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I am Bored

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Everything posted by I am Bored

  1. all of the changes you have suggested are not actually that benificial in the end, because it gets annoying, and have you actually paid attention to how much space we have in the frames? there isn't actually that much space to work with, the bars on the creatures would just get incredibly annoying, the counters would freeze my computer, because i only have 256 mb of ram to run any aplications while still working at a fast speed (i can have 400 mb to work with if i put most of my computer to sleep, and use my browser in fullscreen mode) and my firefox takes 80mb of ram with a blank tab, with md as it is it takes 115 mb of ram, with that many counters it would basicly freeze my computer.... so i must say no to all of that, although the check boxes as an optional feature i might agree with.
  2. there are many of us with raw materials that are perfectly willing to sell them, provided we get a decent price for them. for example i will sell any of my raw materials as long as you are willing to pay 30 silver for it, if you want to see my reasons read my post on the topic discussing the raw materials
  3. I must say, 30 silver isn't that bad a price, there isn't that many raw materials out there, and those of us who are willing to sell it, want to make sure the person we are selling it to actually realy wants it for something (not many are prepared to pay 30 silver just because) and that currently is the easiest way of doing that, and it isn't actually that bad a price, however a drachorn, or a real item are both much to high a price.
  4. well the peices of a map do already have a purpose, when put together their images form a single map (which i have an image of ) and i don't think that having part of a map should do that, you should be required to have the entire map to do so......
  5. that's actually a player created quest. not sure why it isn't loading though..... hmmm...
  6. also mur would it be possible for you to add what the equivelent of each bid is in silver? it would make it slighly easier... not sure if what was just bid on the spell docs is more or less than what i bid with my unreleased creature.....
  7. he's still in tutorial mode go back in the cabin and click on the scroll again.
  8. that or you could have your computer set up to use imacros, and schedule it to run a script which would visit each page that needs to be edited, and press the save button, or you could also have it set up to visit a page with a script set up to do other things, you could set how often it would run, and it would solve those problems.... though i still think that a solution from mur would be the most effective.....
  9. [quote name='Orlando Gardiner' date='07 January 2010 - 07:13 AM' timestamp='1262870017' post='52091'] since when is that higher than a reindrach and 3 gold? [/quote] especially when i bid 130 silver.... 2 gold and 30 silver is only 60 silver... O_o....
  10. *sighs* well since i seem to have been told that my bid was to low, i bid 1 unrealesed creature (bought for a soulweaver and a rustgold) for the spell docs, and just so you know i was reading the reindrach as a rustgold.... was only reading the first letter that's how i read fast you don't read the entire word... makes the third spot in fenrir's quest a lot easier don't have to decode the entire word and extra note, i usually am able to get things for half to a third of their normal cost so you decide what that unreleased creature is worth
  11. *sighs* phantasm that's less than what i bid.
  12. *sighs* murry you should have given them to random new players who couldn't sacrifice them, and not tell us who they were, then let us try to find them i can garentee that i could have gotten a great deal on them, as i have gotten a soulweaver for an imperial, a joker, and 10 silver, but for now i will offer what i can 130 silver for the spell documents (and i still have a lot more to offer )
  13. need to go outside and make one eventually
  14. i'm mp5 though....
  15. wait... does getting attacked 120 times in under 24 hours count as extreme? as unless someone got a victory agenst my single tree rit then everyone who attacked only made me lose 1 head.... and i have over 120 an d i stayed idle at the goe for a while during the last stage of the heads competion.
  16. i say you should be replaced...... preferably with someone who doesn't like to send me to jail or ban me
  17. i must dissagree with you there, RJ is the master of impossible quests, because of his quest that very few have seen......... it involves clicking 71 buttons, each one gives and takes some of the 71 keys, the goal was to get all 71 peices..... but the first task find out that the quest existed
  18. there is my creature book.... it might be possible to configure it to work like that....
  19. so only my first entry counted right?
  20. nope Might sell creature 20.
  21. chewett you need to color all the scenes! then we can have an astral plane in the astral plane
  22. i also made a second entry, it's in my last post.
  23. do you have any shop resets available? i haven't tried but try resetting the shop they might apear.....
  24. don't worry, blackwood, it is singable time to start up my webcam well blackwood the video didn't save right so i will have to do it again, but for now here is another entry http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ul9xa-W2RHQ it's not got any real words
  25. i found another md observer, right at the base of the snowman.
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