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Everything posted by Valoryn

  1. Valoryn Water Crowds Old Age
  2. Thank you all very much.
  3. Name: Valoryn - ID: 246890 - Scene: 1_-2x4_3 Reason: As a citizen of Loreroot and a Guardian of the Root, I have already been guarding Wasp's Totem unofficially for over two years.
  4. Apologies for the delay in posting this. Out of nine players who participated in the Treasure Hunt, there was one player who completed the quest: Nimrodel. Therefore, she wins a Wish Point from me, an aged Angien from the TKs and 4 Wookie Points. All other participants are rewarded with a Wookie Point. Thank you to all participants for giving this quest a chance and for the effort you put in it, despite its increased difficulty.
  5. For this MD Birthday I have prepared another treasure hunt, with a few improvements based on player feedback from the previous one I run a year ago. Hence why it's "v1.1". Like the first treasure hunt I made, this quest is entirely based on scripted clickables. It's a race, but it doesn't matter when you will begin and finish the hunt*. What matters is how much time you will spend from beginning to end. The fastest one wins. Requirements: No alts – Only one account per player is allowed to participate. How to start: Go to Willow's Shop and Speak to the Shopkeeper. No registration is necessary. Duration: until 25 April 23:59 ST Rewards: First Place: A Wish Point from me, an aged Angien from the TKs and 4 Wookie Points. Second Place: A Soulweaver from the TKs, a Mirrorritual stone from me and 3 Wookie Points. Third Place: A Teleport to Paper Cabin stone and a Gold Coin from the TKs and 2 Wookie Points. Also, 1 Wookie Point will be rewarded for participation. Important: Take good notes of everything you encounter during the quest. You can never tell if you will be able to review things and I won't be giving any clues you may have missed if you are too hasty. So, take good notes. *In case of a tie (same amount of time spent from beginning to end), the starting time will be taken into account to determine who wins the tie.
  6. This happened while engaging the third NPC at the House of Liquid Dust with a fresh MP3: It didn't occur again during the tutorial.
  7. The same thing happened today with a tequila bottle. The last use was made while the drunk effect was already active from previous uses and without its owner passing it to others at all from the time of its acquisition to the time when all 20 uses were consumed. Item id: 15926.
  8. From my observations during these last few days: - An account spends six hours being idle. - Once the six hours are over, the idle sign disappears but the account remains in-game. - The account spends another hour in this seemingly active state before being logged out.
  9. I confirm that I don't see any errors anywhere on the profile page any more.
  10. I get this warning in the weapons section after using Loreroot pass papers: instead of the one mentioned in the opening post.
  11. Thank you all very much. :)
  12. Rewards were distributed to the winners. This topic can now be closed. Thank you. :)
  13. I would take the walking stick, please.
  14. And the winners are... First place: Clock Master Wins: a Wish Point, a 10th Anniversary Aramor and one of the following spellstones: Mirrorritual, Silvertongue, Locate Second place: dst Wins: a Morph and one of the spellstones above (after Clock Master has made a choice) Third place: Asthir Wins: 1 Gold Coin, a Send to GoE spellstone and the remaining spellstone from those mentioned above [log='Results']Name: Clock Master – Current stage: 11 – Time spent: 6039 Name: dst – Current stage: 11 – Time spent: 8188 Name: Lania – Current stage: 3 – Time spent: 1729 Name: Asthir – Current stage: 11 – Time spent: 23365 Name: Miq – Current stage: 1 – Time spent: 0 Name: Zleiphneir – Current stage: 1 – Time spent: 0 Name: *Nimrodel* – Current stage: 1 – Time spent: 0[/log] [log='Puzzle answers']Clue #1: Forum [spoiler]"My shallow hills are the faces of kings. My horizon is always near. My music sends men to the grave. My absence sends men to work." Answer: COIN "Find what I am, then follow the wind to find me." That was a hint pointing at the Lands of the East. Both clues combined send the player to the Hotel reception desk in the Lands of the East.[/spoiler] Clue #2: Hotel reception desk [spoiler]"2287-1249-2692-1191-611-1290-2049 2886-3269-2723-1572-1069-502 2990-2547-1847-863-1359-3038" Letter replacement with numbers (in other words, each number replaces a single letter). The numbers came straight from the announcements. Since I provided no further clues to help players find the exact pattern (which letter in the announcement has been concealed by each number), the player would need to search for a fairly obvious or relatively easy to find pattern; otherwise I would have (to have) provided extra clues. In this case, I used the very first letter of each announcement: 2287=M – 1249=A – 2692=R – 1191=I – 611=N – 1290=D – 2049=S 2886=M – 3269=A – 2723=R – 1572=B – 1069=L – 502=E 2990=S – 2547=T – 1847=A – 863=I – 1359=R – 3038=S Answer: MARIND'S MARBLE STAIRS[/spoiler] Clue #3: Marind's Marble Stairs [spoiler]"We Dannot concAive of matter beiLg formed of noGhing, since things BequirO a seed tI start Vrom... Wherefore tRerI is not anything Qhich returns to nAthing, but all things Beturn dissoNveS into their elements." Clue concealed in a misspelled quote. Here is the correct one with the previously misspelled letters capitalised and bold to stand out: "We Cannot concEive of matter beiNg formed of noThing, since things RequirE a seed tO start From... Therefore tHerE is not anything Which returns to nOthing, but all things Return dissoLveD into their elements." (quote attributed to W. Shakespeare) Answer: CENTRE OF THE WORLD which points at GoE.[/spoiler] Clue #4: Gazebo of Equilibrium [spoiler] This was a tricky one, because it had several issues. The first one was that it was a little upside down. So, let's fix that for now: It's still not plainly clear, but some words are now easier to read. The note actually reads: "no one around seems clear the way, for now nothing to fear" which is a mildly jumbled scene poem: "The way, for now, seems clear No one around? Nothing to fear" Answer: PATH OF TORMENT[/spoiler] Clue #5: Path of Torment [spoiler]http://storenow.net/my/?f=6cd2f157e3e4de532a735690ce3d6578 Close-up picture of a detail in the scene drawing at Awiiya's Way.[/spoiler] Clue #6: Awiiya's Way [spoiler]"The muster awaits the wind That become game master Her gate did solve." Word anagram of a scene poem: "Solve the Game that Wind did muster The gate awaits, become her master" Answer: WIND'S GAME[/spoiler] Clue #7: Wind's Game [spoiler]"Burnt wood bow with its ends down." Answer: ASH ARCH[/spoiler] Clue #8: Ash Arch [spoiler]"... .- --. . .----. ... / -.- . . .--. / .. -. - . .-. .. --- .-." Morse Code encryption. Answer: SAGE'S KEEP INTERIOR[/spoiler] Clue #9: Sage's Keep Interior [spoiler]"ႠႡႢႣႤႥႦႧ ႧႨႩႪႫ ႡႬႬႭ" Symbol replacement encryption. Ⴀ=A – Ⴁ=R – Ⴂ=C – Ⴃ=H – Ⴄ=I – Ⴅ=V – Ⴆ=E – Ⴇ=S Ⴇ=S – Ⴈ=T – Ⴉ=U – Ⴊ=D – Ⴋ=Y Ⴁ=R – Ⴌ=O – Ⴌ=O – Ⴍ=M Answer: ARCHIVES STUDY ROOM[/spoiler] Clue #10: Archives Study Room [spoiler]This wasn't just one of the easiest clues in the Hunt, but it was also the silliest by far. As soon as I realised that the answer is pretty obvious and that I didn't have enough time to come up with something decent, I decided to keep the puzzle concept as is and try something different than just fill the rest of the maze with random letters. Considering, however, how fast the participants reached the next clue, none of them seem to have fallen into the trap of reading what was actually written there and of losing precious time in the process. I will expose it here in all its splendour and hope that, since it failed to make you lose time, it might at least succeed in giving you a good chuckle (the text in the dark blue shade is the clue proper). Answer: IVORY LIGHTHOUSE[/spoiler] Clue #11: Ivory Lighthouse [spoiler]"DNEWIREESV OE NEIRFITRTO" Rail-fence encryption. DNEWIR – EESV OE NEIR – FITRTO DNEWIR EESV OE NEIR FITRTO D***N***E***W***I***R *E*E*S*V* *O*E* *N*E*I*R **F***I***T***R***T***O Answer: DEFENSIVE TOWER INTERIOR[/spoiler] Defensive Tower Interior – Chest Locking Mechanism [spoiler]During the Treasure Hunt, the player finds five Roman numerals among the clues in the following order: V – IV – III – V – II. At this final stage, the player is asked to input a number password using a panel of buttons. The original concept was to have 2-5-3-4-5 as the password to unlock the chest (the reverse order than what the player encounters during the quest). However, seeing that this password would be relatively easy to input and the player would be done with this stage pretty quickly (especially if the player took notice of the numerals early enough and didn't have to visit the clickables again to write the numbers down), the final password I used (and required as an answer) was 3-5-2-4-5. The change may have been minimal when comparing the two passwords however, since I gave no clues that could hint at it, it may have made participants spend more time on it (as I intended) but it also had the following sad result: This puzzle of logic (however simple it may originally have been) became one based entirely on luck; this was one of the quest's major flaws, which I either didn't notice in time or noticed before the quest began but not early enough to fix them properly.[/spoiler][/log] At this point, I would like to thank everybody that helped this quest come true: the Administrators, the Day Hosts, Eagle Eye in particular for his support and guidance, StrongWilled Legna who offered not only her clickables but also a lot of her free time to work on this quest with me, Lintara who provided some of the clues and helped a lot in testing, Eleyne for having the patience to explain PHP and MDScript to me, and all players that gave this quest a chance by supporting it here on the forum or participating in it, regardless of how far they managed to go. I hope that, despite its flaws, it was an interesting and enjoyable experience for you as it was an interesting and a great learning experience for me.
  15. The Treasure Hunt has ended. Thank you to everybody that participated. Participants, don't forget to submit your feedback in the Quest Voting interface. It will be greatly appreciated. :) The results will be announced shortly (a small delay might apply due to Real Life interference).
  16. @Myth: I have no objection on this at all. If there is no objection from the Host of Day 8 and the Administrators as well, a further 24 hours can be given before the quest ends. Unless people would prefer it to run through the remaining three days (8, 9 and 10) instead; I think, however, that permission should be given first because there is a chance of the quest colliding with other events during those days and I wouldn't want to mess anything. @Apophys: like I said to Miq before, keep searching. :) Edited to add: A further 24 hours before the quest ends have been granted. I'm waiting to hear from the Hosts of Days 9 and 10, in case there are any concerns from their part. So, for the time being, the Treasure Hunt ends at 00:00 ST (beginning) of Day 9. I will edit the original post of this topic once I have heard from all three Hosts and I have a definite finishing time. Update: After being given permission from all three Hosts of Days 8 to 10, the Treasure Hunt will end at the end of Day 10. The original post of this topic has been edited accordingly as well.
  17. You haven't begun the quest yet according to my storage, since I don't see your name among the participants, so keep searching. :)
  18. Edited original post to add the first clue and the password for the clickables. Good luck to all participants!
  19. Updated original post with the rewards. More sponsors are welcome. :)
  20. And so, I decided to get my hands dirty and make the first hesitant steps into the world of quest making. As an attempt to contribute to the celebrations of the 10th MD Birthday, I have prepared a small treasure hunt. It consists of eleven clues, which are scattered all over the place save the first one that will be posted in this topic in due time. Each clue will point, directly or indirectly, at the location (scene) of the next clue until the last one that will lead to the final treasure. The quest is entirely based on scripted clickables that can be found in No Man's Land, Marind Bell, Loreroot, Golemus, Necrovion, the East and the Archives. It's a race. It may not matter when you will begin the hunt**, but it does matter how long it will take you from beginning to end. The fastest one wins. Requirements: Only one account per player – no alts are allowed. How to start: Post your account name on this topic. (It's not required for participation, but it can give a good understanding on how much interest there is on the quest) First clue: "My shallow hills are the faces of kings. My horizon is always near. My music sends men to the grave. My absence sends men to work. Find what I am, then follow the wind to find me." Password: TreasureHunt (Very original, I know :P ) - To be used on every clickable throughout the quest. Duration: The quest will run from Day 7 00:00 ST to the end of Day 10. Rewards: First Place: Wish Point and Ann.Aramor (from Chewett and BFH) + picks first a spellstone* Second Place: Morph (from Chewett and BFH) + picks second a spellstone* Third Place: 1 Gold Coin and a Send to GoE spellstone (from Chewett and BFH) + takes the last spellstone* *Spellstones from my collection that are provided as rewards: Mirrorritual, Silvertongue, Locate All participants that finish the quest will also be rewarded. More sponsors are welcome. **In case of a tie (same amount of time spent from beginning to end), the starting time will be taken into account to determine the winners. And this is how the rewards are distributed at the moment. Once the quest is finished and I have the results in my possession, I will work together with the Day Host and the Administrators should a tie actually happen. For any questions, concerns, problems, this topic and my in-game and forum mailboxes are open. Feedback is also welcome. Edited to add rewards. Edited again to add first clue and password. And edited a third time to update the quest duration.
  21. I could lend a hand with this as well.
  22. 5SC on 8.
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