*lightbulb* Idea!
Contest change: instead, it will be a ritual making contest, using a restricted number of creatures, and only level 1 creatures, 0% personal stats
Creature to be used will be: 2x Heretic archers, 2x aramors, 1x barren soul and 1x grasan
Competitors will be able to use less creatures, but it's limited to those six. No tokens, no stats.
I'll get someone to choose who's number is what, or we'll play a game to decide, but basically it'll be like this:
1 and 2 will fight, 3 and 4 will fight, and we'll say 1 and 4 win. Then 2 would fight 3, say 2 wins, so 2 would fight 5, and say 5 wins, so then I'd think of a number, and say 4 gets it, or closest to it, so 1 and 5 would fight, 4 would fight the loser, so in 1 vs. 5, we'll say 5 wins, and then in 1 vs. 4, 4 wins, so 4 would fight 5 and the winner wins the prize ^^
Yeah, sorta confusing, but I think it'll work well ^^