silver lightsage 8 gold
  12. i forgot to mention, all auctioned creatures can be renamed on purchase to whatever you wish. the morphs will be renamed on morphing (morphs come unmorphed so you may trade them first if you wish so) oh and age... plenty. the dark is ancient and the morphs since they came out. transfer for the winner will happen WITHOUT AGE PENALETY
  13. only coins because i concluded having one measuring unit is the only way to decide fair what is the highest bid. If i allow all sorts of things to by put as bid, then some might consider something more valuable than i think it is and a lot of arguments will start. I might allow more things to be sold/traded between accounts so you can convert more into coins when needed. Currently the real market value is determined live by how much you can get for that item that you sell. highest bidder so far is yrthilian ..still a long way to go. you know you can bid just for one of the items , they are two separate auctions.
  14. im on a mobile devoce now and copy pasting is quite a trouble, please check out the other topic for details about the auctioned items , i couldnt extract them here.
  15. the continuation of this auction moved to a separate topic. mods please move there whatever else it is needed. closed
  16. because this might turn into an expensive auction that could drain the winners funds, i think it is fair to tell something about what the next future auction will be, becquse in time there will be more. next auction will have also two items, one will be a usable inventory item one that will generate "secondary grade" items (tha crafting items will be more common by then so you cant determine its real value now). Also coins only, one gold one for silver, not mixed.
  17. the auction is for two items, one rare dark with historic meaning, all possible tokens and ancient id and two (not selling separately) morphs, snowman variations.
  18. reopening the auction, slightly changed rules. dark id1000 will be sold to highest bidder IN SILVER morph auction becomes an auction for TWO different morphs and the "package" will be sold to highest bidder in GOLD. The two morphs are guaranteed to morph into different versions (still the snowman). spell docs auction is still postponed. There might be a way soon to get them again and a price right now wont be fair to put. bidding with anything proved to be too hard to judge i let the evaluation up to you , so do your trading and decide on your own what is worth what and end up with coins so that everybody can trade with the same. THE AUCTION WILL LAST 7 DAYS after the 7 days no more bids are accepted and the winner has 3 days to finish the coin transfer. Coins will go to The Postman, the tax collector. Winner may further trade or give away his won bid to someone else, so you are not allowed to place an other bid after auction ends but you can propose that bid to the winner of course. because you can bid without having the coins first, thinking that you might have ways to get them in the 3days after the auction, i must add the following clause. If winner is unable to pay, a tax of 20% of his bid will be charged forcefully on him and the next winning bid will be selected. good luck, this time it will end
  19. It seems some of you really worked hard to find an answer. Congrats that you took my challenge even with the danger of being punished , as i put it initially. This was a hard question because there is no answer to it Such a thing can't be tested under any circumstances and under an ideal environement , the size of the sphere, the frequency of the light, even its intensity, all would matter , and i didnt provided any of these. It was not a trick question at all, i expected an elaborated answer to see you put your "little gray cells" at work, and some did. For those not on the list, i read all your replies, thank you. I could point out Kafuuka - strict and to the point apohpys - close but presented more like an assumption without details dst - your observations are correct for half a mirror, this one was a little more complicated Shadowseeker - if you were on the list with those signed up with the reward risk, you would get one and the others none(or less) You covered well the missing points of the question. However there is a flaw, i dont think you would see anything in an ideal environement because to see means some of the light gets back to you and those ranbow interefernces you describe would probably not reach the observer back. BFH Lightning - da vinci observation mirrors have little to do with this, the observer in the middle is theoretical in our case and unobservable mcvitie - same reply as for dst Princ Rhaegar - saying you see only yourself is very very incomplete For those on the list: I will not punish any of you that tried hard enough to answer, but instead I will reward all answers that provide enough insight on the matter, even if they are fundamentally wrong, it is clear you tried hard. April Rain - elaborated Zleiphneir - very interesting one Ailith - its good you tried, but yes it could have been more detailed *Burns* - so you are a size zero dot, as you admit, but you would see your eyes pupil? Maya - like i said after, there was a light source in the setup. However its good you noticed that case too, in a perfect mirror sphere you would see nothign wothout light indeed. Nimrodel - your answe as short and without much arguments as it is, contains very interesting information. I will think about the 6 time reflexion. Miq - correct but very imcomplete comparing to the other answers i got. Your answer is more ideal than the problem itself. Handy Pockets,Darigan, yrthilian I got no answer from you please tell me where you sent it, if you did send one before this was finished. Explenation: i said at some point this is somehow related to md. Well md is a mirror but it is not a mirror sitting on a table, it is a mirror at your borders. A cube is one aspect of your borders, summ them all together and ..you get the thing described in the AL with the traveler story. I didnt knew the answer to this riddle, but your answers helped me understand define the question better. It was not an adhoc puzzle, it was a riddle that was torturing me for some time, and to be honest it still is. Considering the fact there was no answer to be strikingly correct, and that i dont want to punish anyone...what would be an acceptable award for those in the list (excetp those i didnt got any replies from)?
  20. riddle is over, please stop sending me any more answers. I will announce the winner(s) tomorow!
  21. considering you didnt took it from where i posted it, so you ddint took it from me directly, you can get out tomorrow. why tomorow? i guess we will never know. the actual bad thing is that people that get once to jail will suffer a lot more if they get there next time .. so...i hope this to be a funny incident (afterall visiting prison for free is fun if it is one day) ... and i hope i will never use the ban on you again for whatever reason. p.s. because... p.p.s. because you should remember not to try to take something unless you are sure its a gift otherwise its is still atempt to steal .. normaly not punished but if you are unlucky and you do this when i look at it...bad luck! keep the cookies, they are tasty
  22. it is not the case, yet, to consider this alt abuse.even if tehnically someone could get 1000 bestiary items, only very few could actually get over 5 or 10, and not all those plan to do that. If bestiary items will become a problem, i can always limit the number of bestiaries an account can use to max 3 for example. Dont forget that to get that bestiary item that account needed to get a wp. It is however "illegal" to award a wp on an other acc other than the one earning it. If you notice this to go too wild and abused pls let me know. So far i see this as a limited opportunity and not a massive abuse
  23. Feel free to argument your answer with materials taken from the net, only dont forget the details of what i asked. There is no person inside the center and all the things that would make a difference in such a case is the actual interference of the light causing dark and light areas.... I an giving you this clue to avoid getting copy pasted answers from some sites that tried but failed into answering this riddle before.
  24. people that signed up for reward will get a nice reward if they find the right answer OR they will get a ugly penalty if they fail to do so. People that signed up without reward wont get anything if they solve it but will also not be penalised if they fail. for reward: Miq, Maya, April Rain, *Burns*, Handy Pockets, Ailith, Nimrodel, Zleiphneir, Darigan, yrthilian without rewward: Curiose, etluhcs teragram and now anyone since i put it on the forum There is a high chance that nobody will answer it right, in that case, i will reward the one that answers it right even if it is from the "without reward category" ! Question: [b]imagine you have a hollow sphere and its interior surface is a mirror, what would you see if you were one single mathematical point in the center of this sphere?[/b] Clarifications: No, its not complete darkness, consider there is light inside the sphere so the reflexction works. The observer is indeed a mathematical point meaning no shape or size. Consider the light source to be in the center, unifrmly spread. Take into considereation light interference, you know, when two waves conbine they can cancel eachother or amplify eachother. if there is a slight difference in their frequence , as it might appear due to the spherical relfection, that could split the light into composing frequencies, "ripples" will form. This is not a trick question. The answer needs to be well documented and based on solid argument. It is a pure optics and logic puzzle, sketches might help. Google will help for sure. There is no deadline, but once i have an answer from all participants (those for reward) , the quest will end. I will consider only ONE single answer from each so dont send twice or more times. Good luck! p.s. this IS md related from a logical point of view, but not an obvious one. some of you might understand what i mean , most wont.
  25. gathering coins and items from alts and moving them on a main (or backwards) [b]wont be considered alt abuse[/b]. Gaining coins for free and using more accounts to do that , is abuse and will be punished accordingly. At this point there should not be possible to get coins for free, please correct me if i am wrong! At this point, even if it bothers me, keeping alts online to get items when i give them out is not a crime since it is me that is giving the items and not you taking them. there is no cost for transfering items, and coins are items too. If you aquired then legally , then you can do whatever you want with them. This is so because coins and items do not offer a direct advantage unless you use them wisely. It is not like with creatures for example that can powerup a noob without his merit. rules regarding items will have to change with the new type of items that will come because then they will be abusable. Edit by Chewett: This is an old post and has no relevance now. Please see the following newer announcement: [b]Ann. 1999 - [2011-08-23 06:25:02 - Stage 11][/b] No more item transfers between potential alts Items can no longer be transfered between what MD considers to be "alts". I say it this way because not all accounts restricted by the altchecker are alts, some are different people accessing md from same network, others are accounts "borrowed" for active days keeping to friends (md tags them as alts then) others are not even that. This might be damaging for people that live in same place and can no longer exchange items in md, but the benefits of restricting alts from item/resources transfer are far more important. This should slow down (at least a bit) potential future abuses related to the shared tools acquiring and resource hoarding.
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