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Fenrir Greycloth

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Everything posted by Fenrir Greycloth

  1. Yes, a very minor bug. It's vitality is only temporary so it is not something to fret over. Hehe.
  2. This monster is something of a rival to the GG drachorns in the terms of potential power. It is incredibly powerful against strong rituals with lots of Vitality. Concious Muk A small puddle of slime that has gained conciousness due to over exposure to the Root. Stats Vital Energy 500/500 Attack 10 Defence 15 Initiative 0 Target: Random Abilities: Life-Steal Concious Muk II As the Muk grows in it's earthly experience, so does it's size. Stats Vital Energy 1500/1500 Attack 40 Defence 75 Initiative 4 Target: Multi Abilities: Damage, Acid* Vivid Blob In order to survive, the Vivid Blob now has to consume large ammounts of material to keep it's conciousness; living or dead. Stats Vital Energy 3500/3500 Attack 60 Defence 95 Initiative 3 Target: Multi Abilities: Damage, Acid* Vivid Blob II Because of it's massive size, this beast has become a burden on it's habitat and has grown tired of lying in wait for it's prey. Stats Vital Energy 4500/4500 Attack 70 Defence 150 Initiative 3 Target: Multi Abilities: Damage, Acid* Gargantuan Blob This massive blob leaves a trail of destruction in it's path. It is now so large it has gained a second conciousness in it's stomach. Stats Vital Energy 5500/5500 Attack 100 Defence 200 Initiative 4 Target: All Abilities: Damage, Acid* *Acid is a new ability that takes it's strength from the total ammount of vitality in the players ritual, and multiplies it by (.100(Defense)).
  3. Yes, as long as you stay IC, and not talk about stats and stuff while IC, you're good.
  4. And yet I bet we could pwn you.
  5. Yes, what is the point of everyone having a different clocks? Because you can't look down a couple inches at the clock on your toolbar? Edit: One thing I would love to see is a Change Name. One use only, for those people who have a name like KrazedKid245262. So that they can have a respectable name once they realise that this is not a typical game...
  6. As Thanatopic has noticed, I have been working on new avatars for the game. I hope you will be happy with them. As for the other artists, I know they have been working on projects as well, specifically, I do not know.
  7. One of the things you guys keep on saying is that Akasha is always idle in her lab, from what I see, she is absolutely very rarely in this... "lab". I have had many discussions with her in the GoE, out in the open, and even got to know her player a bit. What I see here is jealousy. And envy. There may be a few RPCs that abuse their role, so what? Let the other RPCs deal with it and have it figured out within their own group. Becoming RPC, or even PWR is something that doesn't happen over night! It takes time, dedication, and labourous work.
  8. Akasha in the large majority of her responses, is correct. Although, I do agree with those who appear idle ALL the time in the GoE or what not should not do so, but unless you know what they are doing while idle, leave them be.
  9. I can offer my assistance as well. Throw in a joker and a bloodpact as well. I will come up with my own contest.
  10. Which is why it can be turned off seperately... >.>
  11. I agree, perhaps we can come up with a list of suggestions in which we could put in a My Account section? For Instance: Music On/Off Dynamic Sidebar On/Off Sidebar Lights On/Off Notifications[Sounds] On/Off Minipop Ups On/Off
  12. My first idea for the torches are to list basic information on their page before you attack them. More often than not, I find myself attacking an MP3/4 wasting valuable seconds because I could not see if they were an MP3/4. Also, I am not sure if honour or loyalty is a matter in these battles, but because they are not listed anymore, I cannot tell if I will gain negative honour or not. My second is to remove the Jump to Leader spell for those in an alliance. I was able to jump all the way from Loreroot to Wind's Sanctuary in one step, attack someone and jump inside the Sanctuary. A little unreasonable. My third idea is a bit different, I would like to see a set ammount of steps you are allowed while participating in the torch olympics. This way, instead of running two steps and waiting to regen, there is a more tactical side to this. As I noticed yesterday, a large group of people from Marind's Bell sat outside Raven's Hold in order to attack anyone that walked out of it to gain points. Last time I checked, MRD had 8 points just sitting there and attacking an MP5 walking through. This would set a limit on how many points one can gain from this. (Perhaps a set limit on how many kills one can gain is more feasable?) My forth idea is to restrict the number of players from each side. At one point, Marind's Bell had 33 players while Loreroot had 6. I do not believe this is close to fair. Maybe a 5-8 man difference should be made so that there will not be an over whelming odds against any team. My fifth idea includes additional Land Weapons. Not the huge monsters that we can only dream of using, but actual items like traps, and NPCs that we can set. When you have a torch you can purchase a single trap from your castle and stratigically set it where ever you want. Some traps that could be included are Step reducers, VE stealers, and Random teleporters. Each costing more than the others. This will help even out the playing field for those Uber strong MP5s... MRD... >.> Anyways, if you have any comments or further suggestions please post them!
  13. Hello there! *pauses as he flourishes his arm to the area behind him* Welcome to the Central Market! We conduct various trades here, including creature and item trades, as well as job listings. You will find various creatures to buy here, however you must know that if you sell your prized Elemental V, your customer will only get the first form, an egg. So, please, be careful! As for the selling and buying of items, coins are the main currency, a very expensive commodity. So, over pricing your creatures or items will not bode you well. *smiles as he turns back to the various stalls behind him* Choose your stall and set it up! *grins* Gooday to you! [quote]To help keep this section organized, please use the following format: Topic Name: WTS(Want to Sell), WTT(Want to Trade), or WTB(Want to Buy) and then the item you wish to sell/trade/purchase. Body: What you would like to sell/trade/buy the aforementioned item/creature for. Please be reasonable with your pricing. An offer of knator for a Rusty Drachorn will not sell. Once you have completed a trade, please say so in your thread. This will help me when it comes to cleaning up the dead threads. [/quote] As the CTC and the Market have been combined, you may now post job listings and MD related economy discussions here as well!
  14. A new section in the Loreroot subforum is being added within a day or so. Creature Trading Centre. Perhaps your item fair can be added there when it is added?
  15. Ok, so I have recently entered MP5. I entered with 5k honour (the max). Ten minutes later after unleashing a tidal wave of attacks on my fellow MP5s I get the message that I have reached the XP max for my level. Well, I researched it a bit and I found I had -649 honour. I had a perfectly balanced profile and I asked around for a bit for a solution. Apparently the best way to regain my honour is to attack other alliance members, or accumilate a tonne of losses. If I fight any non alliance member I get -600 honour, but when I attack alliance members I gain one or two additional honour. What is the determining factor here for honour? -600 honour is a bit extreme. Is there a way that I might be able to reset my honour to 0?
  16. Santa isn't real people, sorry to break it to you...
  17. Honestly that land wars idea is rather interesting... I would like to see a way to control certain areas in the game by actual player alliances. For instance, if a group of players were to invade Loreroot and defeat a certain percentage of the current alliance in control of Loreroot's population, they would take over that area. If anyone has ever played GTA San Andreas they would know what I mean and could probably add some more ideas or better suggestions.
  18. I have extensive knowledge of biology, literature, and various other areas.
  19. I would like to sign up as well, please and thank you. Fenrir Greycloth ID: 86191
  20. My name is Nathan von Minden. I live in Kitchener, Ontario. I am currently in a welding/fitting apprenticeship. I am in the Canadian Reserves, and I love MD! It's an original game with many new updates that I can't wait to see be implemented. This is my character's story. If you have any questions, or suggestions to improvement, please ask and I will gladly answer you! Enjoy! [quote]When the Earth had made its 21st circle around the sun in his life, Fenrir found himself the only remaining Greycloth of his family line. Fenrir was raised by his paternal grandfather, Vallis Greycloth; the Court Sorcerer. His parents had vanished without a word, though there were rumors in the court and some were nasty indeed. Fenrir did not like the one about how his grandfather had sired him upon his mother and there have been blood shed over it. Vallis took it upon himself to leave the court in order to remain at home with the boy and raise him properly .His idea of proper was considered old-fashioned, but Fenrir learned diplomacy, courtesy, combat skills both magical and mundane. Once the boy proved himself capable, Vallis turned his mind to other pursuits. Some say it was those that caused his demise leaving a trail of blood over the family estate. Vallis left all his fortune and the secrets of the Greycloth estate to the young Fenrir, who up to this point was sheltered away from things he should not know. Naturally, once the funeral garments were cast aside Fenrir decided to investigate his fortune. He secretly hoped he would uncover the mystery behind his parent’s demise. Most of the estate held mundane items, those he could use he kept. Those he could not, he sought out charities to take what they needed and sell what remained until all there was left was his grandfather`s study. Vallis` study had been magically enhanced to keep the servants away, most didn`t know it was there and would avoid that area. It was for their own protection; Fenrir knew and approved of this. Some things were not meant to be public knowledge and yet, these things were now his. Excitement flew through him as he sent the mundanes out for the day, not sharing his plans with the household staff he shut the door and searched the study. There were books, some old, some in languages not still spoken whispering secret promises if only he could understand. Papers, a few odd photographs, including one of his parents with a dark shadow looming in the background. It had to have been taken near the time right before they disappeared. They had only disappeared! Vallis would say if they were dead and Vallis would have known. Some artifacts on cluttered shelves, it appeared that grandfather`s neat tendencies did not follow him here. It made Fenrir smile to think of a man that was more God than man...as more...reachable, real and not the distant sorcerer that he appeared to be. When he was done he had sorted everything into piles. Some to keep and more for the charities, once he dispelled their charms, of course. No need to create bad will with the Goodwill. He savored every memory until there was one item left to explore...an old Iron Chest. Iron was sacred to the masters of Luado and Fenrir could feel a tingle of anticipation as he wondered what could be so valuable to be so hidden. Iron was easier to spell and it kept certain influences away by its very nature. The bands of the chest alone would by him two of his grandfather`s stables alone! The intricate artwork moved as if the box breathed, it was as if they were the only two living things in the room. Would opening it break the spell of such a wonderful work of art? No, grandfather`s magic was always functional, but never this beautiful. The seal had the crest of the family line and the pictographs told a story that stretched back to the start of the Greycloth legacy. It was a shame he didn`t have the time to study it all. Fenrir made the decision to open it. It was indeed beautiful, but to keep it closed would be more of a crime than opening it. Inside the smooth walls hummed with a flowing golden light. If the iron was worth the stables, that lining had to be worth the entire estate, especially if it had been magiked to live past Vallis` lifetime. The light flicked away as if calling his attention to a small locket of iron surrounded by six deep impressions surrounding it. Six? What was missing from this case? Did the servants? No...Placing the locket around his neck, another decision made. The glow from the box dissipated. The mates to this one must be found, either they would reveal their secrets or be destroyed.[/quote]
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