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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. Acoustic Remains log [29/07/18 01:52] Rophs:=-=-= [29/07/18 01:52] Rophs:Impish and impertinent [29/07/18 01:52] Rophs:Others who walk can be impatient [29/07/18 01:53] Rophs:Purpose and pride [29/07/18 01:53] Rophs:Principles to guide my stride [29/07/18 01:53] Rophs:=-=-= [29/07/18 01:53] :[Spell] seedwhisper
  2. Acoustic Remains log [28/07/18 17:15] Ungod:1st is too late \'cuz i got so used to going to bed at 10 pm max [28/07/18 17:15] Ungod:but i like seedwalks, keep doing them [29/07/18 01:00] Rophs:Let\'s begin... [29/07/18 01:00] Rophs:*crawls over to The Oak all by his lonesome( [29/07/18 01:03] Hemicar:what should i do? [29/07/18 01:03] Rophs:Would you lke to tell The Oak a story? [29/07/18 01:04] Hemicar:what kind of story? [29/07/18 01:04] Rophs:A story about horses! [29/07/18 01:04] Hemicar:sure [29/07/18 01:06] Hemicar:there was a horse called ZIMZELEN [29/07/18 01:06] Hemicar:for further i will called it ZZ [29/07/18 01:08] Hemicar:he was a rase horse since he was a foal [29/07/18 01:08] Hemicar:he won so many medals [29/07/18 01:09] Hemicar:he was trained by a very good man who had no luck in love [29/07/18 01:09] Hemicar:the man had a son with his first wife [29/07/18 01:10] Hemicar:but mother didnt want her son to get near horses [29/07/18 01:10] Hemicar:little kid was so in love with horses [29/07/18 01:11] Hemicar:that he escaped the house [29/07/18 01:12] Hemicar:after years of winings and as kid grown [29/07/18 01:12] Hemicar:time came that ZZ goes to sausage [29/07/18 01:13] Hemicar:boy stole a horse and made him a house from the shed [29/07/18 01:15] Hemicar:owners then decied that ZZ desereves retirement and was a training horse for kids until he die [29/07/18 01:15] Rophs: (oo brb water) [29/07/18 01:17] Rophs: (you can keep teling the story...) [29/07/18 01:18] Hemicar:the story ended [29/07/18 01:18] Rophs:oh [29/07/18 01:19] Rophs:I see *grins* [29/07/18 01:19] Rophs:Well what kind of story should I tell? [29/07/18 01:20] Hemicar:story of shortcuts in this game [29/07/18 01:20] Rophs:Shortcuts are rather interesting. [29/07/18 01:21] Rophs:In most games a shortcut lets you go from point A to point C and skipping point B along the path. [29/07/18 01:21] Rophs:In MD there are shortcuts, but those shortcuts let you start at point C without bothering with A or B. [29/07/18 01:22] Rophs:The trick is you have to know where you want to be and already be there. [29/07/18 01:22] Rophs:One player who did this was Ary Endleg. [29/07/18 01:23] Hemicar:how do you take shortcut to Mur land? [29/07/18 01:23] Rophs:You see, a long time ago he played the game and was known under the name Liberty and he had a lot of knowledge about the game. [29/07/18 01:25] Rophs:When he came back as Ary Endleg he knew where he wanted to be and made sure he was there before he needed to be there. [29/07/18 01:25] Rophs:From there he was already there. [29/07/18 01:26] Rophs:To Mur land... [29/07/18 01:27] Rophs:Well you could do something so terrible tht he has to summon you there for a trial maybe. [29/07/18 01:27] Hemicar:nice [29/07/18 01:28] Hemicar:you have a key from the lighthouse? [29/07/18 01:28] Rophs:Hm? [29/07/18 01:28] Hemicar:that is a secret shortcut to where? [29/07/18 01:29] Rophs:When the lighthouse is fixed it will probably be used as a shortcut to go somewhere. [29/07/18 01:30] Hemicar:ok nice story we will continu it some other night [29/07/18 01:31] Rophs:=] [29/07/18 01:31] Rophs:Let\'s visit The Maple [29/07/18 01:31] Hemicar:do you know labyrinth well? [29/07/18 01:31] Rophs:I\'ll tell the spruce a secret of the labyrinth [29/07/18 01:31] Rophs:Promise me you won\'t listen *winks* [29/07/18 01:32] Hemicar:i just need to come to the rp giving tree [29/07/18 01:32] Hemicar:if there is one there [29/07/18 01:32] Hemicar:and i think there is [29/07/18 01:32] Hemicar:but not sure [29/07/18 01:32] Hemicar:i forgot [29/07/18 01:32] Hemicar: [29/07/18 01:33] Rophs:hmm [29/07/18 01:33] Rophs:Do you know where The Maple is? [29/07/18 01:34] :[Spell] Listen carefully and you will hear the seedwhisper. [29/07/18 01:51] Rophs:Acoustic Remains log [29/07/18 01:35] Rophs:He overshot... [29/07/18 01:40] Rophs:Oh well I\'ll go alone. [29/07/18 01:43] Hemicar:ok [29/07/18 01:43] Rophs:We had a red service to seal the Little O [29/07/18 01:51] :[Spell] seedwhisper
  3. Acoustic Remains log [29/07/18 01:35] Rophs:He overshot... [29/07/18 01:40] Rophs:Oh well I\'ll go alone. [29/07/18 01:43] Hemicar:ok [29/07/18 01:43] Rophs:We had a red service to seal the Little Old Man. [29/07/18 01:44] Hemicar:what you want me to do now? [29/07/18 01:44] Rophs:Aia del Mana led the service and managed to restore the existence of her alliance. [29/07/18 01:45] Rophs:We tell rumors, news, to The Maple. [29/07/18 01:45] Hemicar:i dont care [29/07/18 01:45] Rophs:The Children of the Eclipse are once more! [29/07/18 01:46] Hemicar:and dont undertand why posted in loreroot [29/07/18 01:46] Rophs:This is where Awiiya planted a Maple Seed. [29/07/18 01:47] Hemicar:there are 1 active and 2 inactive guilds in loreroot and now 1 more [29/07/18 01:48] Rophs:yyes [29/07/18 01:48] Hemicar:there are more important things to do in this game [29/07/18 01:48] Rophs:I recently lost my Golemus citizenship when I was killed and now Loreroot calls to me [29/07/18 01:48] Rophs:I wonder if I\'ll be allowed to join Children of the Eclipse, even if it\'s only to see if it\'s something I am fit to do. [29/07/18 01:48] Rophs:Do you have any news for the maple? [29/07/18 01:49] Hemicar:nope see you around [29/07/18 01:50] :Rophs failed to cast a spell [29/07/18 01:50] :[Spell] The seedwhisper will guide me as I visit the Willow and Spruce by myself.
  4. we put thoe heads on demo account ????
  5. i had 36/36 then used it and have 37/36
  6. Acoustic Remains log [15/07/18 01:56] nadrolski:[ 6 water ] [15/07/18 02:32] Rophs:=-=-=-= [15/07/18 02:32] Rophs:Omae wa mou shinderu [15/07/18 02:33] Rophs:He said that to me: the man who is blue [15/07/18 02:33] Rophs:But there was a potion to drink [15/07/18 02:33] Rophs:Sent me to the GoE in a blnk [15/07/18 02:33] Rophs:I wonder why Fang doesn\'t do that, too? [15/07/18 02:33] Rophs:=-=-=-= [15/07/18 02:35] Ars Alchemy:During this seedwalk... [15/07/18 02:36] Ars Alchemy:I have heard many speak tales [15/07/18 02:36] Ars Alchemy:both foolish and wise. [15/07/18 02:36] Ars Alchemy:---------- [15/07/18 02:40] Ars Alchemy: (looks like Mallos is waiting in NML) [15/07/18 02:40] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds
  7. Acoustic Remains log [15/07/18 02:10] Rophs:I died and came back. [15/07/18 02:11] Rophs:Apparently Mur was also going to add some more revival mecahics before I used the revival potion that I found in the graveyard. [15/07/18 02:13] Rophs:But I was in a hurry, I had a Seedwalk to perform! [15/07/18 02:13] :Ars Alchemy smiles [15/07/18 02:16] Mallos:Is this the rumor area [15/07/18 02:16] Rophs:Yes [15/07/18 02:16] Ars Alchemy: (recent events, I think) [15/07/18 02:17] Rophs:The news, recent events, rumors. [15/07/18 02:17] Ars Alchemy:I hear that Mur has promised to conduct a private tour of the east for an interested group. [15/07/18 02:17] Rophs:Same difference [15/07/18 02:17] Mallos:news much better than rumors [15/07/18 02:18] Ars Alchemy:Pipstickz was mentioned in the Adventure Log just yesterday. [15/07/18 02:20] Rophs:After dying I\'ve lost my citizenship to GG [15/07/18 02:20] Rophs:If they won\'t have me back then I may join another land [15/07/18 02:21] Ars Alchemy:aww... [15/07/18 02:27] :Mallos passed Flowers to Rophs [15/07/18 02:28] Rophs:Is that everything? [15/07/18 02:30] Mallos:I don\'t have much to add [15/07/18 02:30] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds
  8. Acoustic Remains log [14/07/18 20:01] : No one collects Wiiya and syntropicdust as a byproduct [15/07/18 01:00] Rophs:Let\'s begin! [15/07/18 01:01] :Rophs hobbles over to The Oak and collapses in its shade [15/07/18 01:01] Rophs:Who would like to tell a story to The Oak? *glances at Ars Alchemy* [15/07/18 01:38] Rophs:Anyone?? [15/07/18 01:42] Mallos:um.. [15/07/18 01:43] Rophs:Mallos! [15/07/18 01:43] Rophs:Tell The Oak a story about death. [15/07/18 01:45] Mallos:Well you see, I had joined this alliance called FORCE [15/07/18 01:45] Mallos:they were doing rather well, second only to one other alliance in all of the universe [15/07/18 01:46] Mallos:but the leadership was doing shady business, and it took a toll on the members [15/07/18 01:47] Mallos:After a leader had been replaced with another I chose to see what was going on myself. [15/07/18 01:48] Mallos:Became a co-leader, and was soon replaced by the previous leader having returned... Who once again left [15/07/18 01:48] Ars Alchemy:glad to see that death did not make you late [15/07/18 01:49] Mallos:I suggested, that perhaps such an alliance was unfit and should be disbanded. [15/07/18 01:49] Mallos:That suggestion definitely lead to the death of it.. [15/07/18 01:49] Ars Alchemy:mmm. [15/07/18 01:49] Rophs:oof [15/07/18 01:50] Rophs:Would anyoe else like to tell a story to The Oak? [15/07/18 01:50] Ars Alchemy:same topic? [15/07/18 01:50] Rophs:Ars [15/07/18 01:50] Rophs:Tell The Oak a story about topics. [15/07/18 01:51] Ars Alchemy:ok [15/07/18 01:52] Ars Alchemy:Once upon a time there were two cities, and each of them held a tradition of how their town was founded... [15/07/18 01:53] Ars Alchemy:but because they both lived upon opposite sides of a large mountain, neither culture was able to hear the origin tale of the other: [15/07/18 01:53] Ars Alchemy:which was fortunate because they had the exact same tale! [15/07/18 01:54] Ars Alchemy:The wise monks who lived atop of the summit took great care that these two citizens should never mingle. [15/07/18 01:56] Ars Alchemy:And so they built up a pilosophy of engaging each side with interesting conversations [15/07/18 01:56] Ars Alchemy:so that they would be contendendtly diverted; and thus war was kept away from the lands across the mountnains. [15/07/18 01:57] Ars Alchemy: (because it\'s assumed that both places would go to war over who had right to the claim) . [15/07/18 01:57] Ars Alchemy:The End. [15/07/18 01:57] Ars Alchemy:fin. [15/07/18 01:57] :Rophs nods [15/07/18 01:57] Rophs:Ars, what should I tell a story about? [15/07/18 01:58] Ars Alchemy:tell a story about Azull. [15/07/18 02:00] Rophs:Hmm [15/07/18 02:02] Rophs:Long ago back when Necrovion still existed he let me have a tour of his land. [15/07/18 02:04] Rophs:The moment I stepped through the gates there was an overwhelming feeling of cold. [15/07/18 02:04] :Ars Alchemy nods [15/07/18 02:05] Rophs:I wanderd away from him and explored by myself and although I still felt cold, just not as cold. [15/07/18 02:06] Rophs:After leaving that dreaded place whenever he was near me I felt that same chill. [15/07/18 02:07] Rophs:But with that land gone I haven\'t felt it, not even when I was in his presence on the Western Isle. [15/07/18 02:08] Rophs:Maybe there\'s some warmth in his bones after all. *smiles* [15/07/18 02:08] Ars Alchemy:interesting. [15/07/18 02:09] Rophs:*nods8 [15/07/18 02:09] Rophs:Shall we move on to The Maple? [15/07/18 02:09] Ars Alchemy:that kinda reminds me of what I hope to discuss at the next tree... [15/07/18 02:09] Ars Alchemy:see you there. [15/07/18 02:09] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds
  9. The only quest was put Rophs in the West. But now we need to be able to let others travel by other ways... a Lighthouse.
  10. Mission accomplished thread can be closed
  11. The Dark Parade uses the smallest amount of action points per minute which at the time was LR.
  12. Acoustic Remains log [08/07/18 01:35] :Pipstickz again removes his show and squishes his foot in the mud [08/07/18 01:35] Pipstickz:Ewww! [08/07/18 01:36] Rophs:OOh [08/07/18 01:36] Rophs:Pip you have a poem to share? [08/07/18 01:36] Pipstickz:I\'m writing one! [08/07/18 01:37] Pipstickz:Got it [08/07/18 01:37] Pipstickz:I\'ll wait for Dhyone though... [08/07/18 01:41] :Rophs chitters [08/07/18 01:41] Pipstickz:Tada! [08/07/18 01:41] Pipstickz:I\'ll go first this time [08/07/18 01:41] Dhyone:Better late than never... [08/07/18 01:41] :Dhyone smiles [08/07/18 01:42] :Pipstickz stands tall and clears his throat [08/07/18 01:42] Pipstickz:Though you hold spite, though you do wrong [08/07/18 01:42] Pipstickz:The second sun nonetheless shines strong [08/07/18 01:42] Pipstickz:Though you hide, though you dismay [08/07/18 01:42] Pipstickz:The second sun cannot go away [08/07/18 01:42] Pipstickz:Though you might try to run [08/07/18 01:42] Pipstickz:The second sun has its fun [08/07/18 01:42] Pipstickz:Though you stop trying [08/07/18 01:43] Pipstickz:You\'ll find me frying [08/07/18 01:44] Pipstickz:Umm, that\'s it! [08/07/18 01:45] :Dhyone praises enthusiastically [08/07/18 01:45] Rophs:Woo [08/07/18 01:45] Rophs:Dhyone do you know any poems? [08/07/18 01:45] Dhyone:Great! [08/07/18 01:45] :Pipstickz smiles and takes a bow [08/07/18 01:45] Rophs:Tell us that one. [08/07/18 01:45] Dhyone:Sorry... I do not remember any at the moment... [08/07/18 01:46] Pipstickz:Make one up while Rophers goes! [08/07/18 01:46] Dhyone:Do you remember any? [08/07/18 01:46] Rophs:=-=-=-= [08/07/18 01:46] Rophs:Make up a poem on the spot [08/07/18 01:46] Rophs:What a terrifying thought! [08/07/18 01:46] Rophs:But I\'m doing it as we speak! [08/07/18 01:47] Rophs:There\'s no need to be meek [08/07/18 01:47] Rophs:Beautiful words will be wrought. [08/07/18 01:47] Rophs:=-=-=-= [08/07/18 01:47] Rophs:An... impromptu poem. [08/07/18 01:48] :Dhyone smiles [08/07/18 01:48] :Pipstickz claps [08/07/18 01:48] Dhyone:claps [08/07/18 01:49] Pipstickz:Well, will you give it a whack Dhyone? [08/07/18 01:49] Rophs:I bet you\'ll do great! [08/07/18 01:50] Dhyone:Tyger Tyger burning bright. In the forests of the night, what immortal hand or eye... Dare frame thy fearful symmetry? [08/07/18 01:50] :Pipstickz smiles [08/07/18 01:50] Dhyone:That\'s a old one... [08/07/18 01:51] :Dhyone chuckles [08/07/18 01:51] Pipstickz:I like it! [08/07/18 01:51] Rophs:I\'m excited for us to tell some secrets for the Spruce. [08/07/18 01:51] :Pipstickz nods and sets out to Old Man\'s Road [08/07/18 01:51] Rophs:Come along! [08/07/18 01:52] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds
  13. Acoustic Remains log [08/07/18 01:25] :Pipstickz greets the tree [08/07/18 01:26] :Rophs crawls up to The Maple and grins at it [08/07/18 01:27] Rophs:I saw Granos and Aia talking in the park today and then Aia ran off to be alone. [08/07/18 01:27] Rophs:I bet she\'s planning something! [08/07/18 01:27] :Pipstickz thinks [08/07/18 01:27] Dhyone:What do you think she\'s up to? [08/07/18 01:27] : Dhyone collects Branches [08/07/18 01:27] : Dhyone collects Lumber [08/07/18 01:28] Rophs:Something Lorerootian no doubt. [08/07/18 01:28] : Pipstickz collects Tree bark [08/07/18 01:28] : Pipstickz collects Resin [08/07/18 01:28] Rophs:Maybe you could help her. [08/07/18 01:28] Dhyone:Then should be something good... [08/07/18 01:29] Pipstickz:I heard there\'s three distinct players who could be nominated as Golemus king! [08/07/18 01:29] Rophs:Pip did you hear anything interesting lately? [08/07/18 01:29] Pipstickz:A new triumvirate, you think, tree? [08/07/18 01:29] :Rophs grins [08/07/18 01:30] Rophs:Dhyone what has the forest been whispering? [08/07/18 01:31] Pipstickz:Any gossip cross your ears? [08/07/18 01:31] Dhyone:The Children of the Eclipse will soon be back... [08/07/18 01:32] Rophs:Do you think that\'s what Aia is planning? [08/07/18 01:32] Dhyone:Rumours says there\'s a hidden shrine consecrated to Luna in Loreroot... [08/07/18 01:33] Pipstickz:Oooh! [08/07/18 01:33] :Pipstickz takes notes with fervour [08/07/18 01:33] Rophs:MMM [08/07/18 01:33] Rophs:Sounds like a secret for The Spruce... [08/07/18 01:33] :Dhyone smiles [08/07/18 01:34] Rophs:Let\'s amble onward. [08/07/18 01:34] :Pipstickz skips down the path [08/07/18 01:35] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds
  14. Acoustic Remains log [07/07/18 23:35] : No one collects Wiiya [07/07/18 23:36] : No one collects Rainwater [08/07/18 00:57] Dhyone:Hmm... [08/07/18 00:59] Pipstickz:I suppose we\'ve beaten Rophs here [08/07/18 00:59] Dhyone:For sure... [08/07/18 00:59] Pipstickz:Oh my, he\'s not even on the online list... [08/07/18 01:00] Pipstickz:Well, let\'s give it a few minutes and if he doesn\'t show we can always go without him! [08/07/18 01:00] Rophs:Hello! [08/07/18 01:01] Dhyone:Greetings! [08/07/18 01:01] Pipstickz:Tada! [08/07/18 01:02] Rophs:It is time for a... [08/07/18 01:02] Rophs:Seedwalk! [08/07/18 01:02] Rophs:Who would like to tell the first story? [08/07/18 01:02] :Pipstickz blinks [08/07/18 01:03] Pipstickz:I nominate someone else! I started last time [08/07/18 01:03] Rophs:Dhyone! [08/07/18 01:03] Rophs:Tell the Oak a story about a coward who likes to hide... [08/07/18 01:03] :Dhyone listens carefully [08/07/18 01:03] :Rophs crawls over to The Oak and lays sprawled out in its shadow to avoid the summer heat [08/07/18 01:04] :Pipstickz feels the grass between his toes [08/07/18 01:04] Dhyone:Since it\'s my first time I came just as a listener ... [08/07/18 01:04] Rophs:Ah [08/07/18 01:04] Rophs:What a beautiful and elegant short story of cowardice! *chuckles* [08/07/18 01:05] Rophs:Who\'s next? [08/07/18 01:06] :Pipstickz points at Rophs [08/07/18 01:06] Rophs:Okay then... [08/07/18 01:06] Rophs:Dhyone what kind of story should I tell The Oak? [08/07/18 01:07] Dhyone:Hmm, tell a story about the origin of Wiiya... [08/07/18 01:07] Rophs:Hmm... *scratches his nutty chin* [08/07/18 01:08] Rophs:This is a story I\'m not too familiar with. Some of the details I know but most of it is fuzzy. [08/07/18 01:08] Rophs:I\'ll just make the rest up! *giggles as he licks a mysterious dust from his fingers* [08/07/18 01:09] Rophs:One day when he was angry Granos had some of his goons from the brotherhood break Awiiya\'s legs. [08/07/18 01:09] Rophs:Originally Awiiya was a part of the brotherhood but decided to leave because he didn\'t like the underhanded ways of that shadowy family. [08/07/18 01:10] Rophs:Granos doesn\'t take kindly to traitors and decided to have Jester and Gargant come and break Awiiya\'s legs when he was resting here preparing for a Seedwalk. [08/07/18 01:11] Rophs:As he cried out in pain Awiiya cursed himself as he cried out, "Well if I cannot walk may I become but a Tree!". [08/07/18 01:11] Rophs:The Evil Mur fairy can hear everything you say, be careful what you wish for! [08/07/18 01:12] Rophs:As the people gathered for the next Seedwalk they found the reamins of a man writhing in agony! [08/07/18 01:13] Rophs:Bark was growing up his body and his arms were losing their fleshy colors. [08/07/18 01:13] Rophs:Awiiya was trapped and could not move, his old identity was destroyed and he became something completely different. [08/07/18 01:14] Rophs:Despite that fact, his identity had to go somewhere. It became Wiiya gas and it slowly bubbled up from the ground every day now. [08/07/18 01:14] : Rophs collects Wiiya [08/07/18 01:15] Rophs:And that is how Wiiya might have been created! *stands up and twirls around The Oak* [08/07/18 01:15] Rophs:Let us move onward! [08/07/18 01:15] Pipstickz:What about me? [08/07/18 01:15] Pipstickz:Dhyone [08/07/18 01:16] Pipstickz:What should I storify? [08/07/18 01:16] Rophs: *squints at Pipstickz* What about thee? [08/07/18 01:16] Rophs:Pip, tell a story of disorder and chaos. [08/07/18 01:16] Pipstickz:Oh, but I\'ve asked- [08/07/18 01:16] Pipstickz:Oh nevermind [08/07/18 01:16] Dhyone:Yes... tell a story about the East... [08/07/18 01:16] Pipstickz:Hrm, alright, two in one let\'s do it [08/07/18 01:17] Pipstickz:Once, long before the scape of the realm was this gray, faded malaise, a commander came upon the Lands of the East [08/07/18 01:19] Pipstickz:You see, the two factions of the East were disunited, warring at each other\'s hidden intentions, which were guessed by many and known by few [08/07/18 01:20] Pipstickz:I suppose the commander might have thought to unite these two factions, but his appearance only catalyzed further dissent, due to one particularly agitated si [08/07/18 01:20] Pipstickz:sir* [08/07/18 01:20] Pipstickz:This sir had gotten bored of waiting for the commander and decided he would like to train while waiting, but those on the other side were quite unhappy with this outcome and shouted very loudly [08/07/18 01:21] Pipstickz:"This is inappropriate, we are supposed to be a team!" Well, the sir thought, we are engaged in teamwork to my benefit now are we not? But he dared not voice this concern, instead he left [08/07/18 01:22] Pipstickz:Once the commander came, he saw only one faction present, and so he decided to spurn his previous plans and nominate unaffiliated folks instead [08/07/18 01:22] Pipstickz:And to this day, those same folks remain unaffiliated! [08/07/18 01:22] Pipstickz:Fin [08/07/18 01:23] Dhyone:Hmm... [08/07/18 01:23] Rophs:Hmmm... [08/07/18 01:23] Pipstickz:PS: This story is speculative history and not to be taken as fact [08/07/18 01:23] Rophs:Shall we head on towards The Maple? [08/07/18 01:24] :Pipstickz dons his shoe and wanders down the path [08/07/18 01:26] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds
  15. "Shedding Winderwild" a bird that produces feathers when exposed to wiiya
  16. @sunfire not interested in that. I'd only be willing to trade for crits that I'd be regularly using. Currently trying to free up more slots
  17. the mockups display id twice
  18. It's ended. The only emoji added is Ledah's Chewbaka. I owe him a a wiiya bubble
  19. The Willow Acoustic Remains log [30/06/18 15:18] : tacitamuta collects Water [30/06/18 16:00] : tacitamuta collects Water [01/07/18 01:37] Rophs:=-=-=-= [01/07/18 01:37] Pipstickz:Bah, I miss Kets... [01/07/18 01:38] Rophs:... [01/07/18 01:38] Rophs:=-=-=-= [01/07/18 01:38] Rophs:Only I can see [01/07/18 01:38] Rophs:The beauty that the seeds hold [01/07/18 01:39] Rophs:Soon others will too [01/07/18 01:39] Rophs:=-=-= [01/07/18 01:40] Rophs:Do you have a poem? [01/07/18 01:40] :Pipstickz holds up a finger [01/07/18 01:41] Rophs:Tell [01/07/18 01:41] Pipstickz:Leaf floating on wind [01/07/18 01:41] Pipstickz:Thinking of itself the world [01/07/18 01:41] Pipstickz:It doesn\'t have wings [01/07/18 01:46] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds
  20. [log the maple] Acoustic Remains log [30/06/18 21:07] :*Lintara* pours herself a tankard of juice and sits back on a stool facing the Sanctuary. [30/06/18 21:16] *Lintara*: *sips, then chuckles to Maple* Say hello to the seedwalkers, alright? [30/06/18 21:28] : Pipstickz collects Tree bark [01/07/18 00:08] : dst creates Bottle of Bushies Wine [01/07/18 00:58] : Pipstickz collects Tree bark [01/07/18 01:32] Rophs:Nothing much has happened in the last week... [01/07/18 01:32] :Pipstickz thinks [01/07/18 01:32] Rophs:But you\'ll be looking good soon I bet! [01/07/18 01:33] Rophs:I\'ve been stuffing the ballot boxes lately, hehe! [01/07/18 01:33] Pipstickz:The Maple likes gossip, right? [01/07/18 01:33] Rophs:Yep [01/07/18 01:34] :Pipstickz nudges the tree with his elbow [01/07/18 01:34] Pipstickz:Hey, I heard lashy wants to follow in J\'s footsteps but using a different method! Hehehe, how fun! [01/07/18 01:35] :Pipstickz gazes idly at the clouds [01/07/18 01:36] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds [/log]
  21. [log The Oak] Acoustic Remains log [30/06/18 20:30] : Mallos collects Aromatic herbs and flowers as a byproduct [30/06/18 20:30] :Mallos passed Flowers to Nimrodel [30/06/18 20:30] Nimrodel:thank you :") [30/06/18 20:31] Nimrodel:i\'ll be in the temple [30/06/18 20:31] Mallos:aw [30/06/18 22:06] : Rophs collects Toxic plants [30/06/18 22:06] : Rophs collects Wiiya [30/06/18 22:06] : Rophs collects Wiiya [01/07/18 00:51] : Rophs collects Wiiya [01/07/18 00:51] : Rophs collects Unidentified plants [01/07/18 00:51] : Rophs collects Wiiya [01/07/18 00:58] Pipstickz: (Hehe, it was my car all along, and not a plague of thieves) [01/07/18 00:59] Rophs: (lmao) [01/07/18 00:59] Pipstickz: (No wait, there\'s another one off in the distance right now...) [01/07/18 01:01] Pipstickz: (I\'ll open up my window and listen for more <<) [01/07/18 01:01] Rophs:Let\'s begin... [01/07/18 01:01] :Pipstickz stands at attention [01/07/18 01:02] :Rophs strides over to the Oak and sits down resting his back against its mighty stem [01/07/18 01:02] Rophs:Pippy, tell the Oak about your greatest heist! [01/07/18 01:02] Pipstickz:Hmm... [01/07/18 01:02] :Pipstickz leans on the Oak and dons a sly grin [01/07/18 01:03] Pipstickz:Well y\'see, it was like any other heist happens...by a weak link see? [01/07/18 01:04] Pipstickz:I went to the link and I says "Johnny, why don\'t we flip this joint for cash?" [01/07/18 01:04] Pipstickz:Johnny tells me "No man, cash ain\'t what I\'m after, see, it\'s somethin else" [01/07/18 01:05] Pipstickz:So I says, you know what I says, "Let\'s do it anyways Ol\' Johnny boy" [01/07/18 01:06] Pipstickz:Night came and he let me in the back door, good ol Johnny always dependable [01/07/18 01:08] Pipstickz:We broke into the vault and robbed the whole place blind! [01/07/18 01:08] Pipstickz:Except, we got carried away in there, heh [01/07/18 01:08] Pipstickz:By the time dawn came the place was surrounded! [01/07/18 01:09] Pipstickz:But there\'s always one rotten apple in the bunch, see [01/07/18 01:09] : Rophs collects Toxic plants [01/07/18 01:09] : Rophs collects Wiiya [01/07/18 01:09] Pipstickz:I negotiated our freedom with this dirty cop, and they never caught us afterward [01/07/18 01:11] :Pipstickz blinks and stands upright [01/07/18 01:14] Rophs:Well? [01/07/18 01:16] Pipstickz:Well what? That was the end, we got off scott free [01/07/18 01:16] Rophs: *scoffs* I\'ve got your confession right here! [01/07/18 01:18] Pipstickz: (This alarm thing is really bothering me) [01/07/18 01:18] Rophs:Fork over my split or I\'ll turn ya in! [01/07/18 01:19] :Pipstickz gives Rophs a blade of grass [01/07/18 01:19] Rophs:! [01/07/18 01:19] Rophs:Where did you get this? [01/07/18 01:19] Rophs:What have you done to her? [01/07/18 01:19] Pipstickz:I picked it earlier for just such an occasion [01/07/18 01:20] Rophs:My dear fellow Fusioneer! [01/07/18 01:20] Rophs:Do you remember Gort Hedera? [01/07/18 01:20] Pipstickz:Why of course [01/07/18 01:21] Rophs:Let\'s move on to the Maple. [01/07/18 01:22] Pipstickz:What, you\'re not telling a story? [01/07/18 01:22] Rophs:What do I tell a story about? [01/07/18 01:23] :Pipstickz whispers to the Oak and listens carefully [01/07/18 01:23] Pipstickz:I heard you should tell a story of Loreroot\'s shining glory [01/07/18 01:23] Rophs:Hmm [01/07/18 01:24] Rophs:Well I wasn\'t around when they had like five allies... [01/07/18 01:25] :Pipstickz sits in the grass to listen [01/07/18 01:25] Rophs:But I remember one day when I was hiding in the bushes I saw some stuff going on at Wasp\'s Totem. [01/07/18 01:25] Rophs:They have the lake there but they didn\'t have clothes... [01/07/18 01:26] Rophs:There was some co-ed skinny dipping and druidy stuff. I really didn\'t understand and decided to run away to the archives to research anatomy. Humans are weird. [01/07/18 01:27] : Rophs collects Unidentified plants [01/07/18 01:27] Rophs:Did you know humans don\'t naturally have Wiiya? [01/07/18 01:27] Rophs:They have this weird red stuff called blood....... [01/07/18 01:27] Rophs:It\'s icky! [01/07/18 01:28] Pipstickz:And yet Wiiya is borne of their efforts [01/07/18 01:28] :Pipstickz strokes his chin [01/07/18 01:30] Pipstickz:If your story is complete, let us advance [01/07/18 01:30] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds [/log]
  22. WTB: Timeless dust WTS: Angien id 506965 Heat 9410091 Age 2455 Tokens are [antifreeze][enlightning][onyxfangs][claw3][stardust][kellethafire][emeraldglare][blooddrop1][blooddrop3][blooddrop2][darksky][goldbelt] sold Bird id 777445 Heat 110087 Age 1877 [claw1][claw2][kellethafire][emeraldglare][osirisbelt][onyxfangs][darkshield][darksky][goldbelt][blooddrop3][blooddrop1][blooddrop2][stardust][antifreeze][goldtear][blackdiamonds][jewelshards][enlightning] Imp id 820193 Heat 238560 Age 1407 Colorless joker id 856613 Heat 137700 Age 551 9th Anni id 821870 Heat 200360 Age 1535 9th Anni id 821904 Heat 213954 Age 1528 Will also accept trades. Offer can be sent via forum pm or posting itt. Feel free to offer crits, coins, or anything of value I might want.
  23. by clicking unbind ritual and then view ritual before the ritual list page reloads you can view a ritual that does not exist
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