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I am Bored

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Everything posted by I am Bored

  1. This is the links to the individual documents in a knowledge collection, not the link to the knowledge collection itself. (this is part of /dlg/dlg.kncollections.php) To clarify even more, I've attached a screenshot with an arrow pointing to the problematic links.
  2. This is implemented as of Announcement 3467.
  3. This problem still exists. The href="javascript:" should be what is needed to fix it.
  4. This can probably be marked as resolved, as it wasn't actually a bug, but rather, it was Mur having fun.
  5. As there is no longer a need for this, it can probably be marked as implemented/dismissed.
  6. My original report is invalid, this can be closed.
  7. After thinking about it, I realized, why do they need to be links at all? The answer: They don't. Move the onclick and title attributes onto the image, and add `style="cursor: pointer"` to that image, then remove the outer `<a>` that we just removed the onclick and title attributes from. We now have a link-less link, and thus, nothing for chrome or IE to try to navigate to.
  8. Not really sure the cause of it, but, on occasion, visiting a player's profile page, such as panthea's Profile, (as a note, I believe this is member.php in disguise) an error will be displayed instead of the user's profile. Specifically the error is: User-class Error: 2===Incomplete hidden character configuration, automated fixing L:1782 Refreshing the page, the error no longer appears. As a random guess, I'd claim it occurs when visiting the profile of a player who's profile hasn't been visited in a long time.
  9. Announcement 3463 - Updating JQuery to fix the issue.
  10. Works fine for me with newest IE on Windows 8, including in compatibility mode.
  11. I *believe* this was originally related to avatars, as the redmine claims it's related to Bug #51.
  12. I think you might have been a bit tired when doing this, as your reply and actions don't quite seem to match. Based on your post, you intended to lock this topic, and keep it in the Confirmed Bugs section, however what you've actually done is leave it unlocked, and moved it to the Resolved Bugs section.
  13. As to which topic that link is from, it's this topic from the confirmed bugs section.
  14. Hopefully I'm getting the question asked by Mur right, if not, it can be fixed later, but, How should a player start in MD? What should happen? What should they do? My own answer, Amidst a sea of thoughts, we must forge our own paths, and discover the realm as we see it, not the exact same way as others see it. Through this, we will write our own paths into MD, building both our own role, and defining that which is MD in our own terms.
  15. Linking to Mur's forum profile (http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/user/2-muratus-del-mur/) produces this HTML: [ <a href="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/user/2- <font color=" #aa0000'="">Mur -del-mur/' target='_blank'>Forum link</a> ] Which displays as: [Mur -del-mur/' target='_blank'>Forum link]
  16. This is due to the "target" attribute on the link being misspelled as "taget" instead. Spelling the attribute correctly will fix the issue.
  17. The previous view all announcements page listed announcements in reverse order, from newest at the top to oldest at the bottom. The new one lists them from oldest at the top to newest at the bottom, which isn't exactly the most helpful order they could be in. If you're searching the announcements, you are probably looking for the most recent announcement concerning the specific issue, and, when hitting Ctrl+F, your browser will search from top to bottom by default, resulting in you locating the oldest announcement about the issue first, rather than the newest. I propose that the view all announcements page list announcements in reverse order, with the newest at the top and oldest at the bottom. Should the wookie be temporarily rendered braindead, or should I have failed miserably at explaining my proposal, `ORDER BY id DESC`, is what I'm suggesting be added to the main SQL query. Early announcements did not have their publish time recorded, so the ID must be used instead.
  18. Final Question: Quite simply, because the chat has been manually cleared.
  19. Because I was bored, I decided to type this up in more of a story form, as there were both a few things I realized as I was going would sound better if worded differently, and there were also a few things that I simply couldn't word the way I wanted because it had to be put in the form of me doing something. The original story was surprisingly coherent, considering it was made up as I went, but I'll let you be the judge of how believable it actually is. A brief warning, this ignores 90% of MD's actual lore regarding drachorns, and should read as a story, nothing more. And, without further adoo, here it is: Orvid approaches the house slowly, holding something covered by a cloth in his right hand, then turns to face the crowd, standing just in-front of the old building. Clearing his throat, he begins, "We have gathered here today, not to mutate a drachorn, but to purify it". This proclamation shocks the crowd, so he begins to tell a story. "Long ago, the drachorns were hunted down and ruthlessly killed, until all but one remained. This lone drachorn is who we will come to know as the Original. She was the prisoner of a Golemus wizard, who performed many experiments upon it, each one resulting in a small change in her DNA. She endured many an experiment, but, over time, it became too much for her, and she eventually collapsed. As the wizard had no use for a weak creature that couldn't even stand up to a few little experiments, he threw it out. On this particular day, there was a storm brewing, so, even in her severely weakened state, she knew she had to find shelter. Ever so slowly, she crawled towards the cliffs, where she knew there must be caves within which she could find shelter. At last, she arrived, and, once inside one such cave, promptly collapsed, and fell into a deep sleep. "Now, she didn't realize it at the time, but this particular cave was home to something else as well, the tiny men. Seeing such a terrifying creature in such a weakened state, they realized they had a chance to take the magnificent beast. Quickly, they concocted a plan to imprison it, while nursing it back to health. As soon as they were sure she was asleep, they acted, tying the creature down with hundreds of ropes, so that she couldn't hurt them. Ever so carefully, they treated the great creature's wounds, nursing it back to health. In time, she became a great friend of the tiny men, who continued to aide it whenever they could. "When the time came for her to lay her eggs, there was no safer place for them but with the tiny men. Even to this day, the tiny men still care for the eggs of the drachorns." "Those eggs, however, are impure! They contain the DNA of the Original after having been experimented upon by the wizard!" Orvid declares, "Today we shall purify one of these creatures, to return it to its rightful form!" Noting a bit of disbelief in the crowd, he says, "Think what you will of the story my friends, but now you shall see the proof". Orvid removes the cloth covering the thing he's been holding in his right hand, revealing it to be an egg. "I have here, an egg of a descendent of the Original". He then takes out a steel spike, while carefully shifting the egg to his left hand. "And now, observe carefully". Quietly, Orvid starts chanting something. Ever so slowly, the chanting gets faster and faster, louder and louder, until at last, he yells, "Purifica această fiară!" Immediately upon yelling this, he throws the egg up in the air, and makes as if to slice the egg in two with the, now glowing, steel spike. Instead of splitting in two, as the spike exits the bottom of the egg, it takes with it a black goop. Quickly, Orvid catches the egg with his left hand, casting the, no longer glowing, goop-covered spike aside. He then takes out a pillow, setting the egg on it, and steps back. "Now the real magic happens", he declares. The egg then starts to glow red, followed very quickly by many other colors, all swirling together. As the egg starts to glow, a small wind starts up, and, as the swirling colors grew ever more violent, the wind picks up, and the ball of swirling colors starts to grow, encompassing the pillow upon which the egg rested. The light gets brighter, the wind louder, and the swirling of the colors more violent. Ever so slowly, what looks like a creature begins to form in the center of the swirling mass. Suddenly, a bolt of lightning comes down from the sky, striking the very center of the swirling mass. Instantly, the light dies, the colors vanish, and it becomes dead silent, the wind having stopped. Having been knocked down by the shockwave caused by the lightning strike, Orvid stands back up carefully, and approaches the new hatchling, lifting it, still on the pillow, for the crowd to see. "I present to you, the original form of the drachorn!" As a note for the sake of records, the ID of the drachorn used in this mutation is 828505. Should the story of it's birth ever be forgotten, it can now be rediscovered.
  20. He always had faith in us, he just didn't realize it.
  21. Q5: The answer is 0. The Wookie does not need to clean his fur; the Wookie's fur cleans itself.
  22. My new and improved, although smaller, castle. It has a guard dog, a flag, and a roof of stars (which glow in the dark). Unfortunately, I couldn't get a good picture of the inside due to the lighting needed to make the flag readable.
  23. Q4: Quite simply, it's a typo that has stuck. It's not the only place typos are the reason for the spellings of things either.
  24. But! But! But! It has The Land of Make Believe! (the print in the blue frame in the 3rd picture) Well, it was much more of a mess before I cleaned it up a bit for this :D Either way, I plan to submit a proper one later tonight.
  25. Due primarily to my stats, I present to you, just under half of my vitality lost in a single step: [hostile energy] You lost 42081 vitality. This is territory damage, you are on unfamiliar territory. My max vit at the moment is 85539.
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