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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. I will sponsor an additional 5sc if that person is a Necro
  2. [log I broke a rule in the future... TWICE!] [/log]
  3. "hormone" is a homophone for "whore moan" (probably not related but it's funny :P) in the old testament/torah some dudes build a tower to get to heaven but then god makes them speak in different tongues... the men around the tower of "Babyl" tried talking to one another and all they heard was nonsencial "babble" "christmas" might have originally been "christ mass" native american languages in north america usually have a consonant sound followed by a vowell sound in every syllable with a lone "n" at the end of some lyllables ie. "cherokee" "lenape" what other languages follows that pattern? many asian languages there is theory that there was a land bridge from russia to alaska during an ice age... people migrate over and bring language? then the languages evolve separately?
  4. EE EE AmberRune Awiiya samon AmberRune Ary Endleg Assira the Black Eon darkraptor
  5. Have you/him ever logged in from the same IP addess? It's possible that you have used the same wifi network at a random public restaurant or cafe.
  6. 1|14 angien
  7. Then have the list not display players who haven't logged in for more than 5 days. There's a reason players with lots of AD but no recent activity aren't on the Active Veterans list (ie Awiiya). [log ] If Awiiya is on the active veterans list then :D [/log]
  8. 1|11@angien
  9. Currently there are lots of ways "1g 6s" "1g6" "1g6s" etc. I propose we figure out a more standard way to represent it. Here's a proposal: goldamount.silveramount So 7 gold and 8 silver would be 7|8 Simple and easy to explain.
  10. 1g8s angien
  11. And we don't have enough players for that most likely. Can an illusion change max ap? We could use those for "balance".
  12. Did it have a previous logo? A link to stuff about what Mask of the Mist was like long ago in days of yore would definitely help spur some creativity. e1: How will entries be judged?
  13. Recently people have been using a bit more flavorful language than they probably should on the forums. It's certainly not very widespread and there's a few instances that I won't point fingers at. A general rule of thumb or profanity on the MD forums is don't say something that a Catholic man living in Mississippi wouldn't say around his five year old daughter. Here's an idea I'm proposing to help out with this little sore that I'd rather not let fester... [log Solution?] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hpigjnKl7nI [/log] (if this is minimodding then feel free to delete and yell at me)
  14. Would players be able to follow someone and "force" them into the ally and then go back to following their leader?
  15. updated the OP, i accidentally had the submission phase end more than 10 months ago instead of in 4 months :P now you can submit without fear of being too late:P Plus there's some players that joined between then and now who might want to participate but wouldn't have because they didn't find this thread.
  16. You know you've been on MD too much when you name various concepts after people from MD. "Uggh I'm suffering from Jester Syndrome..." "When I don't get enough sleep I start to feel a bit Murrish" "My mom is being such a dst right now"
  17. After tallying the votes there's a tie for both Kamisha and Assira the Black. There will be a vote starting at 11/23/14 (m/d/y) at 00:00:01 ST to remove one of the following people: Assira the Black Kamisha Voting for removing one of the two will end on 11/30/14 (m/d/y) at 23:59:59 ST. I will post again ITT when the election begins to remind people. (although I might be an hour or two late...)
  18. tea is now cold, thread can be closed because the product has expired
  19. added to redmine please move to confirmed bugs
  20. You can also view their armor by going to magicduel.com/players/playernamegoeshere
  21. I suppose if through weird use of guardianarmy an mp4 could fight and mp5 and get the mp4's personal heat over the mp5 cap and then get 30 adepts and then upon advancing from mp4 to mp5 they would "skip" to mp6 and be able to choose 2 new principles during story mode and then as an mp6 get those two higher than previous four existing ones and then drop back to mp5 and have the one old prinicple get removed and replaced by the new one (or maybe they will have 6 principles because of a bug :D)
  22. if the number 4 is yellow then what if I do something like this... 4 does it "seem" different from a 4
  23. would an mp4 in an ally be kicked from the ally upon death? if so would they lose the 30% loyalty?
  24. Having a more feminine mannequin might also be favorable
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