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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. stop the chatization of forum (really dunno how to say it properly in english O.o )
  2. yea i like it grihorn gri from grido and horn from drachorn
  3. eh? wots this again some mutation influenced by necros
  4. well point is wot if ya dont have any of them XD well i would suggest something much more brutal, to borrow few pimpys from someone and drug them with viagra or is that too brutal
  5. wot if someone sacks all creats and votes?
  6. oh great......... yea count me in i think i should just shut up
  7. hmm i dont use it, since ya can only see things with it and not take any actions, and since when i am online then i am always on md so i dont use it, but if it doesnt updates itself, then i guess ya will have to wait till mur makes new version of it
  8. eh? stat grinder isnt equal as bug researcher, i and bored are having fun looking for them and we arent stat grinders most fun in here is to look for bugs oh yea and forge evil planz to take over md realm XD
  9. oh oke.... PS: roflmao
  10. LOL, is thats why i dont see ya online ingame
  11. Liberty4life

    Happy B-Day!

    happy b-day
  12. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' post='33001' date='Jun 8 2009, 10:58 AM']You access it via the links on the [color="#FF0000"]left[/color] hand side of the page. So where you see the links for RPC list, Adventure log, Most popular, Webcam etc etc, you will find a link that says Personal Page.[/quote] its right side ~problem solved, topic closed
  13. very interesting, almost same what i had in mind when i posted one post about how market should function overall
  14. [quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' post='32930' date='Jun 7 2009, 08:45 PM'][img]http://i79.servimg.com/u/f79/13/29/91/72/th/swarm10.gif[/img][/quote] this one is from game age of wonders 2 the wizards throne, its artwork in spell book for spell called swarm it cant be used
  15. well as much as i can see, nobody did it, its strange bug :s if somebody have done it on purpose to lock ya in dream, then believe me it would look much differently, ya would see artwork, there would be chat, player list, and normal stuff that are found in every location plus timer which tells ya how long will ya remain in there, while ya have none of those things, that means its bug
  16. that i dont know how and why exactly ya got in there, only mur can find out and fix both bugs as for dream.... once long ago it used to be dangerous place where ya could get killed.... or even worse... first lose your arm and then lose your stats LOL and then eventually die, then it turned to be like jailing place for dojo offenders, and now its just a nice and private place for important talks and for chief lhos to issue warnings XD
  17. hah, then ya are simply in dream lets hope that someone with dream control sees this and takes ya out edit: huh i still wonder how did ya got into dream.... and there is no pict and no chat, nothing O.o
  18. first time i see this problem,, hmm but lets see try using this link and tell me what ya got as result EDIT by Chewett: removed what i removed.
  19. ah i just now noticed other topic.... no need to double post, aw.... so i will just separate this and close
  20. try common drill if ya havent already (deleting cookies and cache, refreshing, login/logout) if it doesnt works then provide me with screenshot, browser type and version and platform type and version please
  21. lol, i see tons of ways how is this possible lol i have on my mp3 17 maxed creats so whats the prob?
  22. eh? now i am jelous on rpcs and i think that for now i have only one reason why to become rpc and thats hc
  23. aw noooo, yami sry to see ya leave, but then there is nothing what can be done to keep ya, so gl irl
  24. oh just a question, is situation any better now at mp5? i mean are people finally balanced?
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