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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. I had no idea about this beature until Ary made that slip. Perhaps we should make a beature megathread and force Chew to pull out all his wookiefur?
  2. I found part of an old quest Ailith made a long time ago when I was newish. They stick around :)
  3. Skull, bones, skin, fat, memorystone, resin - Golem Artificier Skin, treebark, lumber - Tanner Skin, bone, treebark, sticky goop - Seamstress (bone for needle, goop for adhesive, bark for string, skin for fabric)
  4. Bundle it with the ability to edit clickies
  5. Please when you make a topic about an announcement quote the announcement in the OP and then add a little info in the title about what the topic/ann is about.
  6. rainwater, bones, skull, branches - Rainmaker (Dude that dances around to summon rain for the crops :D)
  7. Cup of Cold Tea - Bringer of Goodies Fat, Skin, Toxic Gas - Grasan Herder edit: Wiiya - Seedwalker Timeless Dust, Syntropic Dust, Liquid Dust, (sawdust?) - Dust Junkie (Alchemist?) Lumber, Branches, Sawdust, Tree bark - Woodcutter Tea leaves, unidentified plants, toxic plants, aromatic herbs, resin, bushies, flowers - Horticulturalist/Gardener
  8. I like to gather so that if I feel like making tea or cake I'll have the resources to do it. Normally this means I'll have little more than 100 of any resource type.
  9. CTC830000MUIMC42MDC Not super extreme but still very fun:)
  10. prot-martyrrevive: Protector sacrifices their own life to revive one of their worshipers draining all heat from the protector's Elroin. Must be alive to cast. prot-martyrkill: Protector sacrifices their own life to kill the target draining all heat from the protector's Elroin. Must be alive to cast. prot-rebirth: Protector consumes all of the heat in their elroin to be reborn. Requires a LOT of heat to cast (like 100k or so) [log More intense stuff (lots of words):] Yes, I'm aware that a protector doesn't have infinite elroin heat at the moment. If you don't want to change it back then prot-revive can give 25 non-regenerable casts of prot-rebirth and have prot-rebirth require 4k heat. Then when all of the prot-rebirth casts are gone the protector would revive[/log]
  11. But this one is much more fun :D Although that's definitely more likely to be quickly implemented.
  12. Currently two wins will movelock for a time shorter than the combat cooldown, so the target can continue on their merry way with only a minor inconvenience.
  13. I used the wrong word, meant to use worshipper instead of adept
  14. This proposition has two major parts When a Land Cleanser is activated it should reset the combat timers of the players whose fightcauses were consumed (So if Player A and B attack player C with "landguard" they could attack player C again) To prevent abuse players would not get wins/heat on their creatures and they would not get profile stats (including wins/losses/honor) from fights with causes If this goes through there should be a warning on the slider/fightcause page that you don't get any stats when fighting for a cause.
  15. Rophs

    brain dump

    nc and gg are same land, but at different times. they occupy the same "space" but not at the same time island of seculsion is mt kelletha cave under NC is cave under gg deathmarrow is ivory lighthouse neither happened after the other one, they are both at opposite "timepoints" in the same "cycle" and both need to exist for "balance" all of GG deteriorating showing entropy, nearing complete destruction big shift happening soon in cycle? but fixing lighthouse would disrupt cycle? powerful enough use of imagination can cause the cycle itself to change and create a new land? is the lighthouse being fixed a planned part of the cycle? maybe this cycle didn't know, but there is a cycle of cycles independent of each other escape the cycles and reach the next level one step closer to the inner sun? all lands are the same space just different times mb wall nc wall wasp totem, misteltoe bridge, ravenhold == lighthouse, bridge of chosen, kelle'tha paper cabin, weird cave in nml == defensive quarters, hollow en [log i drew lines on the map] [/log] there is line between lr capital and gg capitall mb capital to nc capital none from mb to gg capital lr capital and nc cappital connect (but barely, probably mistake on my part) mb to lr yes gg to nc yes remove any lines with intersections that aren't on scenes, most of them just barely "miss" a few scenes and don't work start to see pattern in the lines, how the lands mirror each other lands are transpositions of each other over time, but then if time is an axis why not other principles? md is 10 dimensional world? maybe not... time is a "circular" axis becauste of cyclicity and can be bent by imagination entropy and syntropy pushes time along the cyce the GoE is somewhere at the "MIDDLE" of the cycle shape of MD is more like concentric circles....? I need to draw a new map new map...? cycle 1 has one element aka nml GoE at middle cycle 2 has four five elements gg, nc, mb, lr, lote cycle 3 has ?? elements (maybe 13?) mda, maze, lote, west, ug... what about others? the lands are spinning around in circles/cycles but appear to be still because there is no reference to time and as the four lands shift around NML NML will spin around to match them the further away from GoE you are the faster you are going this spinning makes anticentifugal force... why? idk is why grasans migrate from hollow den to Aramory archers from LR and from MB have common ancestor in archives? maybe not... probably form passage opposite of maze at split path spot elemental egg came from same place but it is not "human" so there was no need to "evolve/adapt" for them maybe bird egg is 'evolved' elemental egg...? makes some sense keeps weaken and gains different targeting options at higher levels but also different based on land LR toxicodendrite is evolved elemental? idk never raised one it's why empty aramors came on ship from west to gg, they felt the "pull" of the anticentrifugal force and it brought them to GG how to prove that lands are spinning? could we demonstrate Coriolis effect in MD? this is all wrong... but it's less wrong than my dodecahedronal map the cycles rule scales terribly. if you rotate a dodecahedron around a line perpendicular to two of its faces so that it passes through the center point of the faces then the faces will end up in same spot... MD is still a dodecahedron more or less...
  16. A 20kg bag of cement, lots of sand, lots of water, rolling a really heavy barrel down a mountain... That doesn't sound very safe :P
  17. Some kind of mixing implement is required to mix the concrete. One idea is to attach a barrel to Golem's mill but then there is the issue of transporting it. Somebody needs to find a solution to the aforementioned problems. I'll reward them with a spot on my ship going West :) And maybe bubbles too...
  18. Give protector more ways to punish worshiper. spell to give worshipers skilldamage forms of weaken Spells to teleport worshipers into unsavory locations KILL a worshipper revive a worshipper (prot-kill/revive should only affect somebody worshiping the mp6 who casts it, can't be made into spellstones)
  19. [log Mp6 should have life+death power on worshipers. Mp6 only has life power. Give mp6 death power.]It's shortened because Mur wants only one line. I'm apprehensive in posting this in accordance with the five minute rule but I'm going to "violate" my own judgement for the sake of making a short statement for Mur's sake.[/log]
  20. Rophs

    Rickroll Quest

    Gave witty the prot-nomulti
  21. Depleting reduces the amount of resources that can potentially be obtained per day. Calculate how many resources that is so we can convert it into cakes/cups of tea :D edit: Cakes per day would be a useful way to look at the kind of impact depletion has on herbs
  22. This isn't very extreme, but it's a rare view of MDP that most players probably haven't seen:
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