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I am Bored

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Everything posted by I am Bored

  1. na, i just now read the topic
  2. well since i didn't think of the possible abuse with items, i will say that there shouldn't be alts now...... unless you make it so alts can't make items....
  3. that still doesn't address the second part of my post [color="#0000ff"]IAB,shut up! One more post like the last 2 and I will delete them all. DST last 2? i only made one post.... [/color]
  4. wait... but i didn't try to nominate myself for all of them.... i skipped 3.....and you hadn't stated we couldn't nominate ourself when i posted, the first post said nothing of not being able to nominate ourself, thus i think i should still be allowed to get nominated, even if i can't vote.......
  5. but i do all my thinking at at least 11:00 pm at night!
  6. how do you water bob? and can i get acess anyway since i can get bob to bloom outside of teh astral plane? oh and the jug and well are switched. and i have watered bob 405 times..... [color="#0000ff"]USE EDIT BUTTON!!! Do I really need to watch you like I watch over a baby? I am tempted to propose to the other mods to put you under moderation. DST and i was about to use the edit button, but i was watering bob 405 times..... [/color]
  7. but you can make it snow at any time of year!
  8. if you still need help i am available.
  9. and i just completed the quest! yay for random movements! i still want to know why i was sent to the path you get to by going down at the entrance when i was in that first cube....and you need to update your past cutler
  10. i must say.... a chemist against a physicist..... i actually understood everything you said mur.... although they do differ from my ideas, some of yours still could have relevence..... hmmmm..... one thing i can say relativly easily here is that you look to be considering infinity something, it isn't, oh and i read that entire log in 20 minutes didn't skip a line.
  11. wait we need a lowest stats award! because currently i have negative stats from having way to many losses, but spells, and equiptment shouldn't count.
  12. so many hit 4 a year... but i think 1 a year is sufficient, and that alts should be allowed, because it's not like you can move them to your main, and as stated above, there aren't many quests that are alt friendly.
  13. wait.... but i never got lost in that place... didn't know it had started either... only been in the maze at most 10 minutes and i am pretty sure i have explored every area there... and i can leave via necro, go every direction, and search the sides.... and i found the way to sages keep.... the room has hit me once, i have found a button on the ceiling as well....
  14. but there isn't going to be a jury.
  15. can we at least keep the most annoying since i am still here? and it is very possible for another to have overcome me, i still want to have teh most annoying award open.
  16. if skill damage got removed what would keep my stats from returning to normal levels? like my attack at -400!!!
  17. for mp5 why not just make it so that if you have been at mp5 for more than 7 months, then you don't get any reward from beating those who have been at mp5 for 2 months, this would allow the new mp5's to start to gather their strength before having the vets set on them.....
  18. That award i want kept because i want to see if i got it again, as i'm not that sure that i have been as annoying this year, and i was nominated and had no idea i was going to win that last year, and i wasn't even the one that suggested it, but i think that all catagories should stay, unless it is impossible for them to be judged, as with the rpc's, and to just add new catagories, as if there are more catagories, more people can win, and more can feel good about winning, and it allows the announcing of the winners of them to be grander, which is always a good thing, and there is always the chance another may have overtaken me, and that is my main interest in keeping the most annoying award.
  19. that still looks less impressive than holding a running title, it also wouldn't show who really was the best, and that is what most of the awards are about aren't they?
  20. that wouldn't work watcher, if you did that then a person couldn't attempt to defend their title!
  21. no, they were banned for abusing multiple accounts, not because it was found that they were alts.
  22. it is a bug, as it's the way it was saved that caused the problem.
  23. we still need someone to manage all of this
  24. I am offering help setting up quests using the clickables, if you have rewards you can give, and don't have acess to the clickables, but want to set it up through them, i am here offering help to set them up. btw, forum mods please move this to the correct section... i wasn't sure where it should go so i put it in contests for now.
  25. i still think we need something official.
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