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Everything posted by stormrunner

  1. to get this back on topic(note I'm saying this that bad) hi if you get bored stop by the inn or one of the pubs and get a free drinks :drinks: on me
  2. actually I just say nice people I atleast kinda know most of them
  3. you have to know who to ask I have gotten info from one before
  4. stormrunner


    I think the new AL expansion is good the riddle was fine though the puzzle was a little too big and anyone whos been in necro knew what it was but other then that it was great
  5. only some can see him like everything else it depends on your story
  6. he's not done yet last I heard
  7. hi but since your not new no free drink :drinks: for you
  8. it not just you, it funny as all hell
  9. so basically your saying that spirit of the herd control those who have a lack of willpower and just go with the everyone else, right dst
  10. to secure peace is to prepare for war
  11. the game is the game the forum forums are not for in character but if you get bored of trying to figure that out stop by the inn or one of the pub and get a drink on me :drinks:
  12. sand, sounds right to me
  13. the reason he is bob because Zleiphneir the tree's protecter is the guardian of bob not steve(or sage thats his wife)
  14. I told him to add it but he said no :cray: :lol:
  15. good idea
  16. note to self show up in full demon mode
  17. hi if you get bored go to the inn at the press and get a drink on me
  18. if your mp 4 you need victorys if you in a alliance the win counter is broken
  19. no bored eat'em
  20. ren your a evil, evil man but it funny so youy ok :lol:
  21. he is right on both points man Tarquinus is one to trust and really this should stay in smoky back rooms(for talking to higher ups) and dark allys(if you want to talk to me)
  22. (laughs)some of them I have heard since I was a kid but that doesn't say much good about me does it
  23. (laughs)I haven't trick-or-treated since I was 13
  24. (is about to die)aren't you a little old to be trick-or-treating(evil laugh) I know I am not allowed to but I walk me little brother around with my mom so I get candy anyway
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