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I am Bored

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Everything posted by I am Bored

  1. hmm... i am most likely close to being the youngest active player..... and yet i have heard or experienced a lot of that....
  2. well i don't have a long enough attention span to read all of your message......
  3. who do you mean by children, as in what age group? as there are some rather prominint pwr's and there is from what i can tell (wich may not be right) there is even an rpc or 2 that i would consider a child, when i say i would consider them a child, i mean there age is under 18, i can say that i myself am not even 18 yet.....
  4. another thing to consider, it doesn't work unless the stat images are included in what is copied.and yes the colors still work, and i can get silver and purple.
  5. unless it is failing to load the thing it is supposed to then it is a mystery as to what is causing this...
  6. why does it say 'nofight activated' at the start of the battle log?
  7. it shouldn't be stopping on different colors, the counter currently goes to 2 years, and the little bars in the diamond tell your their age.... wonder why i am the only one thtat knows this.... although bootes could tell you the age from the arrows..... don't know wether he knows how to telll the days with the diamond....
  8. in other words do as i sugested above, and give both a fixed gain, and a % gain, although i think the value of the % there might be a bit low for the solid bonus..... oh and there are currentl y 42 of those that are released, as i have bought all that i know of..... oh and there are currentl y 42 of those that are released, as i have bought all that i know of..... there are currently 44 actualy released in the game currently (wepons) EDIT by Chewett: Copied from your original Spamming posts.
  9. well i don't wear the set i wear the circles (i'll let you figure out what i mean by that, although look at the helm and kilt of the sungod armor when it is worn, on the equiptment page, and you might know what i mean)
  10. ok, i checked on the armor costs i was looking at, and here is what i have, the war kilt (10,000 VP) give you 8% defence, and the trooper's legging's (17,000) give you 20%, i think this value is a bit inproportunate to the cost to get them..... besides, the war kilt looks better that the legging's, surely that counts for something..... are you talking about set boosts, or single item boosts? and by 1-40% he is talking about if you add the total % bonuses given by an item, if it gives boosts to more than one stat. also possibly, fixed point bonuses, to add to my first suggestions.
  11. well apart from having a few problems with a few of the values (checking on one at the moment) i think it is a good idea, and it also opens up the posibility of things to change your armor, to make it more powerful, give it special effects, change it's aparence, and things like that, and it would be worth it now because the armor actually matters, although i think that the rest of the armor should be made available in some way, overall i think it is a step in the right direction.
  12. by the way guybrush, which way is 'in your favor' ?
  13. hmm.... now i must figure out how to hold my debate when i am unable to send a message to the chat, i can read the chat, and view the player list, but if i click on the names in the chat it doesn't show the right page, and to be able to view the player list and chat, i have to have each open in a seperate chat.... although this may be because i can only access the https Magicduel.... although if the way the action fame is coded is changed so that the 'http://magicduel.com' is '..' like it is most every other place on md... it would work for me... because i am unable to acess any http site, and i am only accessing this through a web based proxy, which doesn't like md's flash, although it does like youtube's flash... not sure why though.... althoguh i could hold the debate via the forum.... oh well.... most likely wouldn't be able to be online at the time that it coudl be sceduled for.... as i don't think i will be able to acess md for the next 3 weeks... [color="#0000FF"]In short: what do you want? Or is this some of your spam? Cause I am starting to get tired of your posts full of non-sense. If you spam at least do it in a funny, constructive way! A really pissed DST[/color]
  14. a bit of advice Esmerelda: If you say you are bored you will generally get more bored, so don't say you are bored when you are bored unless you want to become more bored.
  15. not sure if this has been mentioned yet (i wasn't bored enough to read the entire topic) but what about the option to randomly redistribute the token to another random creature, although this would open the possibility of putting many tokens on one creature, although if it was made less likely for the token to be put on a creature that already has a token, and that effect was greater for every additional token on that creature, that might be able to close to eliminate the possibility of moving all your tokens to one creature, and if it was distributed in this way, if there was a single creature you wanted to have the token, you may have to work a bit at transfering it..... although there could also be a limit on the number of token transfers permitted every day.... as then you could get the token off a creature it hurts (or makes it not work well with another creature) and it would help prevent abuse of the token transfering..... and if it transfered to another creature, you wouldn't lose the money you spent to get the token.
  16. or you could just show me the monster and i could eat it..... i could also possibly make it so MB feels pain every time he says lol (this pain would be internal, and wouldn't actually cause and bodily harm, as all the pain would be purely mental)
  17. wait where am i on the poll?
  18. i knew about that dst but each time when i recruit the shades they each had like 899 vit before any fights.
  19. no i had thought it did because, the shades get more than their max vit when you get them via an mp2 illusion...
  20. that is because the extra vit goes to the creatures not your personal vit. it is split between all your illusion creatures.... not sure but it might also be split with your non illusion creats..... i will check as i ahve an mp2 from golumus with normal creatures. but then again if i say i will check it may never happen... oh and you can't acess your normal creatures in an illusion, even if you don't choose any creatures from an illusion..... unless iab the numberless's creatures were stolen.... which i don't think has happened.... as there was only an aramor and the extra vt doesn't go to your non illusion creatures..... i will check to see if the vit actually does go to the illusion creatures.... as that i just thought was what happens, ii will check to make sure.... if it put each of my edits as a new message on the counter, i think i would have anywhere between 300 and 500 messages.... ok then nevermind about the vit going to the creatures..... i just checked and found it doesn't..... unless.... wonder if the max vit is there but not showing.... hmm..... oh well.... you might as well not bother reading this mesage...
  21. are the public ones veiwable by those in the K group?
  22. and those actually are your messages
  23. oh and The Puzzle Master also had this problem..... wonder if i am completely unable to acess it... and chewett the puzzle master was never an mp2, as it has close to 200 active days..... even if it only has 3k xp..... wait or was it 19 big a that had that problem.....
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