Mur definitely already has a TagMasters type thing in the works (a TagMaster being able to give out many of a tag such as Bringers of Light, Death Guard, etc). This thread is for people to suggest potential TagMasters. This thread is by no means affiliated with Mur and anything inside may or may not be implemented, likely straying on the side of may not.
Syntax for a tag suggestion:
Tagname - TagMasterofTagName
Why TadMasterofTagName is should be TagMaster of TagName
My suggestions for tags and their associated TagMasters:
Tainted - Assira the Black
This should be pretty much self-explanatory. Assira is the leader of the Tainted and allowing her to distribute that tag would increase clarity overall.
Death Guard - Azull
He's king of NC and TW, there's nobody more suited to be TagMaster of Death Guard.
Bringers of Light - Princ Rhaegar
He's leader of BoL ally and King of MB, similar to Azull there is nobody more suited .
Silvan Watch - Valoryn
Valoryn is the leader of Guardians of the Root which is an ally dedicated to keeping LR safe, it would make strong thematic sense for the leader of such an ally to also be TagMaster of Silvan Watch.
Embers of Kelle'tha - Menhir
This tag seems a lot more like a Researchy/Abstractish tag than one with a purpose as obvious as Death Guard or Silvan Watch. I personally think Menhir's character fits the idea of an "Ember of Kelle'tha" best out of all Golemians.
Syntax for a tag suggestion:
Tagname - TagMasterofTagName
Why TadMasterofTagName is should be TagMaster of TagName
My suggestions for tags and their associated TagMasters:
Tainted - Assira the Black
This should be pretty much self-explanatory. Assira is the leader of the Tainted and allowing her to distribute that tag would increase clarity overall.
Death Guard - Azull
He's king of NC and TW, there's nobody more suited to be TagMaster of Death Guard.
Bringers of Light - Princ Rhaegar
He's leader of BoL ally and King of MB, similar to Azull there is nobody more suited .
Silvan Watch - Valoryn
Valoryn is the leader of Guardians of the Root which is an ally dedicated to keeping LR safe, it would make strong thematic sense for the leader of such an ally to also be TagMaster of Silvan Watch.
Embers of Kelle'tha - Menhir
This tag seems a lot more like a Researchy/Abstractish tag than one with a purpose as obvious as Death Guard or Silvan Watch. I personally think Menhir's character fits the idea of an "Ember of Kelle'tha" best out of all Golemians.