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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. In MD we have static scenes where you are at an absolute position and your interactions (many spells, passing items) are generally heavily limited to interacting with players who are at the same exact place as you. Are there any plans to make movement in MD feel more fluid? In almost any other MMO you can watch as players move from place to place but in MD the only representation we get is names in the players here box which doesn't do a proper job of displaying movement; someone can easily run past you without you noticing because it didn't refresh while they were there. In every graphical multiplayer game I've ever played if another player walks past me I can see them moving and it contributed more to the world feeling alive. Even in the one MUD I play where the game communicates with players only in text it will display "<name> arrives from <direction>" if someone enters the same room as you. In MD movement doesn't feel like movement, it feels like a lot of small hops and it's really easy to miss the hops other people make.
  2. Thanks I'mm be sure to keep my birthday cake safe and unlocked by cats
  3. When I was rummaging through my things trying to find something I found these two poems that I had written down about a year ago. (Yes, I know I've already posted one of them.) ps. I also found the earlier versions with lines drawn through words, words inserted where there isn't room, arrows all over the place, a proper sprawling of the first one. I don't think it really should go in this thread if someone wants to see that stuff I'll gladly scan it and give a copy of it to them
  4. Does it teleport players who are logged out? I could foresee that as a potentially unwanted side-effect.
  5. It would be cool if someone (The Archivists maybe?) hosted regular events like this where we do performances of the various AL chapters. It would make the daunting wall of text feel a lot more approachable. I'd greatly appreciate it myself because I've personally only read two chapters of the AL and one of which I would not have read if it weren't for the fact that it was happening while I read it.
  6. There aren't many Wiiya Bubbles floating around and lots of people have asked me if I'm ever going to sell a Wiiya Bubble. For the longest amount of time the answer to that question was a coldhearted no, but I'm willing to make a special exception for the MD Birthday and have decided to auction off a Wiiya Bubble. Rules: Send your bids to me via ForumPM The Wiiya Bubble will go to the lowest bidder One bid per person Obviously this isn't an ordinary auction so I'm going to post a little bit of criteria on how your bids will be scored... Creativity: How interesting is your bid? Compression: How much can you offer with fewer words? Deliverability: How easily can you actually give me payment for the Wiiya Bubble inside of MD? The Auction House is open until the beginning of the MDA Day (April 23). Make sure to send your bids in before then!
  7. A festive Joker Plushie would be very fitting for the occasion!
  8. Can we turn unidentified herbs into flour at the Golem's Mill?
  9. If there's a limit you could also prevent your foe from activating the totems they need by filling a scene with weaker low impact totems
  10. Done right the boxes thing could be good, but atm it is done very wrong
  11. Wiiya should be used to help restore the identity of a creature trapped inside of a totem Fenths should be used to help restore the body of a creature trapped inside of a totem
  12. I'd like to be able to filter out different events from the feed, possibly being able to set named presets of different sets of feed filters.
  13. Rophs


    One of my favorite parts of April 1st is wondering who will make this thread :D
  14. I'm going for mp6 and once I get there I will use my mp6 powers to help me in my quest to Sail West. To thank my future worshipers I will bring those who didn't go on the maiden voyage with my crew to the West with prot-bringin after we have secured a small safe area to ensure that you will be safe upon arrival.
  15. Currently if you have a player ignored you can send them messages and they cannot reply. This can be an issue, for example if someone forgets they have someone else ignored and sends them a PM about wanting to buy one of their items.
  16. slaughter
  17. people sure are clumsy today

  18. 3/18/15 [log The Oak:] : Rophs sits down below the Oak Sapling and gazes up at its spry little branches : Rophs opens his Book of Creepy Stories up to a random page and points to a story without looking : Rophs gasps in astonishment Rophs: My, oh my. What a story we have here. Rophs: This one hits a little close to home. Rophs: This is the story of the Angry Recluse Rophs: It follows Richard the Merchant, the man you've heard many stories about from me already. This one, although, takes a turn for the worse and I'm not sure it's the way I'd prefer it to be. Rophs: Richard had a little cheap fake diamond that he valued very much and loved showing it and sharing it with everybody. Rophs: He thought there was a general understandin that he could pass it around to groups of people and it would always end up back in his hands. Rophs: Richard had a little cheap fake diamond that he valued very much and loved showing it and sharing it with everybody. Rophs: He thought there was a general understanding that he could pass it around to groups of people and it would always end up back in his hands. Rophs: One day things got a little rowdy and he passed it around in a crowd containing a few unfamiliar faces and one of them stole it! Rophs: The thief demanded an award for him and his friend for their great merchanting skills from Richard's Academy of Merchanting. Rophs: Richard couldn't beleive someone could give him such a low blow and hid up on the rooftops of the village secluding himself from contact while he pondered the situation. Rophs: People sometimes called to him "Richard, come down from the roofs!" Yet he sat up in the roofs trying to think of what should be done, some days not doing any thinking at all. Rophs: Some people say Richard is still up there on the roofs. Although some future stories might say otherwise. : Rophs scratches his nutty chin [/log] [log The Maple:] : Rophs licks a mysterious dust and yawns as he strolls around the Maple Sapling Rophs: I heard that something bad happened to Necrovion, although I wasn't around to see it. Rophs: Expect more news about that in the near future. *winks at the Maple* [/log] [log The Willow:] Rophs: my limbs are bound. Rophs: zealous in struggle Rophs: no escape is found Rophs: gross liquids bubble Rophs: viscous sludge traps Rophs: entangle my feet Rophs: no more running laps Rophs: xyloid tendrils meet Rophs: withering my soul Rophs: just feel so dull Rophs: *shivers* Blackwater [/log] [log The Spruce:] Rophs: *whispers to the Spruce* If I were a snail I'd die of hyperkalemia right now. [/log]
  19. Tonight I saw The Room for the first time and it was definitely a fun and worthwhile experience that I would do again and recommend. Two things to keep in mind when seeing this movie See it in a theater (trust me on this one) Bring a lot of plastic spoons (I swear I'm not joking, you seriously will regret not doing this)
  20. librarians
  21. rep brigade malfunction
  22. Citizenship is derived from the crown and the crown's power is derived from alliances.
  23. What happens to the players already inside necro when the borders close? Will dead players still be teleported to the graveyard at regular intervals?
  24. Does the existence of the rep system improve the forums? I don't think it should exist in the first place. Seeing a red or green number next to a post will influence how someone thinks about it subconsciously and can tend to lessen the quality of discussions and turn the forums into more of an echo chamber.
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