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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3kyn9Es4HoY
  2. I redact my previous vote and switch to a vote for MRF
  3. having 2/3 principles gives current mp3s a disadvantage over legacy mp3s with more principles because of tokens. 2/3 is not an advantage because one could still choose to have 2/3 principles as a legacy mp3 if they were going for a specific build.
  4. If you're farming wins and have a log of say 12 wins and 0 losses you can risk attacking someone whose def you don't know because you can burst right after and then get of scot free.
  5. you die for people you love (die so they can live, martyrdom) you survive for the people you love (sticking with them though tough times even if there might be an easier (and permanent) way out)
  6. [redacted]
  7. It would be nice for there to be some other way to gain briskness other than fighting.
  8. iirc one of the people who was in Fusioneers before me said that when we had two solidifiers someone tried using a heated solidifier as a heat source for a second solidifier and the first solidifer was destoyed. your solidifer should not break unless sy uses it as a heat source for the first one. kiley and change were around then one of them might know more about what exactly happened regarding loading items other than memory stones to be turned into heat stones: the way the solidifer works is it takes the second word of an item's name and then adds the prefix "heat" to it. "spicy pickle" would become "heat pickle", "angien creature totem" will become "heat creature", "test item" will become "heat item". any "heat *" that the solidifier produces will function exactly like a heat stone edit: This being said, it's still a very bad idea to put things into the solidifier that it wasn't meant to handle.
  9. Mp7 is an extremely powerful wizard with control over illusion magics that alter how all players perceive MD and effectively create a temporary reality. Will the mp7 be able to collaborate on fun events such as "The Storm"?
  10. Rophs

    MP6 and AP

    Or using the 1k ap boots and then walking to DoM before the next regen cycle
  11. There are two people who wish to remain in the gift pool at this time so I have instructed them to send their gifts to eachother. Thread can be closed. Merry Rophsmas!
  12. Are you accepting coins for the sand?
  13. hbd, stay dank (you cute little meme) :)
  14. Participants have a week to submit a number. Please include the PM the number and that you want to participate in the RNG based secret santa.
  15. The Earth can't be flat. It has to be round for His great meatmalls are round and He created planets in the image of His meatballs. It's a shame you haven't been graced by the touch of His noodly appendages. http://www.latimes.com/science/sciencenow/la-sci-sn-flat-earth-bob-diss-track-20160126-story.html
  16. Name: Ciphla ID: 251693 Reason: A lady with no voice can't tell anybody your secrets.
  17. I'm glad you're wiling help with this :)
  18. If the participants are okay with me randomly distributing the CTCs then that can be arranged. If participants would like that send me a forum pm with a number no larger than 100. I will use the numbers given to me by the participants to seed the random number generator. I plan on appending the numbers to one another in the order I receive them (i.e. if I receive the numbers "12", "42", and "69" together they would create the number "124269").
  19. Seriously? I'm not going to steal anybody's creatures.
  20. Unfortunately I think I will cancel this. The technology just isn't there yet.
  21. A screenshot of the scene in question would help the community greatly in determining whether or not this scene would be affected by rain. Also, congrats to fang for naming a bug reporting thread with a useful title instead of an overly complex emoticon :D
  22. That orange dot is probably me Maybe the location I've been hiding in will finally get properly configured :D
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