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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. Rophs

    Ann 3177

    Some announcements that might be useful: [b][log First ann of stage 11][/b] [/log] [b][log Last ann of stage 10][/b] [/log] Stage 11 to 12 seems a bit muddled
  2. Rophs

    Ann 3177

  3. 13s by timmy
  4. But a fully leveled grasan would be even more unbalanced, because it would deal as much damage as the aramor but would hit all creatures at once for that amount of damage.
  5. Rophs

    Rickroll Quest

    Remember that it's not a rickroll if you expect it :P deadline updated, check OP
  6. Rophs

    On viscosity

    We can have earthquakes... What happens during an earthquake? The ground shakes in a way so that the viscosity becomes evenly distributed about the realm! Add up the visc in all of the scenes (except for ones in NML), divide by number of scenes (except ones in NML) and then set the visc at every scene to that amount. Why ignore NML? Because visc there can't be above 0 so it would artificially skew the global results.
  7. Do you really expect him to consider your bid valid after not allowing Eon or No one to bid? edit: A nice social solution in the works :)
  8. Rophs

    Rickroll Quest

    There was never a rule against that, as long as the points are out there I'm happy :P
  9. For the first time in history a lander launched from Earth has LANDED ON A COMET! Menhir probably has some nice philosphical stuff about this (no pressure) HYPE HYPE HYPE! http://rosetta.esa.int/ http://new.livestream.com/accounts/362/events/3544091
  10. Timmy, (10sc Grido) 6 Year Colored Imp Armor ID: 719460 Age: 1300 Heat: 339476 11s
  11. Price is 1sc per 10 dust; willing to negotiate
  12. What phantasm is doin it isn't too dissimilar from this.
  13. Rophs

    Rickroll Quest

    Kyphis 1
  14. phantasm is the owner of the creature. phantasm can choose who he sells the creature to. phantasm can choose to sell the creature to somebody other than Eon even if Eon is the highest bidder.
  15. Rophs

    Rickroll Quest

    Chew-2 Witty-2 Miq -1 Kyphis -3 Ailith -1 Azrafar -1 Azthor -1
  16. I think Eagle Eye said that we could organize a final for a grand prize... When and where shall we have this showdown?
  17. dst and I are actually on very good terms, we just act as enemies in public so that nobody sees us coming. Also Marind is SHODAN from System Shock series.
  18. And test with silvertongue, toadspeak, turntofrog
  19. fails nicey "testing alock fluently AmberRune" cast
  20. Yes added to redmine
  21. I set my attacklock cast words to "testing alock fluently" "I am testing alock fluently AmberRune" failed "testing alock fluently on AmberRune" failed "I am testing alock fluently on AmberRune" failed
  22. If name has no spaces then the title will be '<playername> <playertag> -" ie http://magicduel.com/players/panthea http://magicduel.com/players/rophs if name has spaces then the title will be '<playername> <playertag> - Online Profile' ie http://magicduel.com/players/rophs%20the%20second http://magicduel.com/players/No%20one added to redmine
  23. Giving players an option to not display an avatar would be a very nice solution. example of recent use for it: I recently bought EE's old avatar so I could give it to him, I had to wear it until he grabbed the ATC from me. added to redmine
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