Lately I have been really loose with my words and opinions. I haven't been respecting others feelings when I post my opinions. In reallife I am really a decent guy, and I thought it was apparent that I was percieved as such here as well(but with a loud mouth and a cold mind). I had a discussion with a few people today and I realised that not everyone can be clinical when looking at things.
Now I believe I owe a few people sincere apologies. First of all; sage, windy, and Mya.
I have been especially harsh on you three because I didn't agree with some of your tendencies. You are all good, caring individuals. I know that, I respect it. And because you have such big hearts you take what I say much harder than anyone else. I am truely sorry for any and all of thing things I have said to and about you that may have hurt you.
The next apology goes out to the entire magic duel community. I have said some pretty dumb things in an even dumber way. I realise my way of conveying ideas isn't conventional nor appreciated. From this point forward I shall speak with a kinder tongue and more sensitive to others.
I know that some of you will think this is another way to seek attention but it isn't. And I know I said I don't believe in apologies except where they are sincere. As of right now, I cannot prove my sincereity but all I ask I'd that you give me some time to prove myself to you. I know aome may never take kindly to mr, that is fine... Not everyone can be the best of friends... But hopefully tue rest of you guys can at least wait and see.