[log The Oak:]
[06/01/15 21:16] :Rophs kneels before Awi and offers up a short prayer [06/01/15 22:07] :Rophs stands up and sits down between Awi's roots resting his back on the thick trunk running his cane across the rigid and rippley bark [06/01/15 23:03] Rophs:Hmm... people are late! [06/01/15 23:17] Draconas:sure they are coming? [06/01/15 23:20] Rophs:Hmm [06/01/15 23:20] Rophs:Well, you're here. [06/01/15 23:21] Rophs: *grins* I suppose we could begin now. [06/01/15 23:21] Rophs:Tell the Oak a story about DRAGONS! *raises his arms and wiggles his tweedly finger like a spooky ghost as he shouts the last word* [06/01/15 23:22] Draconas:hmm, i dont know any stories [06/01/15 23:23] Draconas:there was little time for that when i was growing up [06/01/15 23:23] Rophs: *stands up and waddles over to Draconas*That's no issue, you can make one up! [06/01/15 23:25] Draconas:the one-eyed dragon [06/01/15 23:26] Draconas:once upon a time, in a land far from here, there was an egg, a dragonegg [06/01/15 23:26] :Rophs climbs onto Draco's foot and sits as he listens to the voice [06/01/15 23:27] Draconas:this egg laid in the nest, the mother breeding it, keeping it close to her, was starting to worry because the father dragon should have been long gotten home [06/01/15 23:28] Draconas: (tired, cant write, will try to make the best of it) [06/01/15 23:29] Rophs: (Alright, hand off the story to me if you feel the need to :P) [06/01/15 23:29] Draconas:she wanted to go have a look, but she didnt want to leave her little one behind [06/01/15 23:30] Draconas:but as time passedand he didnt return she took matters into her hands, grab the egg in her claw and flew out to search him [06/01/15 23:30] Dark Demon:Sorry I'm late [06/01/15 23:30] :Dark Demon quietly sits on the grass nearby and watches [06/01/15 23:31] :Rophs nods and waves to DD, Aelis, and Lintara with his cane [06/01/15 23:32] :Lintara peeks out from behind Dark Demon and stretches her wings out to look as though he has fairy wings [06/01/15 23:32] :Lintara chuckles and waves back [06/01/15 23:32] :Dark Demon smiles and grabs her arm, pulling her to his lap [06/01/15 23:32] Draconas:but then, as what happens in the worst nightmares passed that day, the egg fell down from in between her claw [06/01/15 23:33] Draconas:it is an old knowledge among dragons: "never drop the egg" [06/01/15 23:34] Lintara:Ooph! *falls on Dark's lap, looks up and nodnods to Draco* [06/01/15 23:34] Draconas:she dived down trying to catch it but she was too late, luckily for her it fell in the soft bush, but it was firmly shaken [06/01/15 23:35] Draconas:she grabbed the egg, and quickly flew home again, only to find the father worried and annoyed in their lair [06/01/15 23:36] Draconas:a few moons later, the egg started making noises and after a little while a dragon crawled out [06/01/15 23:36] Draconas:well, a baby dragon [06/01/15 23:38] Draconas:the mother went over and licked him clean from all the slime, but when she saw his face she leat out a surprised and perhaps disgusted roar [06/01/15 23:39] Draconas:many many summers later, this baby had grown to a young dragon, you could compare it to a teenager [06/01/15 23:40] Draconas:he was laying on the beach, snoozing with his head under his wing, when a young draca flew in [06/01/15 23:41] Draconas:she admired his glittering scales, which were much thinner than the average dragon, making them shine all the more [06/01/15 23:42] Draconas:she landed next to him and said to him "well helo there handsome" [06/01/15 23:43] Draconas:he quickly perked up his ear and turned towards the sound [06/01/15 23:43] Draconas:when the young draca saw that the dragon only had one eye she let out a terrified stream of curses [06/01/15 23:45] Draconas:saddened that again, the dracas only looked at his one eye the young dragon decided to leave, he spreaded his wing and jumped up into the sky [06/01/15 23:46] Draconas:but he didnt see that a friend of the young draca was just about to land because of his limited sight, so she slammed right into him tossing him down onto the rocks [06/01/15 23:47] Draconas:a surprised growl, a heavy impact and a short snap were heard [06/01/15 23:47] Draconas:the little dracas went over to watch, but the one eyed dragon was no more [06/01/15 23:47] Draconas:and that is the sad story of the one eyed dragon [06/01/15 23:48] :Dark Demon sniffles [06/01/15 23:48] :Rophs nods [06/01/15 23:48] Rophs:Would anybody else like to tell a story? [06/01/15 23:50] Lintara: *shakes her head* Sorry, none on my mind at the moment. [06/01/15 23:51] :Rophs nods and glances at Aelis, Vaoryn and DD [06/01/15 23:51] Dark Demon: *sighs* Me neither. Sorry... [06/01/15 23:52] Aelis: *shakes his head* Sorry. [06/01/15 23:52] :Rophs nods [06/01/15 23:52] Rophs:Then let's move on to the Maple! [06/01/15 23:52] :[Spell] don't listen to the whisper of the tainted seeds
No log for the Maple (ran out of acousticremains casts)
[b][log The Willow:][/b]
[06/01/15 18:01] nadrolski:0.25/10 water [07/01/15 00:06] Rophs:=-=-= [07/01/15 00:06] Rophs:Snow covering seeds [07/01/15 00:06] Rophs:Keeps them warm like a blanket [07/01/15 00:07] Rophs:Then they sprout in spring! [07/01/15 00:07] Rophs:=-=-= [07/01/15 00:07] Rophs: *nods* A haiku [07/01/15 00:07] Dark Demon: (what do we do at the Willow again? XD) [07/01/15 00:07] Rophs:A bit of poetry for the Willow. [07/01/15 00:08] Dark Demon:=-=-= [07/01/15 00:09] Dark Demon:A new beginning, a new year [07/01/15 00:11] Lintara:Step lightly, step forward, have no fear! [07/01/15 00:12] Dark Demon:There will be mistakes; there will be sorrow, [07/01/15 00:13] Lintara:But there's always a tomorrow. [07/01/15 00:14] Dark Demon:Never forget who you are, what you do, and why you do it, [07/01/15 00:15] Lintara:After all, you do it for fun, there's nothing more to it! [07/01/15 00:15] Dark Demon:=.=.= [07/01/15 00:15] :Dark Demon bows [07/01/15 00:15] :Lintara chuckles and curtsies [07/01/15 00:17] :Rophs nods [07/01/15 00:17] Rophs:A duet at the Willow, I've never seen such a thing at a Seedwalk! [07/01/15 00:18] Dark Demon: *smiles* There's always a first time [07/01/15 00:18] :Rophs prances around and delight and blows a large bubble towards DD and Lintara and then gazes at it in awe as it splits into two [07/01/15 00:18] :Rophs passed Wiiya Bubble to Lintara [07/01/15 00:18] :Rophs passed Wiiya Bubble to Dark Demon [07/01/15 00:19] Dark Demon:Thanks! [07/01/15 00:19] Lintara:Thank you! [07/01/15 00:19] Draconas:A willow by the lake [07/01/15 00:19] Draconas:a lake by the willow [07/01/15 00:20] Draconas:this is where I wake [07/01/15 00:20] : Dark Demon collects wiiya and syntropicdust as a byproduct [07/01/15 00:20] Draconas:on a soft green pillow [07/01/15 00:22] Draconas:a tree by the water [07/01/15 00:22] Draconas:water by the tree [07/01/15 00:23] Draconas:why, oh father [07/01/15 00:23] Draconas:have you forsaken me [07/01/15 00:26] :Draconas hops into the water [07/01/15 00:26] :Rophs shivers [07/01/15 00:27] Rophs: *saunters over towards DD with an ominous stride and a flippant look on his face* Enjoying the Wiiya? [07/01/15 00:27] :Draconas lifts his wings to splash water at them [07/01/15 00:28] Dark Demon: *nods* Yup! [07/01/15 00:28] Lintara: *chuckles and leaps back* Missed me! [07/01/15 00:28] Dark Demon: *looks to Draco, drenched* .... [07/01/15 00:29] :Rophs takes his cane and spanks DD's bottom as furiously as a walking acorn only a few centimeters tell can manage [07/01/15 00:29] :Rophs wiggles his butt, shaking the glistening droplets of water off his waterproof shell [07/01/15 00:29] :Dark Demon kicks Rophs away [07/01/15 00:29] Rophs:If you deplete the Wiiya here it will stunt the Willow's growth! [07/01/15 00:30] Dark Demon: *sighs* Sorry! You could have just told me that... [07/01/15 00:30] Rophs:It needs to become a big and strong tree!*waves his cane at DD* Ask before doing such a thing! [07/01/15 00:30] Dark Demon: *nods* I will [07/01/15 00:31] Rophs:Awii has tons of Wiiya seeping out from his roots, gather the strange gas there. [07/01/15 00:31] :Lintara darts to the lake, smiles, cups some water and splashes it at Draco [07/01/15 00:31] Dark Demon:Ok... [07/01/15 00:31] Rophs:Let's head to the spruce before LR and GG start a war... shall we? [07/01/15 00:31] :[Spell] don't listen to the whisper of the tainted seeds
And secrets at the Spruce~