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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. Welcome to MD, the realm of Name Puns!
  2. He didn't even win a single award :^)
  3. Will there be a jumplink?
  4. DOWN WITH THE BUNNY EMPIRE! So you don't have to worry about logistics and can make time for a HBD :P
  5. When you grab your first equipment it displays a message saying "Congratulations you have acquired your first inventory item. blablabla". It should be changed because it does not appear in your inventory. Maybe instead "... first equipment. ...."
  6. Added links between adjacent lands, indicated by black lines between adjacent pentagons.
  7. I think it's a nice balance between secretly pumping points into a tag you shouldn't have all the time and not having access to it at all. Allowing players to only put points into the Illusion's tag when they are in the illusion comes at a cost. They will be stuck in the illusion, players will KNOW if they're trying to do a takeover via tag(if that's possible) Less points for their "real" tags that the player would want to put lots of points into
  8. I estimated which face the WesLand would be located on based on its relative position to GG with regards to the other lands. The Yellow lines indicating that the Maze connects to WestLand is purely conjecture in my part. I'm predicting that the Shadow Labyrinth will have an exit leading to the west.
  9. AmberRune - "Bringer of Goodies"
  10. Who came in 4th, 5th, etc places?:)
  11. I dismiss that thought. I'll create more "proof" for my theory "soon".
  12. It was by no means meant to be "to scale", just a graphical representation of what lands touch where
  13. Rophs atm has 536 branches, needing only 130 more to have the fabled amount of 666. WTB price negotiable
  14. Gah, I meant to connect it to NML. I'l fix ASAP
  15. @Junior I replied to your Forum PM about the lighthouse, read ASAP pelase

  16. But what if council is not kill?
  17. I had screenshots on my external hdd of me having both 66666 and 77777 max vit, but it died and I had to reformat it :( edit: They were 55555 and 66666
  18. Rophs


    "loose" is used where lose should instead. A healthy ctrl+f of "loose" and glanceover might be needed for the entirety of MD good luck Chewett and Grido, let's hope this time around Han doesn't shoot :)
  19. Good luck out there in the real world, it can be scary sometimes. ps. Regarding your mist book item... I hear Tipu is good at keeping things safe ;)
  20. There are 12 total lands in the MD dodecahedron, and then we could probably portal/shift to another platonic solid with 4,6,8,20 lands. (And then portal/shift to another "set" of platonic solids. No Man's Land Necrovion Marind Bell Golemus Golemicarum Loreroot The Archives Lands of the East Underground Jail Estabished Housings Labyrinth Those are the currently 'known' lands of MD. Although ES is not a "true" land in-of itself and UG occupying a side is debatable, it likely occupies the space inside of the dodecahedron. Jail might be another "sub-land" leaving the MD dodecahedron with 9 known distinct and 'named' faces. edit: [log I tried "mapping' MD on an unfolded dodecahedron and an unfolded cube and a "blob" map.] [/log] I'm derailing a bit, if needed feel free to split. edit2: [log I'd like to borrow some wise words from No one] [/log] edit3: fixed connecting UG to GG instead of NML on blob map
  21. si si! muy feliz :P
  22. Lazarus sold me a GC for 14SC.
  23. I'm going to test imps dealing damage with following rits at 0% attack 1x Max Imp 2x Max Imp 1x Max Imp + 1x 9th Anni 2x Max imp + 1x 9th Anni 2x Max imp + 2x 9th Anni Need an mp4 test dummy
  24. Don't be sorry :P put link to bellotaman pictures in thread por favor ^w^ both faces por favor :)
  25. 1/6/2015 [log The Oak:] [06/01/15 21:16] :Rophs kneels before Awi and offers up a short prayer [06/01/15 22:07] :Rophs stands up and sits down between Awi's roots resting his back on the thick trunk running his cane across the rigid and rippley bark [06/01/15 23:03] Rophs:Hmm... people are late! [06/01/15 23:17] Draconas:sure they are coming? [06/01/15 23:20] Rophs:Hmm [06/01/15 23:20] Rophs:Well, you're here. [06/01/15 23:21] Rophs: *grins* I suppose we could begin now. [06/01/15 23:21] Rophs:Tell the Oak a story about DRAGONS! *raises his arms and wiggles his tweedly finger like a spooky ghost as he shouts the last word* [06/01/15 23:22] Draconas:hmm, i dont know any stories [06/01/15 23:23] Draconas:there was little time for that when i was growing up [06/01/15 23:23] Rophs: *stands up and waddles over to Draconas*That's no issue, you can make one up! [06/01/15 23:25] Draconas:the one-eyed dragon [06/01/15 23:26] Draconas:once upon a time, in a land far from here, there was an egg, a dragonegg [06/01/15 23:26] :Rophs climbs onto Draco's foot and sits as he listens to the voice [06/01/15 23:27] Draconas:this egg laid in the nest, the mother breeding it, keeping it close to her, was starting to worry because the father dragon should have been long gotten home [06/01/15 23:28] Draconas: (tired, cant write, will try to make the best of it) [06/01/15 23:29] Rophs: (Alright, hand off the story to me if you feel the need to :P) [06/01/15 23:29] Draconas:she wanted to go have a look, but she didnt want to leave her little one behind [06/01/15 23:30] Draconas:but as time passedand he didnt return she took matters into her hands, grab the egg in her claw and flew out to search him [06/01/15 23:30] Dark Demon:Sorry I'm late [06/01/15 23:30] :Dark Demon quietly sits on the grass nearby and watches [06/01/15 23:31] :Rophs nods and waves to DD, Aelis, and Lintara with his cane [06/01/15 23:32] :Lintara peeks out from behind Dark Demon and stretches her wings out to look as though he has fairy wings [06/01/15 23:32] :Lintara chuckles and waves back [06/01/15 23:32] :Dark Demon smiles and grabs her arm, pulling her to his lap [06/01/15 23:32] Draconas:but then, as what happens in the worst nightmares passed that day, the egg fell down from in between her claw [06/01/15 23:33] Draconas:it is an old knowledge among dragons: "never drop the egg" [06/01/15 23:34] Lintara:Ooph! *falls on Dark's lap, looks up and nodnods to Draco* [06/01/15 23:34] Draconas:she dived down trying to catch it but she was too late, luckily for her it fell in the soft bush, but it was firmly shaken [06/01/15 23:35] Draconas:she grabbed the egg, and quickly flew home again, only to find the father worried and annoyed in their lair [06/01/15 23:36] Draconas:a few moons later, the egg started making noises and after a little while a dragon crawled out [06/01/15 23:36] Draconas:well, a baby dragon [06/01/15 23:38] Draconas:the mother went over and licked him clean from all the slime, but when she saw his face she leat out a surprised and perhaps disgusted roar [06/01/15 23:39] Draconas:many many summers later, this baby had grown to a young dragon, you could compare it to a teenager [06/01/15 23:40] Draconas:he was laying on the beach, snoozing with his head under his wing, when a young draca flew in [06/01/15 23:41] Draconas:she admired his glittering scales, which were much thinner than the average dragon, making them shine all the more [06/01/15 23:42] Draconas:she landed next to him and said to him "well helo there handsome" [06/01/15 23:43] Draconas:he quickly perked up his ear and turned towards the sound [06/01/15 23:43] Draconas:when the young draca saw that the dragon only had one eye she let out a terrified stream of curses [06/01/15 23:45] Draconas:saddened that again, the dracas only looked at his one eye the young dragon decided to leave, he spreaded his wing and jumped up into the sky [06/01/15 23:46] Draconas:but he didnt see that a friend of the young draca was just about to land because of his limited sight, so she slammed right into him tossing him down onto the rocks [06/01/15 23:47] Draconas:a surprised growl, a heavy impact and a short snap were heard [06/01/15 23:47] Draconas:the little dracas went over to watch, but the one eyed dragon was no more [06/01/15 23:47] Draconas:and that is the sad story of the one eyed dragon [06/01/15 23:48] :Dark Demon sniffles [06/01/15 23:48] :Rophs nods [06/01/15 23:48] Rophs:Would anybody else like to tell a story? [06/01/15 23:50] Lintara: *shakes her head* Sorry, none on my mind at the moment. [06/01/15 23:51] :Rophs nods and glances at Aelis, Vaoryn and DD [06/01/15 23:51] Dark Demon: *sighs* Me neither. Sorry... [06/01/15 23:52] Aelis: *shakes his head* Sorry. [06/01/15 23:52] :Rophs nods [06/01/15 23:52] Rophs:Then let's move on to the Maple! [06/01/15 23:52] :[Spell] don't listen to the whisper of the tainted seeds [/log] No log for the Maple (ran out of acousticremains casts) [b][log The Willow:][/b] [06/01/15 18:01] nadrolski:0.25/10 water [07/01/15 00:06] Rophs:=-=-= [07/01/15 00:06] Rophs:Snow covering seeds [07/01/15 00:06] Rophs:Keeps them warm like a blanket [07/01/15 00:07] Rophs:Then they sprout in spring! [07/01/15 00:07] Rophs:=-=-= [07/01/15 00:07] Rophs: *nods* A haiku [07/01/15 00:07] Dark Demon: (what do we do at the Willow again? XD) [07/01/15 00:07] Rophs:A bit of poetry for the Willow. [07/01/15 00:08] Dark Demon:=-=-= [07/01/15 00:09] Dark Demon:A new beginning, a new year [07/01/15 00:11] Lintara:Step lightly, step forward, have no fear! [07/01/15 00:12] Dark Demon:There will be mistakes; there will be sorrow, [07/01/15 00:13] Lintara:But there's always a tomorrow. [07/01/15 00:14] Dark Demon:Never forget who you are, what you do, and why you do it, [07/01/15 00:15] Lintara:After all, you do it for fun, there's nothing more to it! [07/01/15 00:15] Dark Demon:=.=.= [07/01/15 00:15] :Dark Demon bows [07/01/15 00:15] :Lintara chuckles and curtsies [07/01/15 00:17] :Rophs nods [07/01/15 00:17] Rophs:A duet at the Willow, I've never seen such a thing at a Seedwalk! [07/01/15 00:18] Dark Demon: *smiles* There's always a first time [07/01/15 00:18] :Rophs prances around and delight and blows a large bubble towards DD and Lintara and then gazes at it in awe as it splits into two [07/01/15 00:18] :Rophs passed Wiiya Bubble to Lintara [07/01/15 00:18] :Rophs passed Wiiya Bubble to Dark Demon [07/01/15 00:19] Dark Demon:Thanks! [07/01/15 00:19] Lintara:Thank you! [07/01/15 00:19] Draconas:A willow by the lake [07/01/15 00:19] Draconas:a lake by the willow [07/01/15 00:20] Draconas:this is where I wake [07/01/15 00:20] : Dark Demon collects wiiya and syntropicdust as a byproduct [07/01/15 00:20] Draconas:on a soft green pillow [07/01/15 00:22] Draconas:a tree by the water [07/01/15 00:22] Draconas:water by the tree [07/01/15 00:23] Draconas:why, oh father [07/01/15 00:23] Draconas:have you forsaken me [07/01/15 00:26] :Draconas hops into the water [07/01/15 00:26] :Rophs shivers [07/01/15 00:27] Rophs: *saunters over towards DD with an ominous stride and a flippant look on his face* Enjoying the Wiiya? [07/01/15 00:27] :Draconas lifts his wings to splash water at them [07/01/15 00:28] Dark Demon: *nods* Yup! [07/01/15 00:28] Lintara: *chuckles and leaps back* Missed me! [07/01/15 00:28] Dark Demon: *looks to Draco, drenched* .... [07/01/15 00:29] :Rophs takes his cane and spanks DD's bottom as furiously as a walking acorn only a few centimeters tell can manage [07/01/15 00:29] :Rophs wiggles his butt, shaking the glistening droplets of water off his waterproof shell [07/01/15 00:29] :Dark Demon kicks Rophs away [07/01/15 00:29] Rophs:If you deplete the Wiiya here it will stunt the Willow's growth! [07/01/15 00:30] Dark Demon: *sighs* Sorry! You could have just told me that... [07/01/15 00:30] Rophs:It needs to become a big and strong tree!*waves his cane at DD* Ask before doing such a thing! [07/01/15 00:30] Dark Demon: *nods* I will [07/01/15 00:31] Rophs:Awii has tons of Wiiya seeping out from his roots, gather the strange gas there. [07/01/15 00:31] :Lintara darts to the lake, smiles, cups some water and splashes it at Draco [07/01/15 00:31] Dark Demon:Ok... [07/01/15 00:31] Rophs:Let's head to the spruce before LR and GG start a war... shall we? [07/01/15 00:31] :[Spell] don't listen to the whisper of the tainted seeds [/log] And secrets at the Spruce~
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