well the remote login won't work because it doesn't even finish starting up, and i could probably get access to that data only have to open up easus data recovery, at least i think it supports linux partition types.... it might not.... then again i could just use an external file explorer, that would do it... does the hiren boot cd's live xp have support for linux partitions? as that i have access to.... part of my problem is i gave the dvd i installed from back to the person who i got to burn it for me, and i won't be able to get it back until monday.... i broke it friday afternoon XD right after i gave it back to him i already re-installed the entire ubuntu system once already because i didn't select a swap partition and i couldn't get it to let me uninstall a package which was supposed to "dynamicly" generate the swap file, and that it did, however it also tries to reserve 32gb of space to dynamicly create it and that made it impossible for me to reset the package because i am too impatient it only has a 60 gb partition that it's installed to, and a 10gb swap file which used to be vista's pageing file, that is before it desided it wanted to use 2 gb on the main partition, oh well, well at least i had that 10gb partition at the very edge of the disk so it writes very fast, and that is required, as i only have 756 mb of ram that is usable, for the other 256 mb is stolen by the built in graphics.....