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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. The Rhyme Dictionary has "1 uses", a property usually reserved for usable items despite being tagged as common. It also doesn't have a 'use item' link below it.
  2. Averaging the loyalties of the two scenes you are moving through would be a nice band-aid[1] for the high ap gates issue. Moving from NML to GG with 400 GG loyalty means you get 200 Average Loyalty worth of movement. Moving from LR to MDA with 100 LR and 250 MDA you would get 175 Averge Loyalty worth of movement. [1]A band-aid is not a permanent solution.
  3. Lots of necroposting going on. I thought caretakers were supposed to bury bodies, not dig them up :P

  4. Falronn and Fang Archbane being removed from Fusioneers was not due to any sort of error or bug. It seems that lots of people had different ideas on who exactly was the leader of the Fusioneers during that whole debacle. In my mind the leader was Change. When lotsa people (Fang, Panthea, Ackshan) were suddenly members of Fusioneers it sent my newbie brain into a panic! What if they were staging some sort of takeover? I set out to prevent a takeover by making sure Falronn and the people invited by him (or invited by those invited by him, etc.) were no longer in the Alliance. Chaos ensued for a few hours, but with some helpful advice from a player more experienced in alliance related operational security takeovers I managed to "save the alliance" with a counter-takeover. Over the course of the next few weeks Fusioneers was occupied by alts (Gort Hedera, sysy, laylah: mostly alts of people whose main characters are NC) and wasn't very active due to a general lack of leadership. After a short period of inactivity Fusioneers was disbanded by one of the NC alts (laylah) and the Heat Solidifier was given to the main account of the other NC alt (sysy).
  5. The incomplete parts of A25 required for Lighthouse stuff On Cutler's Statue Pedestal the hovertext is still Empty Pedestal even though the pedestal is definitely not empty.
  6. Interaction with resources in the environment only occurs via tools. If there were ways to abuse those resources without tools then there might be a more blatant issue here but as I see it Nadrolski is allowed to define what is seen as an abuse of the tools. There could be some argument relying upon but no rulemaker can think of every rule that they will need and often will need to retroactively create rules. In this case Nadrolski is at fault for not letting Darkraptor know that it's against the rules of the Wind's Santuary Tools to deplete water inside MB as a warning before delivering the punishment. When Darkraptor abused the resources (and tools by extension) his actions were not clearly defined as abuse, but if he were to continue abusing the tools after that warning Nadrolski would be perfectly within his power to toolstomp Darkraptor.
  7. Rophs

    Walking tree

    The tree has no weapon at max level, this is how it should be. A tree absorbs resources in its roots and then makes the resources its own. Eventually after the corpse it rooted in is gone the only thing left of it to decompose is the weapon. After all elements of the corpse is absorbed in processed is the transformation truly complete. The dead warrior becomes a Solid Warrior as opposed to one which is hollow.
  8. 7/17/2016 [log The Oak] [18/07/16 02:56] Rophs:Hello [18/07/16 02:56] Rophs: (It appears I miscalculated the time >.>) [18/07/16 02:56] Rophs:Let's begin! [18/07/16 02:57] :Rophs waves to Handy Pockets and klawdees [18/07/16 02:57] :klawdees pokes kets [18/07/16 02:57] klawdees:you awake? [18/07/16 02:57] Rophs:Firt things first, we shall tell a few stories to the Oak. [18/07/16 02:57] Rophs:Who would like to go first? [18/07/16 02:58] klawdees: *sighs* if it is just me and you, then it's not much of a walk, is it... [18/07/16 02:59] Rophs: *grins* You're quite adept at sitting [18/07/16 02:59] :klawdees nods, wondering where his life went [18/07/16 03:00] Rophs:Why don't you tell one of your many stories of the sedentary variety? [18/07/16 03:00] Rophs:Tell a story about sitting! [18/07/16 03:00] klawdees:To only you? [18/07/16 03:00] klawdees:I don't want to. [18/07/16 03:00] klawdees:Let's reschedule. [18/07/16 03:01] klawdees:4:00? [18/07/16 03:01] Rophs:In another hour? [18/07/16 03:01] Rophs:OK! [18/07/16 03:02] klawdees:I hope this is ok with the possibly sleeping royalty here [18/07/16 03:02] :klawdees shrugs but either way, I feel my spirit slipping away [18/07/16 04:05] :Rophs pokes klawdeeS [18/07/16 04:08] :klawdees is poked [18/07/16 04:08] klawdees:Still just us, huh? [18/07/16 04:08] Rophs:A sitting story? [18/07/16 04:08] klawdees:OK [18/07/16 04:09] klawdees:Once, there was a man who very much enjoyed watching plants grow. [18/07/16 04:09] klawdees:He would go out to public parks, find a bench, and observe different forms of life, just watching how they extended themselves as time passed. [18/07/16 04:10] klawdees:I am not making this up any more than the rest of the story -- a witness once saw him sit in a place for a whole day, just watching a sprouting rose -- not budding, sprouting. [18/07/16 04:11] klawdees:Strange man, he. [18/07/16 04:11] klawdees:Once, as the man was sitting, watching the plants grow, a child approached him. "Sir, you know, the locusts are coming this year." [18/07/16 04:12] klawdees:"If it pleases you, sir, to watch the plants grow, you should know that these locusts will eat everything up. There will be nothing left alive." [18/07/16 04:13] klawdees:"I have seen how you watch the plants. If anyone is going to do something about this, it is you." What was a man to say to something like that? He acquiesced, agreeing to try to find a solution. [18/07/16 04:13] klawdees:He went to every biologist and chemist he could think of, trying to understand these locusts, their habits, their anatomies , their diets... [18/07/16 04:14] klawdees:Nothing helped. They ate whatever, they went everywhere, and they had lots of redundant organs, even sex organs. It seemed like an unstoppable horde. [18/07/16 04:15] klawdees:"Oh, woe," he complained to the child. "What will I do with my life? All my parents are gone, all my children are gone, and I have only these plants to watch..." he sobbed. [18/07/16 04:17] klawdees:The child couldn't bear to see a grown man cry. After a long time in thought..."if you cannot save the plants, I will! " he exclaimed. And started on his way. [18/07/16 04:17] klawdees:The boy gathered seeds from every plant he could find. He would stick them in a huge sack he carried around. [18/07/16 04:18] klawdees:Eventually the sack got so big he had to hire out chariots to carry all the seeds...it was important to keep all the seeds in one place, so he could properly cover them and protect them from the horde [18/07/16 04:19] klawdees:so when he couldn't carry the bag, he would sit in the chariot, shouting out to the people below, asking for any seeds that grew beautifully. [18/07/16 04:20] klawdees:When the horde came, it tore through everything. Not even the citrus was spared. There was very little food. [18/07/16 04:20] klawdees:So the people were forced to rely on the seeds the boy had gathered up, planting them and hoping they would grow before everyone caught scurvy. [18/07/16 04:21] klawdees:In the end, the boy saved the whole land. And all for a lonely old man. [18/07/16 04:21] :klawdees sits down. [18/07/16 04:21] :Rophs nods [18/07/16 04:22] Rophs:Let's move on to the Maple. [18/07/16 04:23] : Rophs collects wiiya [18/07/16 04:23] klawdees:You don't want to tell a story? [18/07/16 04:23] Rophs: *scratches his nutty chin* What would such a story be about? [18/07/16 04:24] klawdees:Tell a story about cutting corners. [18/07/16 04:24] Rophs: *licks a mysterious dust from his fingers* Ooh now this is a good story. [18/07/16 04:25] Rophs:I had forgotten about until just now. [18/07/16 04:25] :klawdees smiles [18/07/16 04:26] Rophs:This of course isn't a true story, shapes can't act in the way I'm describing. Nonetheless I hope that a captive audience will suspend their disbeleif. [18/07/16 04:26] Rophs:This is the story about the square tribe and their decadence. [18/07/16 04:26] :klawdees giggles [18/07/16 04:27] Rophs:The most skilled square created a device called a Hexmogifier. It allowed a square to enter and come out as a Hexagon. [18/07/16 04:28] Rophs:The inventor was also a greedy hexagon and made sure that all who underwent this tranformation paid dearly. It was so expensive that most squares could not afford it. [18/07/16 04:29] Rophs:Having six sides was soon considered a sign of nobility and the hexagons lorded over the squares and generally treated them like peons and serfs. The squares were disgruntled. [18/07/16 04:30] :klawdees sighs [18/07/16 04:30] Rophs:After a few months of the mistreatment eventually there was an uprising and the squares managed to capture a hexagon machine and they were once again all equal. [18/07/16 04:31] klawdees:But they weren't squares! [18/07/16 04:31] Rophs:The inventor was very displeased in this fact and managed to create a new machine which could transform a hexagon into an octagon. The cycle continued and once again there was an elite class. [18/07/16 04:31] Rophs:This time they had eight sides instead of six sides and the exact same thing happened. [18/07/16 04:32] Rophs:Before long a machine to create ten sided squares was created although this time something different happened. [18/07/16 04:33] Rophs:A neighboring tribe of squares sent a messenger. The messenger was terrified of the monstrosities it encountered and returned home with terrible news. [18/07/16 04:33] Rophs:The ten sided squares were chased away in their own decadence. [18/07/16 04:33] :Rophs nods [18/07/16 04:33] :klawdees sighs [18/07/16 04:33] klawdees:Poor things. [18/07/16 04:34] :Rophs nods [18/07/16 04:34] Rophs:Let's head to the Maple now. [18/07/16 04:34] klawdees:OK [18/07/16 04:34] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds [/log] [log the Maple] [18/07/16 04:37] Rophs:What's the news? [18/07/16 04:37] :klawdees thinks [18/07/16 04:37] klawdees:SerArthur is back [18/07/16 04:37] klawdees:and he is missing his sketchbook [18/07/16 04:38] klawdees:I have a lot more spirit for this world right now from my player, but it's sad spirit so it doesn't really do me much good [18/07/16 04:38] klawdees:also I have a headache [18/07/16 04:38] klawdees:how about you? [18/07/16 04:38] klawdees:oh, also kiley has some rosary beads [18/07/16 04:38] klawdees:she seemed to want them [18/07/16 04:38] Rophs:Kiley tried to eat me earlier today! [18/07/16 04:40] klawdees:oh no! why? [18/07/16 04:40] Rophs:I don't know, I just she just has good taste. *winks* [18/07/16 04:41] Rophs:If there is no more news then perhaps we should move on to the Maple. [18/07/16 04:41] :klawdees nods [18/07/16 04:41] klawdees:I guess I don't. I don't want to eat you. [18/07/16 04:41] Rophs:The Willow, even. [18/07/16 04:41] klawdees:I kind of want to be eaten by you though. [18/07/16 04:41] klawdees:I want to know what it would be like to be an acorn. [18/07/16 04:41] klawdees:But I don't think it's my search, and I'd probably be stuck in it if I tried it...so maybe not. [18/07/16 04:42] klawdees: *sighs* but to be TEMPORARILY eaten... [18/07/16 04:42] Rophs:Acorns have to be tough! *flexes is twiggy arms and grunts like a big buy nut* [18/07/16 04:42] Rophs:We're small so we get knocked around easily. It can be a hard life. [18/07/16 04:42] Rophs:Plus people are always tryign to plant us, it can be difficult to survive. [18/07/16 04:43] :klawdees nods [18/07/16 04:43] klawdees:It wouldn't kill you to be planted, you know. [18/07/16 04:43] klawdees:Maybe you should try it. [18/07/16 04:45] :Rophs shivers [18/07/16 04:45] Rophs:I don't know about that. Awiiya planted himself and now look where he is. [18/07/16 04:46] klawdees: *looks back toward the MDA* tall and grown [18/07/16 04:46] klawdees:roled and honored, too. [18/07/16 04:46] klawdees:What are you afraid of? [18/07/16 04:47] Rophs: *blinks* What do you mean? Sometimes when I look at him all I see is a stump. [18/07/16 04:47] Rophs:Let's head onto the Willow. [18/07/16 04:47] klawdees:ok [18/07/16 04:48] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds [18/07/16 04:48] :klawdees roams [/log] [log The Willow] [18/07/16 04:51] Rophs:Enter the machine and let it make you scream [18/07/16 04:51] Rophs:Remove the excess and become more pure [18/07/16 04:52] Rophs:Snap snap, cut cut, remove the corner at the seam [18/07/16 04:52] Rophs:Your old form is gone and abjured [18/07/16 04:52] Rophs:Look around and down on the others [18/07/16 04:53] Rophs:Those silly fools don't know what's right [18/07/16 04:53] Rophs:How could they have just been your brothers? [18/07/16 04:53] Rophs:Soon they will all face your greater might! [18/07/16 04:54] Rophs: *nods* A little poem of tranformation and corner cutting. *grins* ­ [18/07/16 04:54] :klawdees shudders [18/07/16 04:54] klawdees:A very interesting poem you have there. [18/07/16 04:54] klawdees:It almost reminds me of mine... [18/07/16 04:55] :klawdees closes his eyes, conjuring a piece of paper, seemingly out of thin air...since apparently his notebook can't contain all his poetry [18/07/16 04:55] :klawdees clears his throat [18/07/16 04:56] klawdees:This poem is called, "Beneath Your Dignity". [18/07/16 04:56] klawdees:A ripping sound, and a tattered man [18/07/16 04:56] klawdees:replaces the rift in the wall [18/07/16 04:56] klawdees:with a garment, carefully sewn [18/07/16 04:56] klawdees:with the outward appearance of skin. [18/07/16 04:56] klawdees:.. [18/07/16 04:58] klawdees:Blessed he with his tailoring skill [18/07/16 04:58] klawdees:for otherwise, in the disgrace, [18/07/16 04:58] klawdees:he'd feel the pain unknowable [18/07/16 04:58] klawdees:of true betrayal. [18/07/16 04:58] klawdees:.. [18/07/16 04:58] klawdees:Illusions protect this place. [18/07/16 04:58] klawdees:Illusions protect this heart. [18/07/16 04:58] klawdees:man's whole world a garment, with countable price [18/07/16 04:58] klawdees:we can charge it all, or can be nice. [18/07/16 04:58] klawdees:.. [18/07/16 04:58] klawdees:The damager wakes with a start [18/07/16 04:59] klawdees:seeing the human form in front -- [18/07/16 04:59] klawdees:behind -- on all sides. [18/07/16 04:59] klawdees:Empty and true. [18/07/16 04:59] klawdees:Illusions stripped away [18/07/16 04:59] klawdees:hat he had wounded, alive in display [18/07/16 04:59] klawdees:the wall he had broken, un-breached, un-allayed. [18/07/16 04:59] klawdees:.. [18/07/16 04:59] klawdees:may we never, ever know shame. [18/07/16 05:00] klawdees:may our breath be eternally new. [18/07/16 05:01] :Rophs nods [18/07/16 05:01] Rophs:Let's move on to the spruce. [18/07/16 05:01] :[Spell] listen to the whisper of the seeds [/log]
  9. Rophs

    Walking tree

    I think that you should do more thinking and writing.
  10. you go on a campus tour of your university and try to spot an Oak,Maple,Willow, and Spruce
  11. [qutote]Announcements - View ID 2843 Ann. 2843 Priority: 2 [2013-12-13 05:33:57 - Stage 12] Follower System You can indicate someone that you "follow" on the >>>new experimental interface<<<. This gives every player a power to show who they believe in, agree with, would follow someone. It doesnt have any meaning but the meaning you give to it. This is an social experiment to see what people would do and doesnt further MD at all. But like all experiments may be further integrated later. Follow someone you believe knows best for MD, perhaps they will become a PC member and further your interests or run yourself and get people to follow you. There may be rewards for those who get the most followers and those in the best leaders group. More information will be posted to the forum. FAQ's and more information can be found on the >>>forum topic<<<. CODENAME: OMEGA
  12. I don't see the need for a new points system, we already have plenty of ways for players to transfer value between one another. A common creature from Loreroot or NC is often enough to make an mp3 drool
  13. No one could possibly have that many of a single item
  14. Bump. On multiple occasions I have received offers from people to buy things from me and I was unable to reply because they had me on their ignore list and had likely forgotten that they had ignored me. This change would improve communications between players and prevent these awkward miscommunications
  15. Voted for less than one million because I couldn't choose not to vote for that question
  16. I've been told Rumi also had some interest in the West, but not nearly as much as me
  17. I've always called my future home The West or The Westlands. Perhaps the DOR? Dominion of Rophs! edit: on a more serious note Void Island
  18. [log We have one satisfied customer!] : Rophs drums his fingers on the lighthouse's brick entrance as he plays with a Wiiya Bubble with his other hand Ivorak: Hello Rophs Rophs: *grins at Ivorak* Hello Ivorak. Rophs: I think you know what I want from you. *giggles* : Ivorak nods : Rophs crosses his arms showing that he is serious business and NOT on the verge of breaking into laughter : Ivorak Ivorak begins dancing a jig Rophs: *strokes his nutty chin* Oh my, how you manage to please this nut. : Ivorak prances about, speeding up the dance : Rophs passed Wiiya Bubble to Ivorak Rophs: *laughs* I hope you enjoy the bubble as much as I am enjoying the jig! : Ivorak ends the dance with a final skip and hop : Ivorak takes a bow Rophs: *scratches his nutty chin* Interesting choice. You strayed from the standard hop, skip jump. Ivorak: I hope you enjoyed it. It's so...undignified... Rophs: *nods and licks a mysterious dust from his fingers* A risk well taken. : Rophs squeals with joy and runs off leaving a Wiiya Bubble behind him [/log] Topic can be closed.
  19. We have a calamity on our hands! Kyphis has gone stark raving mad. Power-Puff-Girls are not mechanized parrots wearing socks! Wjx06kl.png

  20. I'm going to be taking a break from active play inside of MD for a while, probably a few months. I won't be around to do Seedwalks but if people do Seedwalks and post logs in the Logs from Seedwalks thread I'll make sure the right people end up with Wiiya Bubbles. Hopefully I'll even find time to run a few Seedwalks myself
  21. Sorry about the delay. Roundworld stuff kept me away for a while but I found time to pop in for a short bit. I'm here to post the results! The way judging worked is each judge rated the entries 1-10 in each of the three categories and then I summed up the total scores for each participant. The scores are (in alphabetical order by playername) as follows: Ivorak: 74 Junior: 63 lashtal: 67 Ledah: 53 Nadrolski: 54 zoolii: 53 Congratulations to Ivorak on having the lowest bid! Contact me via ForumPM so that we can arrange payment.
  22. Last call for entries. I will make final list of entrants 24 hours after this post and then begin judging.
  23. It's possible to put a lot of meaning into just a few words.
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