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Everything posted by Liberty4life

  1. its official he liked them here is chat log [quote]Liberty: i have something for ya *Sagewoman*: Yes Sloak Liberty: (look at your inventory) *Sagewoman*: all are in Sanctuarys Sloak: hehe where?? Willem RedBeard: Indeed... congratulations Shadowseeker! .Chewett.: Omg please no *Sagewoman*: Hi Chewett. Liberty: .Chewett.: LOL : Willem RedBeard laughs Shadowseeker: Heh, thanks. Willem RedBeard: I'll buy them from you for a silver, Chewett! *winks* : *Sagewoman* roars with laughterShadowseeker: And chewy got his slippers .Chewett.: Thanks Lib, i always wanted them *turns around* now where shall i bury him Sloak: but they are all idle *looks down in the dirt with a disapointet look* Sloak: but they are all idle *looks down in the dirt with a disapointet look* : *Sagewoman* grabs onto phantasm for support Liberty: XD .Chewett.: You too sage. Where would you like to be buried. *Sagewoman*: Sloak, do you need to an assignment? *Sagewoman*: What? Im only laughing. Why me/ Liberty: i thought ya will eat us so we can rest in piece in public bathroom XD Shadowseeker: Members of my upcoming quest please don't forget to send me a PM, and regularly check the forum topic. .Chewett.: Oh no. The posting Dead have risen. *looks at Lib* : *Sagewoman* jumps behind Phantasm in mock horror *Sagewoman*: ewww no way *Sagewoman*: Bury me in Marinds Bed. Sloak: Nah just need to see if my tree will survive to die so I can go idle in the dojo... .Chewett.: lol. that will shock some people when they go up there. *Sagewoman*: Sloak, not a good idea. Sloak: I need 80 losses[/quote]
  2. i fixed your id aql its 16449 not 1644
  3. [img]http://img142.imageshack.us/img142/8554/wookieu.jpg[/img] so here it is now i just need to hand them out to chewy
  4. hmm oke... but then by cyclicity, ya live then ya die, now ya should live again after ya die, and then die again, and so on, no? edit: also i thought that there is always a way not to play your part in "big machine"/"break all the rules" (not only counting in society system but also on overall natural system) also if mortality exists should then exist immortality? i think it should and if it should then there must be a way how to reach it
  5. he ignores it
  6. oke since when i am The Posting Dead and since when we have two chewies?
  7. nah i meant, life and death are part of cycle, if ya stop reproduction of species, us humans if we all stop fucking = no new life for us, and we would normally live till we die even without sex, which is theoretically possible, so its kinda a stop to principal of cyclicity, then by principal of balance, since its possible not to create new life, then it should be possible not to die, it is possible to stop the cycle without stopping time, hey if ya dont have sex and dont have kids ya will die, and no time will stop so by principal of balance there should be possible not to die and still with time flowing by i hope ya all understand now what i meant first time
  8. yup thats it bible isnt written by god, its inspired by god
  9. yea i agree but then your bill will huge so i only was using it to check my hc status so its oke to use it to check wots new on md while ya are somewhere without comp, but till ya will be able to play it normally on mob, eh for that ya will have to wait quite a while
  10. eh but its possible to stop reproduction then by principal of balance it should be possible to stop dying
  11. grido is right, its big metaphor, and ya need to see how is it written, how ppl was telling stories back then, and how they understood them, this question king bull pointed out is very easy to answer, at least to me, well this story from bible genesis is written in a way how today newspapers are written in newspapers if it is article about some race, who gets first gets all attention, same thing here, only first ppl got mentioned, and others get included as needed, btw adam means "man" and eve means "of living one" so its metaphor becoz ya cant know what was name of first man and woman, if they even had a name
  12. murry will organize public debates, thats how i got it
  13. oke so as my sig says donate some silver to me for chewy's new wookie slippers goal is to hit 30 (becoz irl they cost 30 bucks) silver and then chewy gets new slippers i already got some donations sagewoman gave me 5 silver by now and ailith donated 1 gold as well krazedkid101 also donated 1 silver and windy gave 4 more silver grido donated another 5 silver so join the fund for chewy's wookie slippers (if ya are wondering i will pay for slippers and 30 silver is for my funeral since chew will kill me when i get him those, and in mdnp it will say that guy got kill by his supervisor becoz he bought him a present) so ya know 3 coins for mdnp ad, 2 coins for ferryman, 5 for musicians, 10 for cookies and other food after funeral, 10 coins to authorities for grave place, for gravedigger to bury me and for my coffin donate fast before chew sees this!!!!!! edit: added ailith as donator, and i count 1gold=15silver so woah edit2: more donators added, krazedkid101 and windy edit3: added grido as donator edit4: sagey gave one more coin so we hit the goal now chewy will get his slippers big thanks to everyone who donated and supported this [img]http://s3.amazonaws.com/bzzagent-bzzscapes-prod/fun-stuff---the-chewbacca-slippers-lrg.png[/img]
  14. i saw it while i was looking for something, cant remember how is it called, damn i know i was reading about it a bit those 3 line symbols, cant remember how it is called, bahhh edit: found it, its called I ching trigrams solid line is yang and open line is yin so picture is presenting some kind of balance, on one side lets say at the top is trigram with all yang, so at bottom is trigram of all yin
  15. *thinks if he should increase warn level to mur becoz of spam* eh marv dont worry, be happy, we have pamp and mda so ya will be able to read it only problem is ya wont be able to ask questions if ya arent attending lecture now i will steal chews cookies and get ready for lesson
  16. eh why is mur called mur? thats the question
  17. closed
  18. sql db is down, server maintenance?
  19. buddy list, alts, or other...... methods?
  20. i havent got them
  21. ya can see it only on your avy
  22. i wonder if with this new combat system, is possible for player to lose in one fight whole personal xp well mur said that each player will be looking for some goal to get from that fight so ultra fast xp lossing will be handy
  23. eh it is, and they are
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