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I am Bored

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Everything posted by I am Bored

  1. Consolidated into: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16330-images-are-needed-in-various-places/
  2. Consolidated into: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16330-images-are-needed-in-various-places/
  3. Consolidated into: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16330-images-are-needed-in-various-places/
  4. There are various places in MD where images are needed, and a consolidated topic was requested, so here it is. Any future reports concerning missing images should be posted in this topic. The Trigger Box Playernames item in the MD shop (ID 90) The Jail Regular medal (jailregular) The 9th MD Birthday achievement (birthday9th) The Day of the Coder achievement (dayofcoder_y9) The Volition, Cartography, Herbalism, Gardening, Finesse, Waterhandling, Fusioning, and Filtering all need images. All also need to be capitalized properly, with the exception of Finesse and Waterhandling. All also currently display with an asterisk in front of their name. (Mur said to poke him about this later, but no response was received after poking) Consolidated from: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16316-trigger-box-playernames-needs-image/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16302-jail-regular-medal-needs-image/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16270-md-9th-birthday-achievement-needs-an-image/ http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16159-volition-and-cartography-stats-need-images/
  5. This can probably be moved into resolved bugs, as the initial claim was invalid, and the actual cause was discovered and posted in: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16289-md-is-not-speculative-parsing-friendly/
  6. It's currently possible to add yourself as a friend. I do not believe this should be possible. The solution I propose would have 2 parts. The first is to not display the "+ Add Friend" button on the user details area. (dlg.userdetails_area.php) The second is to actually prevent the friend addition from being done. (dlg.friendlist.php)
  7. I hadn't noticed this, but I just forwarded you a copy of my receipt. It does in fact list contact@magicduel.com.
  8. Thinking deep is simply another way to go about it, I'm not much of an artist myself, the eyes below being the best work I've ever drawn. Edit: Sasha's post just reminded me of something important: Be sure to sign your artwork!
  9. I am Bored 38621 1886 active days -1770 Briskness No Homeland
  10. This quest, created on an impulse, will be open for exactly 1 month. Your job is to draw a wall, be it physical, or metaphorical. The winner gets 3 gold coins, everyone else gets nothing. (this might change depending on the quality of entries) As sponsored by Mur, 10 bricks will be part of the reward pool. Distribution of the bricks will be announced at a later date. May the best wall win. Edit: One additional requirement: Every wall must have a back story. Edit 2: Make sure you sign your artwork! Sasha's initial entry will be accepted without being signed, but all other entries must be signed in order to be accepted.
  11. I am Mur's alt. At least, the alt-checker apparently claimed I was.
  12. The Trigger Box Playernames item in the MD shop (ID 90) needs an image.
  13. I haven't the slightest clue what pn stands for, but it's the name of a parameter to creature_info.swf if using the flash creatures page. If it is set to "p", the onyxfangs token will not appear, because the sprite is not named correctly in /img/interface/tkens.swf.
  14. Currently, when you buy the Notes on Gossip feature in the MD shop (ID 13), you can only view it once. I propose that a way be added for those of us who have already purchased it to view the notes again.
  15. The "jailregular" medal needs an image. The only person I know of with the medal currently is CrazyMike, although fuji might have it as well.
  16. As a temporary quick-fix, I propose adding this snippet to dlg.configurestrategy.php: $('input[name="vitality"][value=""]').attr("value", "0"); This sets the value of the erroneous input to 0 if it has no value, preventing the issue.
  17. After being summoned there (and disabling his adjustments to MD), Orvid was able to sucessfully recruit a tormented soul without any errors.
  18. Currently player dots only show up at the correct location on the map for the first few locations. Assuming I know the format I need to put the information in, I'm willing to volunteer to type up the information required.
  19. See above message ^
  20. When a global message is posted, those with a "crown" (at least, that's the name of the image), get the crown before the global message. This makes it possible to identify the sender of the message when that was previously impossible. To my knowledge, this effects only 2 people. Mur and Chewett.
  21. After digging deeper into the original reason I reported, http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16288-always-put-semicolons-at-the-end-of-the-line-in-javascript/, I believe I have found the actual cause of the constant 100% CPU usage with massive memory thrashing. In the main page (layout.php), in the <head> tag, there is a reference to: <script type="text/javascript" src="js/popupinfo.js"></script> Normally this wouldn't be an issue, but the problem is, that script writes a <div> tag to the document. Because Firefox uses speculative parsing (https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTML/Optimizing_your_pages_for_speculative_parsing), this causes the entire document to be re-parsed. Note: Everything after this point is informed speculation. Due to the fact it's impossible to disable speculative parsing in Firefox, I cannot be certain that this is in-fact the cause of the issue. Normally this wouldn't be much of an issue, as it's just a single re-parse (admittedly it uses 100mb of RAM to do the re-parse), but the problem comes in when we bring the chat into the picture. The chat refreshes every 5 seconds, and, every time it does so, it modifies the DOM, and, if the document is in the middle of the re-parse from the earlier issue, the entire document will be re-parsed again, from the start. But wait, there's more! It's been another 5 seconds, so we're updating the chat again! This causes the document to once again start re-parsing, and the issue continues. I believe that the solution to this issue is to simply move the <script> tag referenced above out of the <head> tag, and into the <body> tag, as the document.write would be a balanced write, which would no longer cause the initial re-parse, and eliminate the cascading effect that caused the CPU and memory usage issues.
  22. After some more testing, the fix applied seams to have no effect at all, yet it worked as-described this morning. It looks like I'll have to do some more digging to figure this issue out. The CPU usage difference is present though.
  23. After noticing that Firefox was using 25% CPU almost constantly with MD open (Opera uses 0-3%), I did a bit of digging. I noticed that updatetime was taking most of the time. Naturally, I went to look at the function. It has nothing that should be nearly that expensive. I then noticed by complete chance that there were no semicolons at the end of the line. Wondering if this could, for some absurd reason, be the cause, I promptly re-defined the functions to be semi-colon terminated. No sooner had I done that than the CPU usage (and absurd amount of memory allocation thrashing) disappeared. The morale of the story? Always terminate your statements in Javascript with semicolons, because, although it will still work in most browsers, you never know how a browser will handle it. The pair of functions, with semicolons added: function padlength(what){ var output=(what.toString().length==1)? "0"+what : what; return output; } function displaytime(){ serverdate.setSeconds(serverdate.getSeconds()+1); var datestring=montharray[serverdate.getMonth()]+" "+padlength(serverdate.getDate()); //+", "+serverdate.getFullYear() var timestring=padlength(serverdate.getHours())+":"+padlength(serverdate.getMinutes())+":"+padlength(serverdate.getSeconds()); document.getElementById("servertime").innerHTML=datestring+" "+timestring;//datestring+" "+ }
  24. Still occurs, I just assumed it was my browser being weird at the time, but the existence of this topic makes me believe otherwise.
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