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I am Bored

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Everything posted by I am Bored

  1. hmmm.... and yes i have worse.... just look at my profile..... and yesterday i lost 21 attack....
  2. i want the old sign in button back.... the new one looks ugly.... though yes the logo ish purdy :D

  3. wait..... there was only 1 war......... and it was truely a war...... the battle at the house of liquid dust was the last and some might say only real battle in the war....and they didn't lose..... no-one lost, khal went in and never came out, that's all there was to it....... and yes i will participate...
  4. there is actually much more armor than is seen by most, as most of it hasn't been released, we could vary that by getting mur to release more of the stuff....
  5. but items are more valuable than clickables, it takes much more wp's to edit items than it does for clickables, plus, i am only suggesting restricting editing of items, not of clickables, though yes there should be restrictions even then on stat boosts, though there should be ways that people like cutler (who as it is won't even sell the script of the astral plane for over 400 silver (trust me i have tried)) who mur can trust not to give to big a stat boost, and who can do it without restriction, but since this should be regulated internally via md's server, it won't be possible for someone, who hasn't been granted this ability by mur, to just add a script that would do the same thing.
  6. and the other solution not yet suggested, that doesn't require restrictions on the scripting, is by giving people access to scripting items by trust, not by the wish shop (though those who have already gotten it in the wish shop should get to keep it) and if anyone abuses it they face the severe consequences, in addition to this you could also integrate these people into either the existing crafter's alliance, or a new alliance. and the other solution not yet suggested, that doesn't require restrictions on the scripting, is by giving people access to scripting items by trust, not by the wish shop (though those who have already gotten it in the wish shop should get to keep it) and if anyone abuses it they face the severe consequences, in addition to this you could also integrate these people into either the existing crafter's alliance, or a new alliance.
  7. would it be possible mur, to add clickables to the places where restricted locations are accessed from, thus allowing the script to check the var's of that location (can't post more descriptive things on this because it would be major spoilers.... plus it's part of the game mechanics) and opening the locations if the var's say that the user is able to access the area, although I understand not all locations are possible to do this with, it should be possible to suffice for now..... that or mur could make it simple and add a "has-access" variable that could be used to check from anywhere....
  8. i used ext2 because i'm not sure if paragon supports ext3.... think it does though.... oh well.... and if i realy wanted a small version of linux i would just use Damn Small Linux, because it's 130 mb.
  9. well the remote login won't work because it doesn't even finish starting up, and i could probably get access to that data only have to open up easus data recovery, at least i think it supports linux partition types.... it might not.... then again i could just use an external file explorer, that would do it... does the hiren boot cd's live xp have support for linux partitions? as that i have access to.... part of my problem is i gave the dvd i installed from back to the person who i got to burn it for me, and i won't be able to get it back until monday.... i broke it friday afternoon XD right after i gave it back to him i already re-installed the entire ubuntu system once already because i didn't select a swap partition and i couldn't get it to let me uninstall a package which was supposed to "dynamicly" generate the swap file, and that it did, however it also tries to reserve 32gb of space to dynamicly create it   and that made it impossible for me to reset the package because i am too impatient it only has a 60 gb partition that it's installed to, and a 10gb swap file which used to be vista's pageing file, that is before it desided it wanted to use 2 gb on the main partition, oh well, well at least i had that 10gb partition at the very edge of the disk so it writes very fast, and that is required, as i only have 756 mb of ram that is usable, for the other 256 mb is stolen by the built in graphics.....
  10. actually i can access my linux partition from windows but only though the use of paragon partition manager, and that only allows me to edit partitions, and using the live boot cd wouldn't let me change the settings of the one that is already there, oh and no i don't keep backups, as i have a laptop, and i already have 4 partitions, and ubuntu doesn't like installing on a logical partition...
  11. Ok, recently I have installed Ubuntu as a second opporating system, and have been able to easily boot both ubuntu and windows, but at one point i set ubuntu to display a splash screen at startup, however this didn't work right and it actually just made it show 8 copies of the boot up screen on the top of the screen, now this wouldn't be a problem (because it still booted just fine at that point) but it shows a letter as a single color pixel, with every 4th one being blank (no matter what should have been there) and recently it wouldn't start, and when i hit f1(to get it to show me the command line) and hit enter, it will just show single line over and over as if it was an error, now normally this wouldn't be a problem, but of course i can't read what the error is, or if it is even an error, so what i need to do is change ubuntu's startup options from windows (which does boot) does anyone know how i would go about doing this?
  12. yes although there should be 2 places where there are comments, when you first submit it and also after (as you have suggested) also if possible a way to submit an updated version of that specific avatar so as to make it much easier for mur to see what he has already asked about, and that it already has been fixed, as well as to let him see that it is an update to an older version, and it should help mur quite a bit...
  13. it's been a bit more than a week...
  14. actually if you are using the 64 bit version of flash it works just fine, as i am running ubuntu 10.4 with flash player 10 64 bit, and it works just fine, i haven't had any problems with md so far... oh and actually mur coded it for firefox not ie.....well most of it was anyways... it was coded for ie before it was released to the net..... (you can see in the screenshots of the beta)
  15. on most days on the weekend i am on most of the day.... although on the week days i am only on from 4-7 (my time, about midnight to 3 mur standard time) and it would keep the ctc's of the creatures, or if the creatures donated are low age but high rarity then it would be transfered dirrectly to the account, and any items or silver also would, and just an extra note: i will donate 20 silver to it if this seems feasable, and also yes, it would be at goe.
  16. I have an account with almost a year worth of active days, and it's name? The Puzzle Master. what i am suggesting is to use this basicly as a repository of rewards that quest creators can reward from, my question is, if i set this up would you use the system?
  17. but that would mean we would be killing ourselves....
  18. me Gridy? i'm still a student.....
  19. So here it is, we already know how smart md is, but one thing we don't know is what type of people reside in md, so i ask this question, What line of work do you work in? NOTE: please, only active (for at least 4 months) players, and veterans respond to this, also anyone who knows what line of work an old veteran worked in who is no longer active are requested to respond, as well as state (if known) the reason the veteran left....
  20. and even though this question was answered it still leaves the question who is marind? (no not what is marind, but who is marind, because it's easy to figure out what marind is, but it's much harder to figure out who she is....)
  21. well kamil,i get bored often, and (sometimes) the random things i do annoys people, but there are also those who get mad because of it, and i have to be able to talk my way out of things
  22. *searches for the topic from when one of the artists was stealing work from other people* if anyone finds it before i edit this then post it LE: Found it, read through this entire topic kamil, then you will know why they were cautious: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/3921-stolen-artwork/
  23. yes that it could have pip, but it also could have been if people just waited to see the proof before jumping to conclusions, but as neither happened, it looks like we have lost a decent artist..... at least i was able to get ahold of the avatar versions of his 5 ninja's before he left..... mur if you determine they aren't copied, please approve the ones i have submitted, as this is who i got them from, also i must suggest that there should be a comment's section when submitting an avatar...
  24. i have lower death :P

  25. well that proves it, and yes i can tell you had fun with it
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