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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. Chew's worked fine, hence why I didn't report it.
  2. 2g1s peter
  3. It's minescule
  4. 1g5s peter
  5. Dailies are a very common feature in MMOs such as WoW or GW2. Probably for a good reason too.
  6. Heretic Archers used to drain principles, it was possible for a mp3 to have 9 principles this way.
  7. I used to be the 2nd most hated player in MD years ago under the username aaront222. First hated still goes to Fenrir Greycloth.
  8. St. Peter Agien ID:506965 Age: 1890 Heat: 7,442,715 Tokens: Antifreeze, Enlightening, Onyx Fangs, ClawIII, Stardust, Kelletha Fire, Emeral Glare, Dark Sky, Gold Belt, Blood Drop 1,2,3 3s
  9. I just did some messing around If you scroll down before opening a popup and then upon closing the popup it is still scrolled donw then they will all be bumped upwards a slight amount until you refresh the page
  10. 13s 13s
  11. Seven creatures?!
  12. This little piece of simple code stores the date in @va and then prints it. There is no input and there is output. [php] (locations 1_0x0_1) //store today's date in @va @va[1]['date']['day'] = date('d'); //store day @va[1]['date']['month'] = date('m'); //store month @va[1]['date']['year'] = date('y'); //store year //print date from @va echo @va[1]['date']['month'] . "/" . @va[1]['date']['day'] . "/" . @va[1]['date']['year'] . "<br />"; echo "m/d/y"; [/php] For example, what the output would look like today is
  13. I think it's much like land cleansers where nobody really knows how it works except those who have tested it. edit: or those who have read the shiny new wiki page
  14. added to redmine please move to confirmed bugs
  15. When you have a dream where you have 12 adepts and randomly decide to become mp6
  16. There's multiple things I'd like to see done, divide my vote evenly among them. Regen timer bugfixes I suggest that the timers become 100% server side, then when they hit zero the timers would regen each player in them and maybe do something extra for special timers (eg Tea) When a player loads layout.php have the timer get the timer's time from server, and then sync 'every so often'. Preferably at times when the player isn't likely to be looking at the timer such as when they are viewing messages, doing combat, or viewing the map. Rituals interface A new one would be nice for faster creation of rituals Allow players to check a greyed-out box under "def ritual" that only ungreys when the def ritual box is checked. When the newbox is checked the ritual wouldn't be in the "rituals list" it would be part of the "invisible rituals" list. This would prevent players from binding hundreds of def rituals at once and then heavily straining the db every time they load the combat rituals list ;);) Clicky Scripting I'd like to see MDscript become more powerful as a language. Allowing us to declare functions would be a massive boon and anything after that could really just be an extra (although having structures like in C would be nice :P) What EE described would also be cool (although could be done with functions as well :P) Creature page HTML5 Giving this healing buttons would be an AWESOME addition for players with many crits Popups being misaligned in chrome I wanna click the x, not refresh every time Interface window deactivated bugs This thing is really annoying, often happens when I click too fast when fighting
  17. Rophs

    Rickroll Quest

    OP updated, we've got some nice new rewards :)
  18. You also Quit while you're "ahead" Idolatry of dread? Have some goddamn pride Find a better ride. This is such a waste Just ignore the taste Stop.
  19. The West is becoming increasingly real...
  20. Maybe chew can't add it as a 'manatory' feature, but you can press a clickbox on the options page and then try out the new testing ritual binding page
  21. [spoiler] Here is a guide on how to play MD: Find something you enjoy Do it Some people (ie AmberRune) enjoy doing quests and don't really end up with "big roles". That's fine! MD is a game and you should be playing it for fun. Other players (ie Z) enjoy doing something that turns into a role and quest making and gets them nice shinies. That's great for them. As long as you're having fun in MD there's not a real problem. If you are having fun then just skip the rest of this guide. If you're not having fun then you get to keep reading. [spoiler] Why aren't you having fun? For some reason, you aren't having fun. Why not? What about MD isn't fun? Is MD no longer capable of being fun? Are the people in MD preventing you from causing fun? Figure out what's stopping you from having fun and then fix it. Seriously, this is a game and you need to be having fun. [/spoiler] [/spoiler]
  22. Would it be better to rewrite MD (LOTS OF PAINFUL WORK NOW) or to have to use more ugly code for every new anything (LOTS OF PAINFUL WORK LATER)....?
  23. Rophs

    Funny MD Quotes

  24. Rophs

    Rickroll Quest

    consider the parts of this post about the definition of a rickroll redacted
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