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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. ~dont double post, use edit to me its too early, i cant attend that quest if it was like 4 hours later i would reserve my seat and come
  2. i vote for buns becoz he is awesome, i liked his mini quests of awesomeness i even got wp for that, it was long time ago but it was one of best rpc quests from my point of view, oh also when i am at goe (not much lately) i can never attack grido, becoz he is messing with illusions, but i can beat buns so i had more profit from buns than from grido so this is just like politics should be, you vote for the one from who you profited more
  3. oh well same thing my point was double login
  4. eh..... thats called double login, and it has been used before......... guy logged in with his ip address or with proxy, and while he was online, she logged in too with her american ip, so since account was online in the time of second login it kept flag from first login edit: dst ... uh solaris nice
  5. :s eh before your edit it said golemus and your first post was in there for lr ally, then ya posted for gg, then ya said for golemus and then ya edited for loreroot, oh lol, this will be interesting
  6. [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3960&pid=31842&st=0&#entry31842"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.p...amp;#entry31842[/url] so where do ya want to go lr or gg lol
  7. question: raven is necro, how in nine hells could he vote if he isnt loreroot anymore
  8. ah i am not in mood to check it again and complete all those challenges again, they are almost all old but yes there are some good tutorials, as for absolute safety i think that well maintained linux system shouldnt ever have security problems @dst: get linux, install vmware and create virtual machine with it and dont give it access to internet, install windows on it, and then ya can play games safely, as for online games, most of them work on linux anyway linux arent for gaming
  9. eh bruteforcing isnt effective anymore due to login cooldowns, miss password 5 times and ya have to wait 15min-1h, and if you know someone irl, easiest way is physical access, and then you do what you want and how you want but on other hand as long as you are running windows with internet connection ya arent safe (well if you have it with no internet connection that just means no data theft but your data can still be deleted)
  10. i more prefer word criminal and if person knows her irl, then it could be physical access to her computer and dumping stored passwords, if was in his place, thats how i would do it (in case he knows her irl as said somewhere before)
  11. well yea that was my point, that both players are online in same time
  12. no offense but this is a BS guys who do this never use accounts they got, well they use accs like rs premium, but they just dont have time to mess with some game called magicduel, if you understand what i mean, they get tons of user/pass all the time, they dont have time to use them, they sell them or share them, give away, they dont keep them, they make them public somewhere as a proof of work they have done and to show that they are capable of work so they get respect and reputation in community in which they are only if someone actually had her as target may be using her account, but usually for stuff like this you dont have target, only if it is becoz of some personal issues, and then it isnt worth of risk, thats why i think it was done by some random guy, and someone else is now using her account and kafuuka already said many methods, and still it isnt event half of possibilities edit: oh so after all it was a personal thing, sry i misread it, things like that are very rare
  13. i say master needs to be someone who knows stuff, if master doesnt knows stuff how will he teach his adept, also on other side of coin, adept needs to be active, same timezone as master, and most important of all he needs his will for learning, exploring, experimenting, also most important of all adpet has to be fast learner
  14. no no no, thing is i have 10 adepts which are always inactive havent seen them for very long time, and when ever i check it they are all inactive, and it still says that i have 1 adept well i am not sure for what happened to blackwood, most likely he has to wait till next count
  15. you need to refresh
  16. interesting i have 10 inactive adepts and it still says to me that i have 1 adept, although i have no use of any adepts so i dont mind having or not having adepts
  17. actually there are two of this fragments there, and they dont have shape of cube
  18. i say, remove high honor bonus if defending player has less wins than losses and give penalizations (if someone cares to work out this idea, no problems), rebalance whole realm and balance issue is solved, or there is another way, make ally and non ally player to have same amount of actions and rounds in fight, this will result in more players joining alliances and then honor wont matter anymore as for teaching new players how to fight, ya need more fighting competitions, for now there is only hc, and we all know how it looks like today, soon we should get torch thing, well competitions are the ones that make it hard, coz everyone gives theirs best, and other can learn from it, why everyone gives theirs best? becoz of reward for the best, its all simple, its all so selfish
  19. hmm ya have good point, but truth is, will people follow that idea and will realm get balanced on theirs own without mur's intervention, i guess i am only one balanced, and i am balanced for VERY VERY VERY LONG time, or to be precise, i am balanced since perpetual balance got implemented, gaining stats its hard (impossible) for me in this way, but i can manage my creats, and upgrade them as i need them and when i need them without any problems and still stay at max honor
  20. its enough, good that arguing with luna is over, no need to start another one with amoran, if any of ya want to add anything more do it ingame or on im ~topic closed and moved
  21. gl irl, we hope ya will return
  22. actually marv it is important if one uses tokens or not, if dst has greater damage without tokens... ya dont wanna know what will be with tokens, everything dead in one round no matter how high ve and def ya have
  23. but marv uses tokens if i am not mistaken lol, if thats with tokens, then thats nothing
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