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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Hello... Lately I have been really loose with my words and opinions. I haven't been respecting others feelings when I post my opinions. In reallife I am really a decent guy, and I thought it was apparent that I was percieved as such here as well(but with a loud mouth and a cold mind). I had a discussion with a few people today and I realised that not everyone can be clinical when looking at things. Now I believe I owe a few people sincere apologies. First of all; sage, windy, and Mya. I have been especially harsh on you three because I didn't agree with some of your tendencies. You are all good, caring individuals. I know that, I respect it. And because you have such big hearts you take what I say much harder than anyone else. I am truely sorry for any and all of thing things I have said to and about you that may have hurt you. The next apology goes out to the entire magic duel community. I have said some pretty dumb things in an even dumber way. I realise my way of conveying ideas isn't conventional nor appreciated. From this point forward I shall speak with a kinder tongue and more sensitive to others. I know that some of you will think this is another way to seek attention but it isn't. And I know I said I don't believe in apologies except where they are sincere. As of right now, I cannot prove my sincereity but all I ask I'd that you give me some time to prove myself to you. I know aome may never take kindly to mr, that is fine... Not everyone can be the best of friends... But hopefully tue rest of you guys can at least wait and see.
  2. Dst sounds like a new sexually transmitted disease. Lol [color="#0000FF"]This sounds like a nice little warning for offtopic. Lol dst[/color]
  3. Oh and md is 100% original. I would definitely buy one if it was of good quality and looked nice.
  4. Useful idea, but I don't think searching players is that much of a priority right now.
  5. It also takes millions of dollars to develop. Not to mention high powered servers.
  6. An age medal that signifys how long you have been playing. -100 days newbie medal -200 days vetern medal -356 days elitist medal I know we have the age markers as well but actual medals for these would be great. Now I have an idea for more than an achievement page. If you have an avatar perhaps you can choose three medals to show off on your avy?
  7. With spam.
  8. It isn't possible, that I know of(I xhausted all my ideas with chewett nome are feasible enough). Let's just let them do it and ban them when we find them.
  9. Aken, topic is dead. Alts are okay if they are used properly, but as the recent news log shows, they are not. Atleast by some. If we were to just ban the trading of creatures from alternate characters that would be fine by me. Any ideas anyone?
  10. [quote name='SageWoman' date='23 August 2009 - 10:01 AM' timestamp='1251036078' post='40054'] [size="4"][/size] I do not know who is marking my profile with bad reputation but I want a stop to it. I have not been posting on the Forums that much do to moving and when I put a friendly complaint in my status message, it went from -9 to -10. My profile is about me and my character. I do not flame anyone and most of my postings are done with humor. The Forum is for expressing ideas and opinions and I do not believe players have to be given a reputation rating because someone does not like what they wrote. The Forum is for sharing ideas, projects, quests and even disagreements. Freedom of Speech is being violated here. No where on my profile does it say WHY the reputation has been marked and by whom. I believe this has become an abusive ability of Moderators and respectfully ask that the negative reputation be removed. Personal feelings and egos should have no place in the Forum. [/quote] Sage I constantly get negative reputation. I am at -77 at the time of this post. Which is retarded. I almost always am on topic, and the occasion that I'm not I don't get a negative counter. If people are going to go around hunting my or other posts please try to be unbiased and think about whether or not I am spamming, which is what the counters are for.
  11. Burns is correct, abuse of the silence spell is annoying, yes but that doesn't mean that it is important. Let's hunt the creature farmers. *grabs a pitch fork*
  12. Lol jester be quiet. This is something that shouldn't be allowed, but who will stop you? If your friend reports you I don't think he is much of an friend but who will give you that warning? Boone.
  13. No, we will get them.
  14. If we don't we will get them.
  15. Well, let's use the wallpaper or the advertising banner and place it on other sites. Add it to google adsense or another advertising thing. Let's make a flash picture that is fancy andnwhat not.
  16. If you look at the updatelog you will see rpcs should infact do this. You are not allowed in any special areas like necro gg or mb islands that noone else can access.
  17. Awe Ailith beat me to the goat punch line.
  18. I have to stop my self from saying lol out of pure habit from msn an ym.
  19. I don't know if we have a visual aid ad or not but I think we should start one. Something more than people just typing in google mmorpg or magic game and then going through a list.
  20. Post the rest dude please? It's hilarious.
  21. If you choke a smurf, what colour does it turn? Often wondered this... EDIT: According to Granos, Jesus helps choke smurfs.
  22. I believe that rpcs should screw with the hc in an unbiased way. Hunt down those that accumultaing heads in hard to get to places, and send them to goe. But helping someone win? I think that is a bit to far.
  23. Unless you have perfect typing and spelling skills this is ppretty useless. A translator will never be able to replace a human mind, at least not now. Something like that would need a major Investment to do properly. At this stage in md' I believe it is not feasable.
  24. Ok, I can see the q dic when I click on mur and see my reflection.
  25. I have not gotten one although my wp was taken. I have checked my papers and refreshed and clearing the cache. None have worked
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