[quote name='Rendril' date='01 November 2009 - 03:20 PM' timestamp='1257110456' post='46333']
The keys are stored an a serialized array, the structure cannot be changed easily.
It affects every location you can access.
As I said, there is no "creator" stored for a key. While a good idea it is not an easy task ot implement. You would also be charging an additional overhead on the server of now storing 2 values for every key, effectively doubling the key-use anyway.
Maybe a simple solution is to append the editor ID and if desired, an expiration date for a key.
[quote name='Kafuuka' date='01 November 2009 - 04:25 PM' timestamp='1257114302' post='46338']
Keeping a list of keynames changes nothing to the keys themselves. If we assume the average key is possessed by ten players, using the list implies one more string constant is saved, increasing the load by 10% if a key is indeed only a string (I think I read the date is saved too, which implies the effective increase is less than 10%).
If one in five keys (quests) expires within two months and the total number of keys is more or less a constant, then we can estimate after one year as:
without cleanup: 80 permanent keynames + 6*20 temporary keynames = 200 keynames; loading = 10 => total memory used 2000
with cleanup: 80 permanent keynames + 20 temporary keynames = 100 keynames; loading = 11 => 1100
The values are guesses, but a key that is possessed by less than 10 players should not be the norm. Whether features or quests, the idea is that most of them are made for the masses. If a quest expires, two months is more than we usually give. At the moment most quests expire too, but given the script it will be more feasible to make permanent quests because there is less maintenance on them.
Things people seem to forget:
- keys should expire at the same time all scripts giving/taking the keys expire.
- deciding which keys/scripts to clean up at what time is not the same as deciding how to clean them up. Without the how, the what and when is irrelevant.
- the chances people set the expire date to never are only slightly smaller than the chances people forget to push delete after the expiration date. In general it are the same people that do not care about cleaning up or are sloppy and forgetful, that are either to vain or to neglecting to think ahead and decide a good expiration time.
But you are both thinking about 2 different things, rendril, you are talking about the amount of stuff the server is currently doing, while you kafuuka are talking about stuff that is stored on the server, but the final question is, is the exchange worth it? in the end i would say yes, because it will save space, and we currently there isn't much strain on the server, and i know that there currently isn't a big strain on the server, because mur himself has said that there isn't a big strain on the server.