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I am Bored

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Everything posted by I am Bored

  1. you can also change the equiptment you have on, won't say how here though.
  2. [quote name='Rendril' date='01 November 2009 - 03:20 PM' timestamp='1257110456' post='46333'] The keys are stored an a serialized array, the structure cannot be changed easily. It affects every location you can access. As I said, there is no "creator" stored for a key. While a good idea it is not an easy task ot implement. You would also be charging an additional overhead on the server of now storing 2 values for every key, effectively doubling the key-use anyway. Maybe a simple solution is to append the editor ID and if desired, an expiration date for a key. [/quote] [quote name='Kafuuka' date='01 November 2009 - 04:25 PM' timestamp='1257114302' post='46338'] Keeping a list of keynames changes nothing to the keys themselves. If we assume the average key is possessed by ten players, using the list implies one more string constant is saved, increasing the load by 10% if a key is indeed only a string (I think I read the date is saved too, which implies the effective increase is less than 10%). If one in five keys (quests) expires within two months and the total number of keys is more or less a constant, then we can estimate after one year as: without cleanup: 80 permanent keynames + 6*20 temporary keynames = 200 keynames; loading = 10 => total memory used 2000 with cleanup: 80 permanent keynames + 20 temporary keynames = 100 keynames; loading = 11 => 1100 The values are guesses, but a key that is possessed by less than 10 players should not be the norm. Whether features or quests, the idea is that most of them are made for the masses. If a quest expires, two months is more than we usually give. At the moment most quests expire too, but given the script it will be more feasible to make permanent quests because there is less maintenance on them. Things people seem to forget: - keys should expire at the same time all scripts giving/taking the keys expire. - deciding which keys/scripts to clean up at what time is not the same as deciding how to clean them up. Without the how, the what and when is irrelevant. - the chances people set the expire date to never are only slightly smaller than the chances people forget to push delete after the expiration date. In general it are the same people that do not care about cleaning up or are sloppy and forgetful, that are either to vain or to neglecting to think ahead and decide a good expiration time. [/quote] But you are both thinking about 2 different things, rendril, you are talking about the amount of stuff the server is currently doing, while you kafuuka are talking about stuff that is stored on the server, but the final question is, is the exchange worth it? in the end i would say yes, because it will save space, and we currently there isn't much strain on the server, and i know that there currently isn't a big strain on the server, because mur himself has said that there isn't a big strain on the server.
  3. yes there are.
  4. [quote name='apophys' date='30 October 2009 - 09:11 PM' timestamp='1256958707' post='46157'] I suspect this is related: Action reported, you do not have access to this document. If you feel it is an error please report on the bug section. #rpcdoc22 #:0 I got this when clicking "Edit" on my comments on self after the page expired. It's supposed to tell me to click the compass to refresh. [/quote] this isn't related, and is supposed to come up when you try to edit it after the time it is valid.
  5. perhaps having an extra variable that's default setting is to clear that script out every 2 months, but is settable to never clear, so that things like my book, could always be accessable without the keys being reset, and you having to do the quest again.
  6. whats debug? all i am doing is what i know how to do.
  7. yes but it currently takes a pretty large effort to get enough wishpoint to acess it, i have been playing for 1&1/2 years, and i only have 7 wishpoints
  8. and me
  9. and an exploit has been found and reported.
  10. this topic can now be deleted because it has been moved to the *useless* script topic.
  11. that's why i said it had to be put in your script.when the databases work i will make another to echo those.
  12. perhaps you could echo the variables? here is a script that you can put in your code, it will echo all of your currently set variables, they are labled as settings because variable isn't an allowed word, if you want i can post my one that echo's the user vars as well, but that is currently posted in the manual, this script now echos all settable variables. [code]echo "setting a: ".@va." <br />"; echo "setting b: ".@vb." <br />"; echo "setting c: ".@vc." <br />"; echo "setting d: ".@vd." <br />"; echo "setting e: ".@ve." <br />"; echo "setting f: ".@vf." <br />"; echo "setting g: ".@vg." <br />"; echo "setting h: ".@vh." <br />"; echo "setting i: ".@vi." <br />"; echo "setting j: ".@vj." <br />"; echo "setting k: ".@vk." <br />"; echo "setting l: ".@vl." <br />"; echo "setting m: ".@vm." <br />"; echo "setting n: ".@vn." <br />"; echo "setting o: ".@vo." <br />"; echo "setting p: ".@vp." <br />"; echo "setting q: ".@vq." <br />"; echo "setting r: ".@vr." <br />"; echo "setting s: ".@vs." <br />"; echo "setting t: ".@vt." <br />"; echo "setting u: ".@vu." <br />"; echo "setting v: ".@vv." <br />"; echo "setting w: ".@vw." <br />"; echo "setting x: ".@vx." <br />"; echo "setting y: ".@vy." <br />"; echo "setting z, usually credit to creator: ".@vz." <br />"; echo "template replacement setting: ".@tpl." <br />"; echo "log setting: ".@log." <br />"; echo "temporary setting: ".@temp." <br />"; echo "input setting: ".@input." <br />"; echo "content: ".@content." <br />"; echo "storage: ".@storage." <br />";[/code]
  13. here i'll test it, i will edit this when i have......
  14. but i only know of mur and live help.... hmmmm... would the others be npcs? although i thought they were the first ones after mur's.... and a few others.... well one of the first...
  15. and to display the variable, you would use [code] echo uv(var);[/code] and this would display all the variables, and the date, each on a seperate line: [code]echo "player id: ".uv('id')." <br />"; echo "vitality: ".uv('ve')." <br />"; echo "vp: ".uv('vp')." <br />"; echo "exploring points: ".uv('xpl')." <br />"; echo "maximum vitality: ".uv('maxve')." <br />"; echo "maximum vp: ".uv('maxvp')." <br />"; echo "land id: ".uv('land')." <br />"; echo "alliance id: ".uv('alliance')." <br />"; echo "active days: ".uv('age')." <br />"; echo "loyalty points: ".uv('loyalty')." <br />"; echo "honor: ".uv('honor')." <br />"; echo "player name: ".uv('name')." <br />"; echo "mind power: ".uv('mp')." <br />"; echo "heads: ".uv('heads')." <br />"; echo "won fights: ".uv('won')." <br />"; echo "lost fights: ".uv('lost')." <br />"; echo "avatar level: ".uv('avatar_level')." <br />"; echo "avatar id: ".uv('avatar')." <br />"; echo "experience points: ".uv('xp')." <br />"; echo "kills during the torch competition: ".uv('kills')." <br />"; echo "illusion: ".uv('illusion')." <br />"; echo "and today is day".date('z')." <br />"; [/code]
  16. i might as well say i gave up reading that section, i don't have a long enough attention span to be able too.... wonder if we can change the size of the frame it is in..... it would help if i could fit 1 line of text and my creature book in the frame...... and in game i am currently at marind's roundabout, working on my page there. your pid is 44582 right?
  17. [quote name='Rendril' date='28 October 2009 - 07:15 PM' timestamp='1256775331' post='46017'] Presents player with two choices, picking one blocks them from accessing the other. There are many ways to do this, I used a single form with 2 input buttons. Could be made with a template and loops for some nice multi-tiered quests. Content: [code] <!-- content separator --> Two paths lie before you, going down one means you cannot retrace your steps and go down the other. <br />Which path will you take? <form method="post" action=""><br /><br /> <input type="submit" name="left" value="Go Left"/> <input type="submit" name="right" value="Go Right"/> </form> <!-- content separator --> You walk down the left path. A boulder crashes into the road from a cliff and lands behind you, blocking the way home. <!-- content separator --> Walking over the bridge on the right, you feel it crumbling under you and dash to the other side. The bridge is broken and you move on. <!-- content separator --> The way back is blocked. [/code] Code: [code] @vz = "rendrilrevant";//the prefix to use for keys //check whether users holds either of the keys if(mds_has_rpcq_keys(@vz . "left-key") || mds_has_rpcq_keys(@vz . "right-key")){ echo @content[4]; } else{ //if a buttron is set, give relevant key and display details if(isset(@input['left'])){ mds_give_rpcq_keys(@vz . "left-key"); echo @content[2]; } else if(isset(@input['right'])){ mds_give_rpcq_keys(@vz . "right-key"); echo @content[3]; } else{ echo @content[1]; } } [/code] [/quote] this could be used to make an adventure of epic proportions time to get to work
  18. [quote name='Rendril' date='29 October 2009 - 02:17 PM' timestamp='1256843831' post='46083'] You could try with 4 seperate arrays: [code] @va = array(123451,1214,6326); @vb = array(4362,62,34737); @vc = array(1515,1231,2626); @vd = array(2752,1257,2579); [/code] Then build a specific if-block for each array, effectively copying the code fom the initial post 4 times. Storages do work across multiple items, that is the "ao" part of the types. As for showing capital letters, I suggest echo'ing out from the @content for now. [/quote] well i figured out the content part, and i got the flash working, as the content likes good old html better than the scripting part..... and what do you mean by the AO part? i will try the multi arrays.... is it possible to select those within a certain id range? oh and just so you know, there is only 1 id that is under 100, and that is king manu, the next is muratus del mur...... or wait.... did live help survive? if live help did then it has id 2, but there is no account with an id of 62 and how could i get rid of the end key check? because i don't need that for my quest, and i think it will be much easier for me to work with without the checking of the end key
  19. is it possible to have seperate things displayed for seperate ids? as i have 4 levels of something i need to set up on the same item, with different id's for each, also if a storage is accessable from any item then that would work much better for quests, as i am pretty sure most don't put an entire quest on one page.... and even then that isn't enough to do it with. oh and that code does work as is, only have to take out the comments and it works just fine. except that i can't figure out how to put a capitol letter in..... and how do you insert a flash object?
  20. hmmmm... could you also post a version of it ready to go into the items? because currently rendril i can't get the first code to work.... i removed the comments.... and it says unexpected end on line 15, which is this: echo "You have 14 hours to sa"."ve the earth!<br />Run
  21. hmmm.... if only i knew anything..... cept now i am confused........ the posts are too long for me to pay attention to and be able to read...... anyone willing to help? i already have acess to the items. and it isn't the same as all other wishes, there is another that costs 2 wp...... but shouldn't it only cost 1 wp if you have already gotten the grade 4 editing? or 3 if you haven't?
  22. i must request those who have voted to say what they voted, that way i know what votes should actually be included in the counting
  23. judging from the results so far it seems that is 130 is genius then most of the long staying players are geniuses even me only 3 of 39 people that have voted have voted under 130
  24. i can help with the testing you can be sure the limits of it will be found if i am let at it..... i will try not to break to much......
  25. we don't know if they are different, that's why i ask
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