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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. they arent natural enemies, just like sharks and bears arent does sharks hunt for bears or vice versa? lol
  2. angiens natural enemies to shades? wtf
  3. i think that this means no MD for death ring
  4. oke chew had to say that all accs are oke, just like the staff in airplane, if plane is going to crash they will tell ya everything is going ouu right and dont panic yea akasha i play actively at least on 10 of my alts and as for others i am pretty sure i logged in recently
  5. yea actually when i click to any player be it 366 active days or on chewby that thing is first blue and then it becomes red dunno why
  6. yea but what if some players dont want adepts at all, if they havent looked for them and players chose them up and became theirs adepts
  7. eh a bit ot, but ya cant use wp for xp reset anymore
  8. if ya bought both avy features then ya can at anytime buy avy of any lvl and just to be sure always click edit
  9. eh poetry co? that doesnt tells me who it is, or is there a player called Poetry
  10. hehe ty
  11. hmm well creats get stronger only by upgrading to the next level, its kinda sad that they dont get better stats just like players does while training them, if this was possible then those combat-wise useless creats would became useful and much more shown up what type of person someone is like burns said, if he uses knators he is wild, if grasans then he is brutal, etc, also it would be much better that creats are different from each other by theirs abilities and eventually targets, its kinda a waste to see 2 or more creats with same abilities and targets with stats being only thing that makes them different
  12. if he passes first round lol
  13. huh 1k active members? right.... and i have nobody to fight btw lifeline who helpd ya with that id
  14. yea just tell dst or shadow or cutler to borrow ya 4 wps to start one of k groups
  15. war??? and where is bigc in book of ancients? and is my description of soe so awesome so it ended up in mda?
  16. when shadow gets suspicious somebody ends up in jail
  17. nonsense, song in dojo is much more worse, and nobody complained, lol
  18. great, i wont be able to come at the start i will be there like 14h serv time so no worries i guess
  19. hmm actually i have too much archers with maxed age x4 would ya guys accept those instead of coins?
  20. here take some spam [img]http://blog.lib.umn.edu/wilsper/informationcentral/spam.jpg[/img]
  21. hmm making "block" list of players before scheduling auction should work for this
  22. hmm it seams that junior is no longer playing, many items were lost on him, thats sad hmm jobs that will be interesting, i hope that this time i will came on time
  23. not a big deal chewy now lets all gather for one big hug
  24. its about time, nice thing to see it again with double number of items since last time up for sale, i hope that next time it will be 12 or more items
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