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I am Bored

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Everything posted by I am Bored

  1. If I remember correctly, then the Fictionist's House at least starts at day 1.
  2. I only realized this because I was doing a bit of automated work, but the day listed in the sidebar is wrong: Feb 03 03:00:57 ~ Day: 33 Year: 10 ~ There are 31 days in January, it's the 3rd of February, 31 + 3 = 34, not 33.
  3. It currently lists manu@magicduel.com as the address to contact if there are issues with them not being credited to your account properly, however, according to annoucement 2671 (http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/2671), that email should no longer be used. Perhaps a separate email checked by both the Wookie and Mur should instead be listed as the point of contact for issues? As a secondary note, "successful" is misspelled as "successfull" in the title of the page.
  4. When you go to unlock a clue, it states you can only unlock one per active day. It also claims similar in the sidebar when you have already unlocked a clue in the last day.
  5. Which is incorrect, as research is limited to 1 unlock each day, not 1 per active day.
  6. I agree that some oddities are well-placed in the items, but there are some things that it would be nice if were at least consistent, capitalization for instance, which wouldn't effect the meaning of the item, or effect it in any way at all, except that it keeps my OCD at bay.
  7. Currently public clickables are editable by anyone with the correct wish, but they still have to be maintained. This is made more difficult by the fact they don't show up in your clickables tab after you edit them, which means that either the original creator is the only person who can maintain them without going to them. Anyone else wanting to edit or maintain them has to go there to maintain them. This is currently the case with the bookshelves in MDA.
  8. After the "Grant Access to edit all clickable item" wish is granted, it presents a list of clickables that you can now edit. Dotted among the list are a few clickables prefixed with "p". For the two that I checked (the book at sage's keep and what I originally thought was the signpost by the tribunal gate, but is actually what the gate had for a while), the items are no longer accessible. I'm checking a 3rd location that I know to be accessible currently, and will edit this post to reflect my findings there. Alright, after checking the clickables in the archives, I realized that the grade "P" clickables are actually public clickables. This means that the problem isn't one of them being included in the list, but rather, one of having clickables that are no longer accessible in the list. Depending on the exact layout of the actions tables, it *might* be possible to determine which clickables are *dead* with the right SQL statement. I believe there are also a number of clickables on the list that were killed when the distinction between grade 4 and RPC clickables was created.
  9. Currently we have a place for bugs, and here for larger overarching new ideas, but we don't really have a place to put ideas that are simply "polish" for existing systems, ideas such as: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16170-credits-doesnt-update-until-page-refresh/ What I propose is that a new sub-forum be created either here, or in the bug reports section for what I'll call "Polish Requests".
  10. The GG Land cleanser currently stretches the item dispatch window's contents horizontally. To solve this, I believe the action code should be split into new lines on #'s and ;'s. This would keep the output useful while, while preventing the window from being stretched massively horizontally.
  11. When getting items from an item dispatcher, the grab item button is alway enabled, even if you don't meet the requirements, such as having too low a land loyalty score.
  12. Although I do believe that this is actually a feature request, I didn't think it belonged in that section because that section is typically used for larger changes, not the "spit and polish" type of request this is. Currently, when you spend a credit in the MD shop, the number of credits remaining updates within that panel, but the number of credits you have, as listed below the MD shop button, doesn't update. This should be solvable by putting a bit of javascript in the MD shop pages to unconditionally update that number to the user's current amount, which is already displayed on most, if not all, of the pages of the shop somewhere.
  13. I believe the \r\n is either intended to be escaped, or else replaced with <br/> tags.
  14. Oh, woops, yes, in the wish shop.
  15. Well, they are order by wish number if you have no wishpoints, but if you do actually have wishpoints to spend, the wishes are displayed out of order.
  16. The active days gadget currently only goes up to 2 years. I had to bug murry long ago to get him to update it for the second year, but it's been quite a while, and it hasn't been updated since then.
  17. The Volition and Cartography stats currently show up as arbitrary stats, which means they have no image, are lowercase, and show up with a star before their name. For now, I won't post an extra topic in the artists section, but feel free to do so.
  18. In the user submitted info for 7_intown_1, the quotes are excessively escaped.
  19. Just noticed that the mobile version's chat code passes SID values in an attempt to prevent caching, but it will only prevent caching of the first update. Every subsequent attempt to update the chat and user list is subject to caching due to url1 and url2 being set outside of the do_refreshusersonline and do_refreshchat functions respectively. Edit: I also just realized that the main mobile page outputs the root HTML tags, head, and body opening, twice each, right at the start. It appears that when the menu was added to switch to PM's/mood panel, etc. the start of the page was copied and formatted, but the original wasn't removed.
  20. At 7_intown_1 in the Tribunal, there is a door labeled "Closed Door". It displays an AP requirement to enter (1 + 20 atm.), but it's not actually possible to enter. I suspect that, while it was intended to be opened up, an entry in the database is missing to allow us to actually enter. If it isn't intended to be opened, the question becomes, what should be done with it? Should it be left as it is? Should it be disabled?
  21. While no errors actually are visible, the tooltips are on the page, but don't currently work due to the fact the tooltip text is enclosed in single quotes. The tooltip text is enclosed in single quotes, because the hover handler is put directly on the playerlistnames cell. It also currently attempts to add the user's last webcam picture to the tooltip, but the attributes on that webcam picture are enclosed in un-escaped single quotes, which results in a javascript syntax error, and no tooltip being displayed.
  22. I was referring specifically to items that there are multiple of, Gold Coins, and Silver Coins, being two of them. As it consolidates all of the same items into one display, I would expect it to at least say how many of the item it has consolidated; It is the full details page after all.
  23. The actual number should be 7/10, but the information at the capital says 13/10.
  24. Currently the name of MR's Fraternity is "MR\\\'s Fraternity". The same thing exists with "Kelle\'tha Order".
  25. Although it only shows 1 of each item, it fails to indicate how many of that item you have.
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