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Everything posted by Valoryn

  1. Valoryn
  2. I'm interested in the Land Weapons. I have spent some time doing research on Loreroot's Land Weapon based partly on information here in the forum, partly on in-game exploration and discussions with other players and partly on my own weird intuitive guesses.
  3. "I don't feel my body like a cage. I can do all sorts of weird things with it that seem impossible to most. When I'm out there, I don't merely play a character in a story. I try to bring a person to life; I think like them and act like them. Sometimes, I'm so close to them that I feel it's them that get the applause in the end. But after the curtain falls and the lights go off, when all that's left is sweat, pain and two knees that can hardly keep me up, I don't dare look in the mirror of my dressing room. I no longer recognise the face reflected there as my own, after the make-up is gone and "they" fade along. I find it rather scary-looking, like a terrifying abomination that has emerged from my worst nightmares. I feel safe when I hide behind "them". "They" are my shield... and my cage... There are times, however, when I wish I could break free..." Note: I don't seek Tribunal citizenship but, like Maebius, I felt this topic triggered something inside that sort of required a response from my part.
  4. Activity: Daily, but mainly during the morning; my presence at other times during the day depends on how merciful Real Life decides to be. Role: Guardian of the Root (current loyalty leader). Nothing more specific that's worth mentioning.
  5. Elrond - 7 SC
  6. Chrome (Version 38.0.2125.122) worked fine for me with no issues. Same for IE (Version 11.0.9600.17358).
  7. Elrond - 5 SC
  8. @Aeoshattr: At least, when you try to point fingers do it properly. A major factor that can determine how easy or difficult it is to take over an alliance is the leader's "loyalty"* and, in a lesser extent, whether said leader is on-line and fast enough to react during a take-over attempt. My own loyalty was still low and easy to surpass and I was absent during most of the day it all happened. *I quote the word, because I don't consider actual loyalty to be something that can be measured. @DD: You are correct that you have nothing to do with me. You went inactive long before I got the badge and remained inactive through most of my stay in the Guardians, so you don't know if I was just invited because of my charms (<== sarcasm), or I was watched, tested, tortured, beaten to death or whatever before I joined the Guardians. You also left the Guardians before I was put at the helm. If I'm to take decision making lessons, I will gladly accept them but from people who have some skill in the area. To remind you, you were the one asking for your badge back, to change your mind only hours later, to ask for it again the next day, to decide against it once more a few further hours later. So, as a word of advice, next time you question other people's decision making abilities or other skills or lack thereof, look at your own hump first. To the topic: GotR may have practically appeared like nothing more than a nicely drawn badge next to my name, with all the benefits that come along with it, but it had an actual significance to me that's still hard to put properly in words: perhaps a bond bringing people together like Ary put it in his post or an extra layer on the bond between people and their land, perhaps even an alliance enhancing my own role in MD as well when speaking on a more personal level. It's very easy to speak about recognition, good impression, showing of activity and other similar things and be eloquent, even poetic, about it as well. It takes a ton of effort behind the scenes, however, to get anything done from the simplest and most mundane thing to the biggest, most extraordinary, realm-wide event or whatever. Personally speaking, I don't consider the leader's position as one of power or glory. It's more of one of responsibility, of endless hours of thankless work and the one that gets all the thrashing and beating when "nothing is happening" as far as an ordinary player is concerned. I don't care about recognition, good impression, popularity, fame, glory and the like. I have done things quietly without advertising them, I still do things, I will keep doing things even if I remain shadowed till after I'm long gone from MD. What matters more to me is whether I like doing them or not, whether my free time (which is currently a luxury I rarely have) is put to good use or just wasted away. Whether other people will pat me on the back or praise my work is nothing I would make a purpose in my life (I'm not unappreciative when it does happen; I just don't live for it) and I don't intend to put whatever effort I have made so far or may make in the future in the service of popularity or fame or in the name of making a good impression. I don't like making promises about grandiose events to be had in the future or this and that kind of activities to be planned "soon" either, because there is always the danger of delivering an absolute nothing in the end lurking in the corner. There are ideas floating about (nothing concrete so far, I admit), but also a lot of mundane but important things that have to be done behind the scenes and will most likely remain unseen. My availability is very limited and it's not expected to change for the better in the foreseeable future. So, any progress made from my part on the GotR revival will be slow and at irregular intervals. But the revival of an alliance isn't and shouldn't become a one-man's-show any way. I also dislike writing walls of text such as this one, but some things needed to be made known publicly.
  9. I will participate as well.
  10. I will participate as well.
  11. Skills: Translating documents, mainly literature and poetry, Proof-reading, Story telling, Organisational skills, experience at using spreadsheets and databases to keep things tidy, No coding, scripting or drawing skills, Some limited experience in bug-testing. Interests in MD: Roleplay and increase of activity within the realm. What you would like to work on now: Spell-checking and other minor things where my skills can be of some use. Minor drawback: On vacation till Monday 18/8.
  12. Principle: Balance and Imagination, as a very close second, are the two principles I find myself more drawn towards, not just in my in-game life where Imagination dominates ("Do you all hear that or is it just me?" ;)) and Balance seems like a distant and elusive goal, but mainly in my life out of the game, where both principles work in tandem like a motivating force, a tool and a source to create flow in motion, art. Element: Water, with Wind being a close second as well, again following the "flow in motion" idea. Land affiliation: Loreroot, more because of my adaptability to the "wild and harsh" side of life, like strict routine (in training and otherwise) and heavy working schedules, than any kind of affinity with nature, but with minor tendencies towards Marind Bell.
  13. Thank you all very much.
  14. Valoryn
  15. It's my images that missed your tweaks, Ary, because I made them before seeing yours and when I came here to post mine, it was too late in the night to edit them and add your changes too. To avoid repeating the posts above, I agree with most suggestions, I just don't consider showing honour for alliance members or the "Protected by" text you added as a must have. It doesn't hurt to have them though, since they aren't really secret and they don't take up too much space to make their addition problematic.
  16. After making the wild assumption that the whole free space around the avatar is reserved for medals, I took the first image from my previous post, multiplied the medals it had, added a couple more lines to the description and came up with this: I'm not sure if medals can have that much of an impact on the size of the first page, considering that the avatar dimensions are pretty much standard and only the description can vary in length and potentially make this page too long. My idea is to keep most, if not all, roleplay elements on the first page (as I said before, if the buttons for the character's papers can still fit in the first page after these changes, they should remain in it), while having the second one for the combat related content and other miscellaneous information. Besides, if players are active and contribute so much to the realm to earn so many medals that can no longer fit on either side of the avatar, then I suppose they also deserve to be given a display case (in the form of a list like the achievements, perhaps?) to publicly show all the medals they have earned, while still displaying only a few of them (the most recent ones?) around their avatar, but that's a different matter entirely.
  17. In truth, the mini-profile could still fit in two pages without the need to add a third one. What I did above was to shift the avatar upwards (I probably overdid it though -- working with graphics isn't really my thing), move the "More..." button and the "Mind Power" text closer to each other and remove the buttons for the character's papers from the first page to free some space for the description to fit in. If the shifting and moving around can make enough room on their own, then the buttons for the papers can remain on the first page. On the second page, I merely put the character's stats in place of the description without changing anything else. In the case of protectors, the second page could change as above: the alliance badge (when applicable) could be shifted to one side to make room for loyalty, honour and so on, while the frame with the name list could grow a little smaller in height to make room for the character's stats.
  18. 150050
  19. AD: 199 Volition: 35.56 No grinding, just the usual long walks I have been taking almost ever since I came to the realm.
  20. intuition noun \ˌin-tü-ˈi-shən, -tyü-\ : a natural ability or power that makes it possible to know something without any proof or evidence : a feeling that guides a person to act a certain way without fully understanding why : something that is known or understood without proof or evidence 1 : quick and ready insight 2 a : immediate apprehension or cognition b : knowledge or conviction gained by intuition c : the power or faculty of attaining to direct knowledge or cognition without evident rational thought and inference Intuition can fit the idea of getting a better understanding of something, like when walking through highly viscous areas to bring them back to reality and revive their memory. It can also motivate the creation of new items based on that understanding, but it can be easily lost as well, because it's more instinct-driven and not really the result of prolonged learning or deep studying of things, both of which can't be forgotten that easy.
  21. Yes, I see them normally on Firefox (version 24 beta 9 on Win7 SP1 32-bit). ETA: After restarting my PC, I now encounter this problem too when using Firefox. I also tried Opera 12.16, Safari 5.1.7 and Chrome 29.0, but I had the same problem in all of them.
  22. Valoryn 246890 117
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