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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. i was wondering the same thing
  2. yea more ppl which can get easly killed its like having few maxed drachs that are online in wrong time and tons of eles lvl 2 on mb side, while there are tons of predators out there which hunt our lil eles i hope that ya now got the picture edit: in other words numbers are working against bell
  3. no actually going through hidden exit for lorerootians its much slower becoz, or more accurate 2 regens slower than going through mareble dale park, but thing is that its most easier to score at winds sanct than at any other capitol, from marble dale park to winds sanct path is 2 times shorter than path to mount keletha or ravenhold
  4. yea wot clock said is only thing that makes sense to me, since mb was most targeted land secondly where exactly is that land treasury, coz in that tab up there called treasury i still see only mdnp and artisans treasury and nothin else
  5. sry cant contact him, i just saw him at winds sanct, it was late so i didnt stayed long and i didnt got his reply in chat, neither i added him to friends list
  6. nice work awi btw i just saw actraiser ingame
  7. yea ya have to think a bit, but once ya get it its very simple, i like it this way how it is but on other hand defenders have overpowered mobility on theirs land so to speak maybe it would be better if ya move with exploring points, on yours and nml ya lose 1 xpl for each more on enemy's land ya lose all but one for each move, so moving will be same as it is now, but it will slightly reduce defenders mobility, while only attacking would consume ap
  8. ah fast double regen pwns few days before torch contest get 20 creats trained at lvl 1 to met requirements for maxed level get torch stay in capitol ya cant be attacked and ya get double and faster regen which is awesome becoz ya will max all those creats in no time and if ya are in need of ve just get out of sanct and move a bit around to recover some ve, ya can do this since it is your land so ya lose 1 ap per move
  9. yea if ya dont have access in there yet ya cant enter it although with torch ya should be able, its same thing here, i cant pass through gates of ages as for regen, idk then
  10. Regeneration times are faster and values regenerated are double [color="#FF0000"]if[/color] you fight for your land. eh so... i fight for my land and my regen is faster thing is ya arent associated with any land yet
  11. hehe yea i cant pass through gates of ages although its said i will be able, and now i am at deathmarrow and nobody to kill.... dang
  12. happy b-day
  13. i have seen him ingame more than few times, never talked, but as much as i know he is still drawing for the game
  14. wishes are: torch contest (its getting boring yea), more wish shop things to buy, then champ challenge and champ dome to get finished ofc and i cant think of anything else atm
  15. 40 mins cooldown dont help ally at all since most of ally members are perm balanced and those who arent are the ones who are strong so they dont need to worry
  16. huh so non ally players cant get perm balance? odd and ofc all those high cooldown for allies are very damaging
  17. good question, i wanna hear this
  18. no no no, king is a king, but king in chess is wood/plastic/glass figurine [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img] so king isnt the one in charge a big guy commands him [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img]
  19. yea i agree something needs to be done about this btw as for honor, its becoz of win/vict/lose/def system, it should have been for all mp levels same rules as it is for mp3s, although that isnt perfect either, but it is MUCH better than current system, current system only has sense for heads contest nothing else, but in mp5 nobody competes anymore and if they do they wouldnt be able to gain heads since they are new mp5s and weak and will get killed in round 0 before any of theirs creats even gets a chance to attack, thats due to tokens, powerful rituals such as full drach rit, high stats combined with high ve
  20. yea a king, slow to move and easy to kill
  21. no, and this is a way offtopic so i close this [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img]
  22. why would i do that? and interesting question is how would i do that?
  23. hehe chew started to multiply himself, not so long ago i saw 2 chews on forum [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons//blum.gif[/img] so its getting weird
  24. yea really ban doesnt makes sense to me, he had no profit from it at all
  25. yea like burns said, but i have to add something to it, if ya train alt to mp5 its nonsense just becoz ya wont be able get any real heads, i mean all those new totally overpowered creats, ya get dead in round 0 so its no longer fun and strategy alone wont work as it was before also not enough protectors and no spells allowed, ex winners cant take heads, many bugs fixed, really not fun anymore so why bother lets hope mur will finish that torch contest and make it balanced so we can have some fun, and it will be even more cool if it will be only contest for fun, improvement and respect no shitty rewards, after all its teamplay, 4 different teams compete, well on that side it might be good if one land wins that land gets something new implemented, but its just idea
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