Yeah, the game is totally unrealistic. This physics continuity errors are 100% breaking my immersion, forget the fact that I'm a walking,talking acorn or that we have magic. Physics come first!
We're definitely overthinking the cement aspect of this project, we also need to reforge the glass windows which will likely be a much more difficult task.
We could mix large amounts of nearly perfect cement at power's ascent and then when it is in the individual buckets for transportation add more sand/water/cementmix to get the mixture that we need.
I meant more like store the fart in a bottle and let it out slowly, to make a grasan stove :P
I knew steam engine was super far fetched
And ofc heat will be needed :P but there's nothing a full 2000k heat jar can't solve
We could use the heat to make a very basic steam engine.... but that would get very complicated very quickly. At the moment I think Junior's waterfall idea is the best.
A single powerful Grasan fart might not last long enough to properly mix the barrel. Cement mixing needs a longer smooth mixing, not a single massive jolt imo. Maybe if we can burn the farts like a stove (farts irl have methane and can be burned... in MD too?).
I imagined it more like we keep the barrel in the mixing rig up at the waterfall and carry it down in buckets, maybe get the Empty Aramors to be our walking buckets :D
Pour the ingredients into an Empty Aramor and force it to dance!
Adding fins to the side of the barrel would allot the mixing to be more efficient, nice idea :D and the small amount in a bucket can easily be mixed by hand with a stick or a bone to keep it from hardening.