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I am Bored

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Everything posted by I am Bored

  1. it was an improvised fan for the graphics card, i had it glued (with krazy glue (yes i know it's bad for electronics ) (it's a type of super glue btw) ) to the side of the case, because the fan on the graphics card was totally broken, and it was overheating, and it actually worked for a while, but the top of the attachment came loose, and made it start vibrating, so i went to stop the fan and then lift it up (it usually will vibrate because the fan isn't sitting right in the housing) but as the top had seperated, when i pushed down, the entire thing came off, and it hit the corner of the graphics card...... there are more peices around me btw, thank god i had it in a server case.... would have been a much bigger problem if it hadn't been.... but the only other card i have isn't linux friendly..... (once the linux kernel loads, the entire screen blanks and shuts off) so now i have no graphics card that works.... and it's a dual 2.4 ghz xeon cpu computer too.... 500 gb sata hard drive in it currently.... though it supports up to 8 sata drives in a hardware raid array, it has 2gb of ram too... not that good in terms of ram though.... i'm gonna have a tough time ahead of me trying to get that thing to work..
  2. i didn't break it there's still bits of it embedded in my arm..... and i can't get them to come out.... they're too small...
  3. this fan WAS keeping my graphics card cool... [img]http://i255.photobucket.com/albums/hh131/1blah111111/45851_153761424637394_100000106119343_491650_4176702_n.jpg[/img] now it just belongs at the base of a blender... doing the blending...
  4. is there any way i can go ahead and put my name in for the alchemists guild? or must i wait?
  5. 12 gold for morphs. and cutler that isn't in pure silver... mur's asking for pure silver....
  6. and the first one will be solved in about an hour. just have to wait for the window. UPDATE: Finished. the first treasure has been found.
  7. grido you know we could get mur to confiscate them for misleading where the money from the fundraiser would go.
  8. 10 gold for morphs
  9. If we are going to have largish numbers of new items coming in, and many of the same item, we need a way to transfer multiple of them at once, because currently we have to transfer them one at a time. Also I'm not sure we have enough silver coins in the realm to create a door out for them...There should also be a separate inventory for this new class of item, the existing ones could be put in a player's bag, or something like that, so that they are easy to identify.
  10. you might be able to get renavoid to step back up to his old post as chief archivist.....
  11. [quote name='SageWoman' date='26 July 2010 - 07:20 AM' timestamp='1280146822' post='64641'] Chalk up another loss of a damn good character. When you did things, it was fun. Sure wish you were not leaving. Know that the door won't lock behind you. The windows are breakable. You can always come back. They all come back. You can log out any time you like but you can NEVER leave! [/quote] Well said.
  12. First off, [size="7"][color="#ff0000"][b] your complaining because people know more than you[/b][/color][/size] because [b][size="7"][color="#ff0000"]they've been here longer than you[/color][/size][/b]. Second, why are you trying to stay MP4? You should be [size="6"][b]TRYING[/b][/size] to get to mp5, and shouldn't be complaining about being capped. Finally, why did you bug [size="6"][color="#0000ff"]King Numa[/color][/size] with this? He's a busy person, so [size="6"][b]stop complaining[/b][size="2"],[/size] [b]get over it[/b][/size] and ,[size="7"][b] life's tough[/b][/size], and [color="#ff0000"][b][size="7"]if you won't learn[/size][/b][/color] that [size="7"][color="#ff0000"][b]GO AWAY[/b][/color][/size], and stop bugging us.
  13. If marind is a ghost how can she be hugging me, and how can I be feeling her tears?
  14. When the first site you pull up when you wake up is MD.
  15. Very right Pipstickz, the realm itself is meant to be believed more than the one running it, for unless it's actually there, anything mur says means nothing in the realm that is MagicDuel. Thus, Marind IS alive.
  16. [quote name='Chewett' date='20 July 2010 - 12:40 AM' timestamp='1279604445' post='64199'] Which post? You do relise you could have PM'ed me or any other of the moderators... I need specifics so i can search the recycle bin for it. [/quote] the post i made that was where my last post currently is, that said that marind wasn't dead.
  17. now mods, answer this truthfully, why did you remove my earlier post here?
  18. well i was to lazy to try..... plus i didn't have the ap to get there...
  19. when you have been unable to get to the computer for 3 weeks and the first page you open is md.
  20. so then set st as a variable, and at as a variable, and refer to the 2 variables in the correct order.
  21. In about a week (might be a bit longer before i get the things together), when i am able to access the computer for any decent period of time, i will be starting a quest, that's all for now... *is dragged away from the keyboard*
  22. try putting " . " in between the st and at
  23. draw light and it won't smudge and if you realy want it to not smudge, buy a bottle of crazy glue, and pluck out all but one strand on the end, and put it over what you've already done, and you now no longer have any problem., just be careful and keep the crazy glue away from electronics..... it runes them..... i learned that the hard way..... lost a 4gb sd card to it...
  24. no mine's bigger :D

  25. i'll be there for the days i can....
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