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Everything posted by lightsage
[size=5][size=6]Participants rewards:[/size][/size] [size=5][b]HelpXmas!!! (darkraptor)[/b][/size] [b]First place:[/b] Santa (high age) Second place: Nutcracker Third place: Bloodpact [size=5][b]How MD creatures saved Christmas(*Nimrodel*)[/b][/size] Ten rewards, to be assigned to the ten winners by Nim: 2 imperial aramors, 3 joker, 3 pimped grassans, 2 heatstones Winners: Esmaralda, dst, Valldore Nal, Ignnus, AmberRune, tankfans,*Peace*, *Clockmaster*, Sunfire, Dark Demon [size=5][b]Time to heat up xmas! (Falronn)[/b][/size] Firsts & Second place: Bloodpact --- Ignnus & darkraptor [size=5][b]Christmas Scavenger Hunt (Kyphis)[/b][/size] [b]First place: [/b]Santa (low age) --- darkraptor Second and Third place: 5sc @ --- *Nimrodel* & AmberRune [size=5][b]First Challenge[/b][/size] First place: Nutcracker --- *Nimrodel* Second place:Santa (low age) --- AmberRune Third place: Bloodpact --- Valdore Nal [size=5][b]Second Challenge[/b][/size] First place: Santa (high age) --- dst [size=5]Third Challenge/[b]Eagle Eye Race[/b][/size] [b]First place:[/b] Santa (high age) --- Ivorak Second place: Nutcracker --- Valdore Nal Third place: Bloodpact --- *Nimrodel* [size=5][b]Fourth Challange[/b][/size] First place: Santa (low age) --- *Nimrodel* [size=5][b]Fifth Challange[/b][/size] First place Santa (low age) --- Valdore Nal Second and Third place: 1 GC @ --- Stavaroiu & Tal [size=6]Creators rewards:[/size] darkraptor - Rustgold *Nimrodel* - Rustgold Eagle Eye - 2 gold Kyphis - 20 silver note Falronn - Bloodpact These are the rewards decided upon by BFH and myself which will come from the TK stock. Some quest creators have chosen to give rewards in addition to this sponsorship.
5 gc
I've found that some spells are affected and some aren't. Those that are: Movelock Toadspeak HelpthePoor (only one with errors so far) teleport_papercabin Those that aren't: Mirrorrit Locate
Even though a collon is not on the list (Do not use these characters in the casting words: * - + ~ = \). A spell with a collon at the end makes problems. During award ceremony, toadspeak didn't work at all. After that, did some testing resulting in these screenshots:
Fang, I applaud you for creating a topic to gain even more negative reputation. You had me there for a while.
As a side-note there's already this weird alliance that is rumoured to have something to do with travelling: Dimensional Shifters.
I proudly present to you, the 'new' TK members: [size=4][b]Max Mortlock[/b][/size] [size=4][b]Pipstickz[/b][/size] [size=4][b]Curiose[/b][/size] The fifth seat in the alliance shall be kept empty for now, awaiting a relatively new member of the community. A small status update: Treasury access - pending Inventarizing outstanding affairs - Awaiting Fang's logs
Are you certain you didn't just time poorly?
Actually they have: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13177-md-awards-2012-help-needed/page__hl__awards"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13177-md-awards-2012-help-needed/page__hl__awards[/url] I've already stated in this topic I'm available all of Saturday and Sunday, I'll have to revise this statement, I'm not available from roughly 11:00 to 13:30 on Saturday (ST). I doubt this'll be the most suitable time considering timezones (middle of the night in the US if I'm not mistaken). If you decide on times outside of Grido AND dst's availability, so be it. I'd prefer having at least one of them there though.
Even though things are slow going currently, here's the first status update: Treasure access - pending Inventarise outstanding affairs - TK forum access pending Recruitment/appointment of fellow TK - [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13344-tk-recruitment/"]gathering applicants[/url] ~Light
As you might have noticed, I have been appointed/elected the new TK leader. I do not plan on doing this all on my own. Therefore, I am looking for people to help me. I plan to create a bit of a mixture of players who know the realm quite well and some that have much to learn. Requirements: - Time - Common sense - Ability to communicate well in English Anything outside of these requirements you need to be able to do for certain tasks can be considered on the job training. Should you wish to apply, just contact me by posting here, sending me a forum/ingame pm, finding me ingame or utilizing whichever other line of communication to me you have. For questions, I'm available through all of the above mentioned modes of communication this topic excepted. If you want to discuss any aspect of this topic on forum, please open a topic for this purpose.
Actually a more important thing is this: From: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13289-vote-for-the-new-head-of-treasure-keepers/"]http://magicduel.inv...easure-keepers/[/url] [quote] We will [u][b]weigh [/b][/u]your answers and based on them we'll make a decision. [/quote] Rather than counting the votes, they are weighed. The way mur did this a lot of factors would be taken into consideration to form the votescore. Such as the reputation of who's voting, arguments, previous votescore etc. The council might disclose exactly how they weighed the votes, they might not.
Yes if there's more than 5 nominees the ones with the fewest nominations (= amount of people that nominated them) will be removed. So that there will be 5 (or less) nominees remaining in the category.
The location in question is the armory interior. As I was the only LHO online, I idled there instead of logging off (some actual issues with the system there). I took a little longer than I expected but it's still beter than there being no possibility to send help requests.
Friday not a good day for me either, I'll have classes and then a couple of hours of travelling to my parents'. If you do it before 21:00 servertime on friday you're on your own I should be able to make any other time that weekend.
First of all, this topic is titled an opinion for a reason. It is my opinion even if mur or council do not agree. I don't believe I've put anything in here they've blatantly stated they disagree with. Probably some things they haven't voiced an opinion on. Now, your post comes across as a bit of an accusation to my lack of knowledge or my views in their entirety not matching with the quotes by mur so I'll rebut Concerning the transparancy: I'm not suggesting TKs to be transparant in all of it's workings. I'm suggesting a rather extensive fulfilment of the one of the requirements you quoted: [quote name='Mur'][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]- keep a clear and dated list of all rewards given. preferably if this list goes public periodically[/font][/color][/quote] As well as status updates on things that have at that point already been announced publicly. The third and last thing would be the quest criteria in the big lines. In my opinion there should never be a table publicized (or used) with this sort of quest with these attributes will receive this as a reward. It doesn't work that way because it'll always have a personal touch ('feeling it'). It's just meant to give quest creators a general idea of what the rewards are based on. TK is certainly not supposed to make all information public(imo). Publicizing what's in the treasury for example would be quite the spoiler. As would the way in which the rewarded topics are selected for people would start to attempt to create these topic. The reasoning behind allowing quest creators to know the rough criteria is because in my opinion we should want quests that match them. This is because this'll have a positive influence on quest quality and relevance. [quote name='ZenTao'][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][color=#282828]While this is one of our main functions we do more then just this.[/color][/font][/quote] I am aware that TK does more than just that which can be concluded from the following phrases for example: [quote name='I'] [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif]The treasure keepers (TK) are an alliance with one [u][b]main [/b][/u]purpose:[/font][/color] [/quote] [quote name='I'] TK also have [u]some additional obligations such as[/u] arranging the rewards for some advertisement related offers. [/quote]
I can think of one thing that could be considered a festival: magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12708-festival-of-war-and-remembrance/ Curiose's Story Night, however fun, is just one event: magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12349-story-night-june-4th/ For Maebius I assume you refer to these: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13206-monthly-maebius-madness-4-again/ For Fyrd there's a few quests such as: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12461-help-fyrd-call-back-all-the-spirits/ If you refer to summer fest which is a BFH production: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/12389-md-summer-fest-meeting/ As for Mya I'm not sure what you're getting at.
Then what about all the people on the north pole? Do they get to participate twice!?
After much deliberation I'll offer my candidature. I'm Lightsage, I've been in MD for about four and a half years. I've been an LHO for most of those. If you think you run into me very little these days, you're not in the newbie area very much. Depending on the outcome of this procedure that might have to change. As for my qualifications: - I have/make the time to run the TKs properly - I've been around in MD for a while, I have a pretty good idea what sort of result certain actions will have - I know my way around the game mechanics - I'm well aware of the value of rewards - I have the connections to keep up to date with the values Quite frankly, there have been a few problems with TKs: - Twice the BMMORPG rewards have gone wrong, having to cancel the promotions associated with those is quite damaging for MD. - Rewards were given for quests that were out of proportion. This influences the value of these rewards as well as disappointing players who consider having these an achievement. - Offering to break a game rule in order to compensate for something entirely unrelated to TKs. These sort of issues should be avoided. They must not happen as often as they have. MD relies on the institute TKs too much for it to falter. In my opinion there needs to be a change in the way the TKs are run. TKs need to get organized. How I think TKs should move on can be found [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13285-tk-an-opinion/"]here[/url].
The treasure keepers (TK) are an alliance with one main purpose: [indent=1]- To sponsor appropriate rewards to player made quests.[/indent] The only word open for interpretation in this sentence is in the word ‘appropriate’. What is an appropriate reward and what would be the criteria for determining this? There’s several criteria to be considered in my opinion when deciding on a quest reward: 1. How much of an achievement is it to complete the quest? 2. How good is the quest? 3. Can the quest be won by cheating? 4. Is the quest educational? 5. Who can participate in the quest? 6. No profit for quest creator? Some explanation on how these criteria effect the rewards and why they should in my opinion. 1. The greater an achievement it is to complete a quest, the higher the reward should be. 2. How good the quest is isn’t directly related to how much of an achievement it is to complete it. A very easy quest might be a lot of fun. In order to encourage more people to have this fun giving out more rewards might be appropriate. 3. Imagine a quest with cipher clickables as we used to see a lot of. Now imagine the quest creator put no checks in this so only the final word at the last clickable is required to win. The possible 2[sup]nd[/sup] and 3[sup]rd[/sup] place reward for this quest should be lower because it should be discouraged to cheat by working together (I am indeed implying this is not allowed by the quest creator) or even worse, selling the solution. In addition to this this should encourage quest creators to make their quest more cheat proof as to get a higher sponsorship. 4. A quest that for instance teaches RP 101, MDScript 101 or how to write a story is educational. These quests teach the community skills that help MD grow and become a beter place. Participation should therefore be stimulated and slightly higher and slightly more rewards would be appropriate. 5. Let’s say Chewett makes a quest for the members of SoE and asks TK for sponsorship. I don’t think it should be given because the target audience is way too small. The smaller the target audience the lower the reward. With restrictions on land or alliance I don’t think the TK should sponsor. 6. If the quest creator gains more from the quest than he puts in, I don’t think the TK should sponsor. Let’s say for instance a quest creator decides to make a lottery where participants each have to put in a silver to participate and there’s a single prize of 90% of this silver. A TK sponsorship would most likely result in more participants and more silver that remains for the quest creator. Another example would be someone commissioning artwork. Of course, quest rewards will still be open for interpretation and it’ll never be an exact science. A reputable quest creator and/or someone who’s shown their quest to TK is more likely to get the benefit of the doubt. Internally if in doubt TK members would be able to use the private forum to discuss. Other than deciding on the right reward, TK needs to actually make sure they find the quests to reward. In order to do this they’ll need to be active around the realm and reach out to quest makers who’ve created a quest. If quest makers seek out sponsorship before putting up their quest or if they somehow go unnoticed (or are very impatient) they can contact TK. I’d suggest keeping track of quests as follows: Create a separate public forum with all the quests in the following template: [quote] Topic title: “playername”, “quest number by player”, “quest name” Content: Quest name: “quest name” Quest status: Planned to start at “date”/Running/Pending Winners/Pending Rewards/Finished Rewards pledged by TK: “rewards pledged and conditions such as something being intended for first place” Rewards pledged by other “rewards pledged by others and their conditions if any” Further information on quest: “forum link to quest topic” / ”place to start in game”[/quote] This will help in keeping track of active quests and where they’re at as well as providing an overview of the active quests. A very transparent overview of what TK is doing. If the quest creator posts the winners, the public can see how long it takes TK to wrap the quest up. When the status becomes finished the quests would be moved to another subforum. Some quests might be a bit more secretive than this, should the need arise the topic can be hidden. The intent would be for posts such as “I will sponsor this quest with x” to be in this topic. These topics help quite a bit in making what TK does more transparent. I’d like to go one further and show what the TK is working on in bigger lines themselves. An example of a post you might see in this case would be (this would for example be one if I were to become next TK leader): [quote] Setting up forums: Request sent to Chewett, awaiting reply could take some time Chewett busy. Speaking to current TK members: 50% done, planned for next day or two. Writing topic concerning what quest creators are and aren’t allowed to do with sponsored rewards: Planned for this week. Writing topic regarding what rewards are based on and how to improve your odds of getting higher rewards: Planned for this week. [/quote] Once upon a time Wish Points (WPs) were intended as a reward for those who excelled at a quest beyond the expectations of the quest creator. For some quests it might still be an appropriate reward for the first place. TK should, in my opinion, only give out WP codes to quest creators who’ve made a good quest and ran it well. This can be easily tracked by the quest topic. It is then up to the quest creators to grant the WPs as they see fit (within the game rules). TK also have some additional obligations such as arranging the rewards for some advertisement related offers. This is quite simple to arrange: You do what the council says. If the council said give 10 silver ITCs to BFH, that’s what you do. If the council says give BFH whatever he wants, that’s what you do. The same goes for any other official role that might require part of the TK’s treasury. Opinions on the topic or things I might've missed are welcomed. I do refrain the right to rebut
3 gold
*Lightsage* 1210 AD
If that was the case the spell would do nothing, instead of displaying the too low skill to find message. Either something is bugged or he is looking for a game character/LHO/etc.