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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. Even if the slave would save ap by willfully walking somewhere due to landloyalty or cartography the leash holder is forcefully dragging their slave. The slave's land loyalty / available scenes should not affect the leash holder's ap costs.
  2. potential leash fix: when a leash owner uses the leash while in the same location as the slave they hook it to the slave's collar. whenever the leash owner moves they must spend double the action points and will drag the slave along with them. using the leash again will unhook it from the salve's collar using the leash while at a different location from the slave would have no effect
  3. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kyn9Es4HoY
  4. It was not intended as a replacement for rookie of the year, it was intended as a new category.
  5. Most Improved Player The player that the community things has grown the most in the past year. This can be a rookie who set feet on the ground quickly and got walkin' or an oldie who had been inactive but picked up a lot of momentum and did some cool things.
  6. blackwater my limbs are bound. zealous in struggle no escape is found gross liquids bubble viscous sludge traps entangle my feet no more running laps xyloid tendrils meet withering my soul just feel so dull
  7. [log Ungod's Story about a Bear Mage] Ungod: Once upon a time, there was an old wizard who got up in the morning every day and practiced magic in his tower. Ungod: He liked nature spells and often was confused for a druid, but he always declared sickles make him sick. Ungod: And herbs gathering was bad for his back...He really was an old-school wizard. Ungod: This wizard had a rather long and well-trimmed beard. It was his pride. Ungod: On morning, as he started praticing magic, he accidentally cast the spell onto his beard instead of the table and suddenly... Ungod: The old mage's beard tunred into a bear. A mage bear, the size of a bear, too. Ungod: The mage found himself stuck to the back of his beard-that is, the bear, and before he could dispell his foolish spell, he was drag out of the tower. Ungod: Apparently, his beard had a craving for honey. Ungod: So, before he could know it, he was out int he woods, looking for beehives. Ungod: The wizard tried to cast a spell of movement reduction, but it backfired on him and now he could not even gather his thoughts properly. Ungod: When his beard - that is, the mage bear - found a beehive, it started to look for honey with its claws. Ungod: The old mage's beard tunred into a bear. A mage bear, the size of a bear, too. Ungod: The mage found himself stuck to the back of his beard-that is, the bear, and before he could dispell his foolish spell, he was drag out of the tower. Ungod: Apparently, his beard had a craving for honey. Ungod: So, before he could know it, he was out int he woods, looking for beehives. Ungod: The wizard tried to cast a spell of movement reduction, but it backfired on him and now he could not even gather his thoughts properly. Ungod: When his beard - that is, the mage bear - found a beehive, it started to look for honey with its claws. Ungod: Now, the bees were angered and started to sting the bear, but it didn't care. So instead the bees attacked the wizard. Ungod: The spell eventually worn off, but it was too late - the old mage was lying in the forest, swollen like a barrel, almost dead. Ungod: After intensive care, he turned his back to classical magic and went gathering herbs every moening with a golden sickle, but even now he runs when he sees a bear. Ungod: Oh, and he shaved his beard, his head and even his...naughty bits. Ungod: No hair is good hair, he says. Ungod: And that's the story about the mage bear. [/log]
  8. Rophs 247146 881 5 My favorite fruit is Acorn because it accessorizes the best among the fruits native to where I live. Just look at its stylish hat!
  9. Who woulda though Mur had dreadlocks?
  10. Rophs 247146 Ciphla klawdees told me he is experiencing this issue
  11. see http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/16852-verify-invalid-account/
  12. i had an old alt called "Leif Mialown" that was mp4, i decided to register it and now it is an mp3 with one day
  13. I registered an account named "Rophs the Scared" and logged in successfully with that account
  14. Quest Closed. No winner, crew will be selected a different way. Mods please close this topic. Quest Closed. No winner, crew will be selected a different way. Mods please close this topic.
  15. Quest Closed. No winner, crew will be selected a different way. Mods please close this topic.
  16. you show up to the polls on election day and write in "MagicDuel" hoping for some more free credits
  17. I sold Jubaris a Barren Soul for 3 silver coins
  18. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kyn9Es4HoY
  19. two attacker creatures are using haoticdamage and have same initiative. what happens?
  20. how do you break a tie between two creatures using haoticdamage?
  21. In the event of an initiative tie the creatures should be able to act in the following order (creatures with same initiative should follow this order, all others move in initiative order) attacker slot 1 defender slot 1 attacker slot 2 defender slot 2 attacker slot 3 defender slot 3 attacker slot 4 defender slot 4 attacker slot 5 defender slot 5 attacker slot 6 defender slot 6 The attacker's same numbered slot goes first because it makes more sense for the attacker to go first than it does for the defender to go first.
  22. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kyn9Es4HoY
  23. I'm willing to bet that it already has a planned use and is waiting upon being implemented.
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