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Everything posted by lightsage

  1. I meant errors as a consequence of OOP... Like, if you get an error "User-class Error: 1===User not found L:" rather than something like "This user doesn't exist" I would assume that's a consequence of a transition to users becoming an object. Of course, I'm no longer certain back when the other error appeared... It might not be recent at all.
  2. My guess is we're seeing (or maybe that's my imagination) object oriented errors rather than the old kind due to what rendril (I think we already had/have a ren...) has done. [quote] You might be surprised... but its because people are using md... therefore it gets slower... [/quote] Time to invite your friends to play, once server freezes a server upgrade will be unavoidable Of course donating heaps will probably help, too. I should defiantly check sometime at 4.00 AM servertime, only problem is that it's 3.00 AM for me :/ But I doubt it's worse than back when it was busy and HC was going on. You'd hit if it took ages, you knew you got the heads. Close the combat screen, run and than see how you actually got your victory later No insane lag usually meant no heads... When finances are plentiful, servers are set up with enough overhead to be able to handle peak times easily. I don't think MD has those finances (or perhaps coding optimizations are in progress and for now it's worse than before...) Either way, same as usual: Try to get more players, have fun and donate to help MD
  3. [quote]I haven't seen yet any mp5 saying that the SG is only a suggestion and who ever wants it, follows it or not. But if that is the case, then I am disappointed. Don't forget that we were mp3 and mp4 once, the older players should remember how we needed a place to train without being attacked randomly by everyone.[/quote] Remember what? I don't remember what I did as MP3 but I think it was largely resurrecting my creatures and hoping for the best. As MP4, I was frequently found at willows shop and if I wasn't I was either hunting, recruiting or doing a quest. The better part of MP4 I spent in alliance. I am actually disappointed that you do not considered past what you've experienced. Of course there is an alternative interpretation, if you are insinuating that I (and other players) actually NEEDED a place to train without getting attacked and that it is a miracle we have gotten this far. In this case I feel I have gravely overestimated you. As for the 'training grounds' on MP3/4. I will not stand against them as long as they are not enforced by powers beyond 'normal' players (ao only WP/MP6 spells), the training is not mainly intended to increase anything but ritual knowledge and the training is not intended to unbalance the game. On MP5, I will simply use training grounds or disobey them as it suits me. Unless something should be largely amiss, in which case I will attempt to break it. I will not hold it against MP3/4 to do the same on their MP. Just because something is controversial doesn't make it wrong. However in my opinion, alts/ancient MP3/4 whom decide to beat up, cap or cause creature exp loss on other MP3/4 should be dealt with harshly.
  4. I'm there... Going to give me a WP for those couple of minutes it took me?
  5. Actually, shadow... In my opinion this is a textbook example of breaking this rule: [quote]Spoiling quests or posting puzzle solutions / walkthrous on the forum is not allowed. You can help individual players but don't hand them the solution, just give them all the clues they need and let them figure it out..[/quote] I feel that if several posts in this topic are not in violation of this rule, nothing is. Rather than hinting that there might be some sort of "perma-ballance" you have listed each and every single requirement to a hidden feature that has been around for [i]ages[/i] (I remember being parma-ballanced at willows...) PS: Your wrong on one about one requirement
  6. With power comes responsibility. It is Jester's power -- by declaring that Pamplemousse has his authority -- he has inherently taken responsibility for whatever actions she may perform with it.
  7. Nah, actually this is 2 aura's. One that sucks stats from the opponent and the other is supposed to suck ve. Both just apply to the fight. Although, in the current system whoever has the most negative stats is the most powerful Try setting a TS (or better, SW) with a pile of damage all creats, the time for IAB supremacy has come!
  8. Actually, as you progress you will probably find that: 1. The influence of shop creatures becomes smaller as you progress 2. The most overpowered creature (currently) does not have an MDShop variant 3. There is only two shop creatures that currently give a slight advantage at the later stages of MP5, one of which is quite deep in shop the other is currently not in the shop. Although these are my findings, I do wonder which MP you are and which creatures you have trouble beating, it could very well be the result of incomplete ritual knowledge rather than the actual creatures being the problem.
  9. As has been mentioned before in this topic: The only time he does have creatures alive is when he's attacking because he's afraid of getting losses (as he'd get hammered in def by MP5's in alliance...)
  10. Title sais most of it... If you have a fully tokened rein your willing to trade please contact me. If you have a rusty with 18+ tokens perhaps we can arrange something...
  11. Really? I think they'd spread... MD is humongous when you compare it to the amount of players, as long as you keep moving or go somewhere desolate it is unlikely you'll get attacked a lot. I think the only challenge is to gather people without getting attacked (due to bigger number of targets). The rallying of people hardly happens in sanctuaries nowadays so I doubt that would be a problem either... People might not idle but what's the point of an idle player in a sanctuary? You can see their papers and send them messages without having them on a friends list. Well, going without that for a day isn't a humongous burden.
  12. Tsss... Who'd eat the master archie? Welcome back and for the record: I remember but do you?
  13. The fascination of the mind, To gain what is lost, To lose what is gained, The fascination of the mind, To learn what is best left unlearnt.
  14. It is highly unlikely newbies will want to be attacked. This will mean new players can only attack the slightly older MP3 and get beaten up every time.
  15. Well, no. For the simple reason that there won't be any players their lvl to attack than
  16. I don't like the part with still being able to get wins... Because people might purposefully stay at MP3 because there is more targets until they have an insane amount of wins.
  17. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1283012426' post='67228'] [Quick question, though: If someone is capped, they cannot give experience and such to other players, yes?] [/quote] They definitely can.
  18. If something like that is introduced, I'd recommend adding: MP3 150 power MP4 300 power
  19. @Curry If it has worked on 100 degrees, there's 2 possible causes for it overheating now: Hardware malfunction or piled up dust. Could you check what GPU it contains? Nvidia 8000 and 9000 series are usually due to overheating after a year or 2 because of poor solder used in manufacturing. If so, I imagine you get a bsod (blue screen of death) saying the Nvidia driver crashed... (I'm not exactly sure but I think it starts with nv) In this case, you won't be able to fix it with adding a fan as the problem will only continue to get worse with time (first hand experience with that). http://wiki.answers.com/Q/How_do_you_find_out_what_kind_of_graphics_card_you_have Also: a case fan is by far more efficient than putting a room blowing fan on it (not to mention more quiet and not taking up space). In close to all cases it's pretty easy, a matter of 4 screws and plugging in the cord. And the extra liquid warning only counts during installation (not that it's a good idea to toss liquids on closed cases...) And Toten, there's definitely something wrong there too... I'm on a 2.66 GHz quad and I'm peaking at 10%
  20. bump
  21. Not exactly... This creature would be useless in combat, right? So, the tokenuser would have the advantage of a higher percentage of stats or more creatures... Not the same but an advantage nonetheless.
  22. 5 sc for 1
  23. [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1282540284' post='66850'] Ha. The record was around..300k? Negative? Somewhere there. [/quote] [quote name='Shadowseeker' timestamp='1282564348' post='66873'] Sure about that? 300k negative VE? I don't recall anything like that, really. [/quote] Shadow, I'm not quite following what your saying... Did you refer to vp with the first post? Because in context I'd assume your referring to -vp...
  24. Put me down for those starting bids
  25. Pfff... Far from it, I've defiantly gotten under -1k at times, although it's not something I'd consider screen worthy (I'm sure other people have gotten lower even)
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