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I am Bored

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Everything posted by I am Bored

  1. currently working on the 12 days of boredom, and for those who want to know here are the lyrics for the 12 days of murmas: On the first day of Murmas, my boredom sent to me A reindrach in a wooly hat. On the second day of Murmas, my boredom sent to me Two pamplemice, And a reindrach in a wooly hat. On the third day of Murmas, my boredom sent to me Three creature books, Two pamplemice, And a reindrach in a wooly hat. On the fourth day of Murmas, my boredom sent to me Four tiny men, Three creature books, Two pamplemice, And a reindrach in a wooly hat. On the fifth day of Murmas, my boredom sent to me Five golden coins, Four tiny men, Three creature books, Two pamplemice, And a reindrach in a wooly hat. On the sixth day of Murmas, my boredom sent to me Six aky's drawing, Five golden coins, Four tiny men, Three creature books, Two pamplemice, And a reindrach in a wooly hat. On the seventh day of Murmas, my boredom sent to me Seven wars a-waging, Six aky's drawing, Five golden coins, Four tiny men, Three creature books, Two pamplemice, And a reindrach in a wooly hat. On the eighth day of Murmas, my boredom sent to me Eight ren's a writing, Seven wars a-waging, Six aky's drawing, Five golden coins, Four tiny men, Three creature books, Two pamplemice, And a reindrach in a wooly hat. On the ninth day of Murmas, my boredom sent to me Nine questers questing, Eight ren's a writing, Seven wars a-waging, Six aky's drawing, Five golden coins, Four tiny men, Three creature books, Two pamplemice, And a reindrach in a wooly hat. On the tenth day of Murmas, my boredom sent to me Ten torches burning, Nine questers questing, Eight ren's a writing, Seven wars a-waging, Six aky's drawing, Five golden coins, Four tiny men, Three creature books, Two pamplemice, And a reindrach in a wooly hat. On the eleventh day of Murmas, my boredom sent to me Eleven burst a burning, Ten torches burning, Nine questers questing, Eight ren's a writing, Seven wars a-waging, Six aky's drawing, Five golden coins, Four tiny men, Three creature books, Two pamplemice, And a reindrach in a wooly hat. On the twelfth day of Murmas, my boredom sent to me Twelve free-ish credits, Eleven burst a burning, Ten torches burning, Nine questers questing, Eight ren's a writing, Seven wars a-waging, Six aky's drawing, Five golden coins, Four tiny men, Three creature books, Two pamplemice, And a reindrach in a wooly hat! there you go.
  2. i think you need both to be sucessful, knowing a little about a lot and a lot about a little.
  3. i must agree, i have no knowldge of what sanity is.... anyone care to explain?
  4. well windy that was the higher of my 2 singing voices more or less the singing voice of my bored character, i chose the higher one as i can actually say everything in that voice..... perhaps that's because i have spoke normally in that voice a lot.... only when i am very bored though.... and yes the different voice on the five was on purpose.... and besides, i was bored
  5. i would buy one if i could..... most likely won't be able to though..... [color="#0000ff"]IAB, this is spam! I will not delete it since you asked for examples. THIS is one! dst [color="#ff8c00"]no it's not, i was just providing my input iab [/color][/color]
  6. bad person! i wanted to choose 196... ok then.... 195!
  7. here is my entry: [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uJQYR8oe738"]http://www.youtube.c...h?v=uJQYR8oe738[/url] sorry about the end, i had to convert it to flv and i had already left it for an hour.... finaly gave up and stopped it converting... forcefully.... after checking that it had at least converted the audio..... and it had..... i think a 17.6 mb flv file is much easier to upload to youtube, than a 874 mb avi file that my webcam created....
  8. NOW THERE IS A TREE THERE TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. *wonders how he failed to create this topic first* poor indya????? how about poor topic!!!!
  10. we still don't have a final location do we?
  11. hmmm..... but there are browsers that can give life to a still image..... even if it is only fluttering like a flag.....
  12. yes that was the book i was thinking of....
  13. as far as i know there is only one flash player..... have you tried flock of sleipnir?
  14. unless there are people and bases on it, and they have scheduled movements (i know what you are talking about.... there is a book where the character gets stuck on a place like that...... can't remember the name though.... something to do with the days of the week....
  15. nope it has nothing to do with that grido i just don't like it when it is flat or when it is wavy or a cube. i think at one point i talked with bootes about the possibilty of being in a dual sun system.... with the second sun orbiting around the first, farther out in orbit than this planet, which is also rotating around that first sun....
  16. MD IS ROUND!!! (see attachment for proof) [attachment=1318:md map.jpg] proof brought to you by Ubrowser, the most useless web browser every made, it has flash support but it can't log into MD!!!!
  17. actually i was wrong in my count, i have 100 files that i still need to either unzip, or run...... i even have a copy of world wide web, and mosaic, although i can't figure out how to run world wide web...... oh and i can prove md is round, proof will be posted in a new topic.
  18. well i can get into sages keep... and oak tower..... and i think that the tribunal could benifit from having some cerimonies there....
  19. uh well, since you ask, i use: 1x amaya avant beonex communicator bobby30 browzar (both black and silver) flashpeak slimbrowser flock google chrome greenbrowser hotjava internet explorer 8 joboffice katiesoft kidnet explorer kidsafe explorer k-meleon maxthon2 mosaic mozilla neoplanet netcomplete netscape 3.5 netscape 7.2 offbyone opera phaseout reisegenial safari santa's browser 1.0 seamonkey sleipnir spider-man web browser ubrowser <-- totally useless at browseing webracer webwacker wemedia talking browser wildcat navigator wireless companion and that's all i have installed so far.... have about 100 more installers that i still need to run.....and now that you have reminded me it is time to start running them!
  20. don't worry about it not being free, i have sources to get it from, you didn't think i bought those tools did you????? oh and the recovery tools aren't the problem, as the drive is a sata drive, and i have a 40gb ide laptop drive that i used to use via usb with that 120gb sata drive..... and with a live cd i would just exchange the hard drive with the one i have in it now....
  21. Recently my hard drive for my laptop crashed, it was a 120gb sata drive, i now have a 240gb drive with an open 124 gb partition, i have the required things to get it to regester as an external drive, and i have paragon partition manager pro, and easus data recovery, the full version, and both of them freeze when i open them with the drive hooked up, they will instantly unfreeze when i unplug it from my laptop, and paragon will give me i/o errors, meaning it can't read the sector (which is to be expected, as the drive is unplugged ) i have been trying for 2 months now to recover it.... not yet managed to... and the disk manager will start without freezing, and regester it as it's actual size, 114 gb.... i realy want to recover what i had on that drive......
  22. i have now watered bob on the astral plane 163,954 times, and no i didn't add any extra digits to that
  23. bad watcher! no pointing out things that make it so i don't get nominated!
  24. wait but i killed an alliance.... does that count as villainous?
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