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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. This ends in under 12 hours. If you haven't sent me a CTC/ITC and wish to participate this is your last warning!
  2. Mods, please change topic name to "Secret Santas - Rophsmas 2014"
  3. So 2nd place gets a WP as well? This quest seems epic enough to warrant that :D
  4. I will participate Rophs 247146
  5. There's a total of three now. You aren't "needed" Sasha, but you can enter and then give whatever you receive to somebody else if you insist on being so generous :P
  6. Still only one person has participated so far
  7. 0x0 is as close to the middle as 0x-1 A piece was removed and all the pieces shifted a little bit to take its place. The center didn't move, everything else moved realive to it (including the reference points with actual coordinates.)
  8. Snowman isn't in the shop iirc
  9. Yes
  10. Only one person has sent me a CTC or ITC for this. I'd hate to cancel it because of a lack of participation
  11. I'll participate.
  12. There can be many winners:D
  13. What to do: Make somebody feel bubbly and joyful this holiday season, you just might get rewarded.Go out of your way and make somebody's holidays extra funtastic! Bubbly(adj): (of a person) full of cheerful high spirits.
  14. iirc Santas dont' reappear even after more shop resets
  15. Will this tradition continue?
  16. hbd you fun fanatic :D
  17. Do you mean Traveller's Sandals? Those give 200 ap on a 5 second cooldown (or is it 1 second...?)
  18. If I have both bubbles yellow I can get 3 per day
  19. When heat is loaded into the Totemizer from a 6k or 8k heat jar it will allow you to make a totem despite not having the 10k heat it claims to need. Clockmaster and I have confirmed this
  20. Rophs

    Totem info

    The totemizer will consume 2 timeless dust and create a totem when loaded with 6k or 8k of heat. Clock Master and I both tested this
  21. What's the most points somebody should have a tag? (2 points every day)
  22. Every single Day of Coder quest has had its rewards significantly delayed. Mur organized the whole thing so I think he's in charge of the rewards, maybe there will be some sort of announcement.
  23. Rophs

    Totem info

    ITT we aggregate info on totems and then put it onto the wiki Creatures and their respective totems that I've created:/ [spoiler] Nutcracker -> Mechanical Creation Creature Totem GG Drach -> Drachorn Creature Totem Pimp -> Creature Totem Imp -> Aramor Creature Totem Knator -> Knator Creature Totem Colored Shop Joker -> Joker Creature Totem Water Being -> Water Being Creature Totem Toxicodendrite -> Plant Creature Totem [/spoiler] General Q's: Do creatures in totems age? Do creatures in totems keep wins after trading the totem? Do creatures in totems lose any age after trading the totem? What happens if you bind a rit and totemize the creatures?
  24. Here's my submission: [spoiler] The big post with a picture not split up: [/spoiler] edit: one of the images appears to be blurry, I'll take a new screenshot if anybody puts it under much scrutiny
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