[log The Oak:]
: Rophs sits down below the Oak Sapling and gazes up at its spry little branches
: Rophs opens his Book of Creepy Stories up to a random page and points to a story without looking
: Rophs gasps in astonishment
Rophs: My, oh my. What a story we have here.
Rophs: This one hits a little close to home.
Rophs: This is the story of the Angry Recluse
Rophs: It follows Richard the Merchant, the man you've heard many stories about from me already. This one, although, takes a turn for the worse and I'm not sure it's the way I'd prefer it to be.
Rophs: Richard had a little cheap fake diamond that he valued very much and loved showing it and sharing it with everybody.
Rophs: He thought there was a general understandin that he could pass it around to groups of people and it would always end up back in his hands.
Rophs: Richard had a little cheap fake diamond that he valued very much and loved showing it and sharing it with everybody.
Rophs: He thought there was a general understanding that he could pass it around to groups of people and it would always end up back in his hands.
Rophs: One day things got a little rowdy and he passed it around in a crowd containing a few unfamiliar faces and one of them stole it!
Rophs: The thief demanded an award for him and his friend for their great merchanting skills from Richard's Academy of Merchanting.
Rophs: Richard couldn't beleive someone could give him such a low blow and hid up on the rooftops of the village secluding himself from contact while he pondered the situation.
Rophs: People sometimes called to him "Richard, come down from the roofs!" Yet he sat up in the roofs trying to think of what should be done, some days not doing any thinking at all.
Rophs: Some people say Richard is still up there on the roofs. Although some future stories might say otherwise.
: Rophs scratches his nutty chin
[log The Maple:]
: Rophs licks a mysterious dust and yawns as he strolls around the Maple Sapling
Rophs: I heard that something bad happened to Necrovion, although I wasn't around to see it.
Rophs: Expect more news about that in the near future. *winks at the Maple*
[log The Willow:]
Rophs: my limbs are bound.
Rophs: zealous in struggle
Rophs: no escape is found
Rophs: gross liquids bubble
Rophs: viscous sludge traps
Rophs: entangle my feet
Rophs: no more running laps
Rophs: xyloid tendrils meet
Rophs: withering my soul
Rophs: just feel so dull
Rophs: *shivers* Blackwater
[log The Spruce:]
Rophs: *whispers to the Spruce* If I were a snail I'd die of hyperkalemia right now.