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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. aeo, thing is this game isnt for kids, in same way as it isnt for adults, this game is for everyone who can comprehend how this game works, one of main things in this game but not only one, is building of society, and that includes politics and many many more aspects from real life, if you dont understand that, or if you dont want to mess with that, then dont, you can still just fight, do casual roleplaying, and other stuff, but almost everything is politics!! not just here, every game that has more than 2 players includes some types of politics btw please get back on topic
  2. eh, get life? i will just retell again old joke with a slight edit little bunny asked his dad: daddy, daddy is it true that internet is making people stupid, daddy bunny turned away from computer, gave to his son a weird look and said: WTF?? LOL!!
  3. read adventure log, story branch called the shades balance
  4. hehe easy pick, sword slash, i have all docs except lvl 1 and as far as i know lvl 1 was never released in play since that spell fits best with my role of fighter proficient with sword, thats why i chosen it but since lvl 1 is missing idk if it will suit best for quest
  5. so there is a limit like that lol nice info came out from that epic bug testing
  6. additional challenge? hmm sounds nice, winner can challenge my best mp3 i have if he beats him, to hell i will give him 10 silver
  7. ~thing solved, topic closed
  8. dummy def is solution for everything
  9. you cant participate for fun anymore, since january of this year thats impossible, you can only just normally fight but you cant take heads, so then where is fun?
  10. well rpc is high enough position, so i think that for cases like this you can say you are a moderator of some kind
  11. bird bug with attack aura is already known and posted somewhere as far as i remember
  12. it really is true that by all statistics gold should be worth less silver, but lets face it player with enough credits can get all silver with ease, becoz silver is in same section, while gold is last item in each section, that makes it a way harder to reach it, so for free credit guys gold is worth more than 15 silver, and to the ones who donate gold is less worth, especially if they use resets and buy whole shop again, but not everybody has this possibility thus making it hard to get, that means its rare, and thats why gold is in my opinion priced with 15 silver
  13. this is right place for it that other storyline is about actual storyline (with marind) not al this is for al topic as for cube, according to al, they meet at graveyard in necro
  14. yea exactly my point with increased entries height needs to be increased as well pink? nope, but why pink?
  15. i dont think that expanding width will help, since lines are counted by entries if i remember right its like 12-15 entries, and if text is going into second line then you get bigger chat so you need to scroll but number of entries are same, only thing to do is with heigh as for green, murry reserved it for his small announcements
  16. i will tell you what will happen, if coins are exchangeable for creds, alt owners will get more motivated to win hc spend creds on coins, give them to main and huh they have credits and mur disabled credits transfer just becoz of that, also another problem is that silver will be exchanged for credits, nobody would keep silver/gold, everybody will exchange it for credits resulting in credits inflation which already exists and you wont have money to trade with, you will get back to item/creat for item/creat trade
  17. there will be always money to cashout since i put limit on number of cashouts, and i am not type of person who leaves just like that, well anyway trust on market needs to be earned, if somebody trusts me, and if it shows up that i can be trustful then more people will come
  18. or just let the bank do all the job for you
  19. Why to get bank account? * you won't need to worry about safety transactions anymore, bank will do them for you * you can save your money for a month and earn interest * you will be able to get a loan * you can exchange currencies * other won't know how rich you really are by looking at your inventory So make your finances private thing and let bank manage them for you! I own my little bank, below is written how it works, to pm me business requests about bank, you have to chose forced label named: Bank, otherwise I will ignore you and delete your pm. That is first rule of bank. Other rules, do exactly what I tell you to do, otherwise you can lose your money, with that I mean don't send me money before I tell you how to send it and when, this is just to prevent cheaters, if everybody sends me money in uncontrolled way and sends me pms saying you send xxx amount of money, somebody could just send pm without sending money, then I wouldn't be able to know who is the one that tried to cheat me since there is no notification system to tell me that. To prevent that from happening first you pm how much money you want to send on your account or account of someone else as payment for trade, that means you must say for who is that money, for you or somebody else who has account in bank, then you must tell me amount of how much money you will send to me. Then when I read it and confirm your request I will tell you where to send it, for this I will use my Libs, you aren't allowed to send money to Libs without my approval first otherwise you lose your money. By using my Libs I will know exactly who send money and I will have exact amount and nothing would be missing. To get involved into payment system you need following: * open account in bank, to do so, you just need to pm me saying you want your own bank account * then you need to send your money on it (silver and/or gold), once you open your account I will tell you how to send me money (*note above with full details) * you have your account and your money on it, now you are bank client and you now have right to ask for cash out of your money at any time, you have right to take a loan and to deposit your money (more details about it you can find below) * you can send requests to make payment to someone from your bank account to his/her or to cash out money to him/her (similar thing as sending money to your account, you need to tell me name to who I need to transfer your funds, how much of them and do I need to cash it out or just to transfer from one account to other and afterwards you get confirmation that it has been done) Note: bank takes its interest, when you cash out your money to yourself or to someone else, if amount is 30 silver or higher bank will take interest of one coin, that means for cashouts over 30 silver you must have amount of money you want to cash out plus one more silver coin, we don't take interest when cashing out gold, also to prevent others from not paying this interest and to make bank stable and to avoid bankrupt there are some limitations, 5 cashouts per day, and same person can request cashout only once per week Currency exchange business: Bank will exchange silver into gold and gold into silver. Currently trade is counted by middle ratio of gold:silver=1:15.5; if you are buying gold then ratio is 1:16, if you are selling gold then ratio is 1:15; those ratios can change due to market. Investment deposit: You can your money put into deposit, that means you lose right of disposal of your money for specific time, for this bank will pay you interest. How much you will earn that all depends on how you make deal with bank. Loans: You can take loans from bank, if you do, bank wants to be sure you can return money you borrowed from bank thats why we will take guarantees, you are obligeted to return money in specific time and bank takes interest for lending you money. This all depends on your deal with bank. As guarantee you will pay back money you borrowed we will need some equivalent. It could be pm from other person which has account and enough money in bank that s/he guarantees for you, if you wont be able to pay it, that person will lose its money. Other way is that you give us item/s, value of items will be calculated based on market, that means Kriskah will tell how much is it worth. Other way is to give ctc code of creature/s that has some value, this is based on Kragel's list of creature values, note this is not recomanded, becoz we will take that creature from you, it will lose everything, only thing that will stay is 50% of its age and tokens. If you return money you borrowed, we return you your creature/s or item/s. If you don't return money you borrowed, bank will sell your creature/s and/or item/s to Kragel/Kriskah for value estimated before and then they will resell it on market for higher price. For example if you dont give us back our money and you gave us your drach then I sell it to Kragel for price he has on his list of creature values (if I remember correctly it is 25 silver for drach) and then he sells it for higher, depending on market. so this means first md bank is open yey, ~things about bank will be updated on my hate list (btw read it coz i am also buying some infos) and in here, also i can be mainly found in marind bell
  20. i support it too, question is who will write it?
  21. [quote name='Kragel' post='30310' date='May 5 2009, 07:09 PM']first off its kinda funny you would LET her do the job she is already doing ... and yes she is doing it very well already...[/quote] oke i expressed myself with wrong words i see, i meant to say that she should continue doing that job, but not taking whole market as her job, or again in other words this means she would be best to remain in that section of market i described, i also said she should supervise it, in other words with that i meant as market will expand she will need helping hands, here comes in play good organization and that means guild yea i also want to remind you that on last auction ya had rpcs and other popular people, thats why its earned so much, in future you will be mainly selling new folks as slaves so lets say ya will earn like 5 coins per slave, hmm this is just my view how will it look like, this doesnt means it will necessarily happen, but this is key thing to have new folks on auction becoz this will get them involved and that will make it easier to evolve on next stage to get theirs job and such and that can all trigger whole economy with real employers as for bank idea, since people and employers are intended to have there money deposited in bank, and have theirs accounts, it means loans will be much easier to be given out, and thus savings can got easily implemented, becoz all money will be cycling on bank accounts, and we all know what it means, i will very soon give out all details who it will work exactly, and your idea with ctc vault is great becoz if player gives specific creature as guarantee that he will pay back his loan, i am will be forced to use that ctc and store that creature... in that case creature will lose age and level, etc so then even if player pays back his loan he is at loss, thats why i wont support much receiving ctcs as guarantee for loans, if this would be solved with kragels idea about ctc vault, this would pwn
  22. first of all i apologize for not reading it all carefully, so i will say how i see it now and what should be done nice market has initial capital, now how to spend it and make it flow...... to answer that lets divide market okies, so we have normal market with goods (items) just building up as kirskah have imagined it, so i ofc i would let her do that part of job, to supervise over whole market of goods, in addition to items, creatures can be also traded, so i found this also as goods for trade so to speak, and well we can also include services market into this goods market in case there is someone who wants to work alone and offer his services openly on market (dont mistake this with jobs as for working for someone else who pays you, in here i count in only entrepreneurs), so items and creatures need to be bought first to trade them later, so this is one way to spend founds on then second part of market that is needed is market of "human resources", yea exactly what we already have... slave auction was big hit wasnt it, well those werent actually slaves, it was more like job, and the one who bough one of them used them in some way, and "slave" got paid, just like in doing some job... only difference is that the one was sold like slave hehe, so this slavery seams to be more rp based jobs and still paid? wow nice, it could later nicely evolve into real jobs, who would say that one day you will be paid for rping, and on other side in same time real jobs can be paid, just like editing papers and other things mentioned by kriskah, well to this i will add one more thing that should be included in this, we have MDU, and where are lectures?? well lets boost this also up, everyone who makes a lecture/teaching for mdu should be paid, same thing for mda, who makes article, why not pay him and third part which is needed..... is money market, that means bank and guess what i plan to open one i will do job of exchanging currency (silver/gold), make people have theirs accounts, loans will become widely available and people will be even able to earn in bank for example savings and investing deposits (not sure if this is said like this on english), so since i know how real banks work, i think i wont have much problems in making this work just need to put all together and write it down
  23. handy pockets, i already told him that, read what other post as well
  24. just give me an answer to last paragraph in my post before this one, and i know it all
  25. yea i see it, well now i see, that i do my part as intended, i am not supposed to be noticed much on that part which i do, and yes back then i was asking around, observing and stuff, but somehow always some questions got unanswered, still people count unnoticed roleplaying as bad roleplaying as far as i can see it, or maybe it is just becoz i am one of those who seek and learn in secrecy and keep things in theirs group and this part which is supposed to be as noticed reaction with enemy... hmm interesting thing how you describe it kafuuka, more things now have sense to me, i wanted to ask something more about how to do it but i forgot it right now also i am proud that i had like 10-15 days when i became pwr and got writer medal for my story its miracle how i achieve it that early , i guess writing good story and doing things according to principals and values i presented in story i got it, and now i have an idea on something new i will do and with it expand my roleplaying much much more in this realm edit: kafuuka, ya said about doing remarkable things... well thing is i have remarkable ideas i dont know how to make them reality, how to materialize them, on many things i have idea, same problem bumps up, HOW? how to achieve it, maybe there is also a fear of failure in work, or something for example, seekers have been trying in past to contact angiens, and we failed, even now if lets say i know what is needed to achieve it, question is how to do, i mean its worthless if you do it and nobody sees you and then nothing happens, if you get what i am talking about
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