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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. The Score Reads... Chewett - 1 Comic Sans - 0 We're getting really offtopic here let's split :D
  2. Screenshots would be very helpful along with info such as what browser/OS you're using
  3. There's a better way to do this, quest cancelled. Mods please close thread.
  4. That's for the previous election. Another one was held recently on the hidden subforum. (Grido won the election) http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15842-kingship-elections-november-2014/
  5. Bump
  6. The wiki page for council needs to be updated.
  7. Cow mutant from Grasans maybe? :D
  8. Is there a potential option to not wear any tags?
  9. The Lactating Grasan would be an addition to the Resource Grasan family with the ability to make milk! Milk is a consumable item that when used restores 40 (number subject to change) ap and 10% max vit (number subject to change). After two weeks it would go bad and turn into curdles. [log New CHEESE cauldron idea] Curdles would be usable in a new soontm cauldron to make cheese (probably with sticky goop, fat, and a colored candy depending on the type of cheese you want to make... :D) Cheese Mould needs Curdles, Fat, Sticky Goop, and one Candy (type of candy depends on cheese to be made) Requires 30k heat and 3 Syntropic Dust to 'activate'. Potential steps (needs to be made better/less bad) Mash up the curdles and mix in the sticky goop Press the mixture into the cheese mould Remove the ball of curdles from the mould Roll the curdled ball around in the fat Wait five minute for the fat to harden into wax Rub the candy around the wax coat This wouldn't produce usable cheese... but after another two weeks of fermenting the Color Wax Covered Curdles would turn into Color Cheese. The cheese's effects would be roughly 2x the candy's effect (plus 20% of the player's max in that stat) and would never go bad. Yes cheese is strong but it's also very very time consuming to make. [/log]
  10. edit: redacted post can be culled
  11. Would prisoners then be CTC restricted?
  12. I am interested in land weapons
  13. hbd king of clash of ages :D
  14. @DD do not try to reason with the irrational. @Mur I'd love to help with this, but I know that I simply cannot. @Ary Yes openness of info is something that I think MD needs a LOT more of. @Mur The letters in the scenes... iirc you gave Akasha some kind of power involving them maybe she knows more additional Things that might need their associated "wizards" Cauldrons Resources Collectible Resources MDScript Totems Spells MP6 protector stuff Titles Personal Papers WPs Announcements Rebel System Citizenship Alliances Wiki Advertisement Land Weapons Scriptable Items
  15. jester and gesture are homophones
  16. I won't be doing anything inside of MD until 2015 and thus will neither be coding a clickie for this quest nor doing it manually via ForumPM. Somebody else needs to do this if it is to be done.
  17. Necropost, mp3 don't have an elrion device but can still feel the effects of heat. I cite only anecdotal evidence, someone needs to make an alt and test it (*pokes Ary Endleg*).
  18. Traded creats keep their nicknames, they will probably also still be able to consume Wiiya. If the level/wins are an issue then we can use totems. Has anybody tried making a resource Pimped Grasan, naming other creatures the names of resource grasans, or using a traded resource grasan that is reduced to level 1 and trying to make it sniff Wiiya?
  19. Using a spellstone also gives you 300 heat. It takes 12k heat to make a heat stone, each stone gives 3 casts of heat spell. Heat spell gives 4.1k heat. 3*4100 + 300 = 12600 Could people from the outside go down the long and viscous path to help melt the gate from outside? Imagine I get jailed and I ask my good friend Eagle Eye to help melt the gate, could he go to the "other side" of the gate and melt it using heat from his protectors? (I use him as example instead of Sy because Sy has the Fusioneers' Heat Solidifier.
  20. Many people lack the patience to gather 50 wins on Grasans.
  21. Rophs

    This Quiz...

    He didn't reply to this topic ;)
  22. The heart is the vessel that contains the soul, the heart is held inside of the ribcage. Your soul/inner sun is speaking in metaphor. It hides deep inside the intestines and traps itself in a terrifying maze of fleshy tentacles. After escaping the tentacular prison your heart emerges to find a mind working alone. When a body loses its Pathos its Lothos will rule the Ethos and the body becomes like an Empty Aramor.
  23. Rophs

    Rickroll Quest

    Within 7 days after January 1st
  24. see signature for details
  25. the more curvy organic shapes in the center turning into jagged edges outside reminds me more of entropy
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