[log The Oak:]
[19/05/15 15:25] : *Sunfire* collects herbs and flowers as a byproduct
[19/05/15 21:52] :Zleiphneir skips around rophs
[19/05/15 21:52] Shadowseeker:Hear, hear, ye tales of Uncle Bob....Here, here, the candy of Uncle Bob...
[19/05/15 21:53] Shadowseeker:T'was an epoch of greatness! T'was an epoch of teethness!
[19/05/15 21:54] TheRichMerchant:aha, so here you were...
[19/05/15 21:54] Shadowseeker:Shining like stars, so brightly they twinkle. Glittering like dust, so silvery then winkle.
[19/05/15 21:54] Shadowseeker:Today I come to bring you a story. Today I come to bring you candy.
[19/05/15 21:54] Rophs:What
[19/05/15 21:54] Rophs:Yes a story!
[19/05/15 21:55] :Shadowseeker passed Silver coin to Rophs
[19/05/15 21:55] :Shadowseeker passed Silver coin to Rophs
[19/05/15 21:55] :Shadowseeker passed Silver coin to Rophs
[19/05/15 21:55] Shadowseeker:Leaving behind laughter and fun! Leaving behind teeth and coinage!
[19/05/15 21:55] :Shadowseeker runs off
[19/05/15 21:55] :Rophs blinks
[19/05/15 21:56] Zleiphneir:teeth and coinage!! *runs after shadow*
[19/05/15 21:56] TheRichMerchant:htye make a good pair...
[19/05/15 21:56] :Rophs reaches his fingers into his mouth and pinches his toothless, barky gums
[19/05/15 21:56] TheRichMerchant:they*
[19/05/15 21:56] :Rophs nods
[19/05/15 21:56] :TheRichMerchant rolf
[19/05/15 21:56] :TheRichMerchant rofls
[19/05/15 21:57] Rophs:Although we're a bit behind on the Seedwalk. *checks his wrist and measures the rate at which Wiiya flows from it* Let's tell some stories in a hurry!
[19/05/15 21:58] TheRichMerchant: (lol, Rophs...now you have wiiya going through your veins?)
[19/05/15 21:58] TheRichMerchant:Once upon a time there was a little acorn. It stood there, dull and interesting, on the ground, next to fallen leaves
[19/05/15 21:59] TheRichMerchant:Then the acorn got eaten by a goat and the goat soon had a stomachache.
[19/05/15 22:00] TheRichMerchant:The goat had to..relieve itself of the pain and...
[19/05/15 22:01] TheRichMerchant:it spit the acorn and the acorn got up and said 'Let's do a seedwalk now!'
[19/05/15 22:01] TheRichMerchant:the goat stared quietly, then went about its business.
[19/05/15 22:01] :TheRichMerchant bows
[19/05/15 22:04] TheRichMerchant: (dull and uninteresting*)
[19/05/15 22:04] :Rophs nods
[19/05/15 22:05] :Rophs sits down next to the Oak and leans up against its towering stem
[19/05/15 22:05] Rophs:I'm sure you remember the story of the merchant named Richard Biter. He went from rich to poor, and then back to rich again.
[19/05/15 22:06] TheRichMerchant: *interrupts Rophs* ah, yes
[19/05/15 22:06] TheRichMerchant:it was all about wiiya, wasn't it?
[19/05/15 22:06] :TheRichMerchant realizes he is being rude and shuts up..for now
[19/05/15 22:06] Rophs: *squints at Richy* No communts from the peanut gallery!
[19/05/15 22:07] Rophs:And so this Richard Biter decided he wanted to get into the nut selling business.
[19/05/15 22:07] Rophs:He bought all kinds of nuts! Peanuts, walnuts, macadamia nuts, even cashews or pecans!
[19/05/15 22:08] TheRichMerchant: *swallows his salive* cashew
[19/05/15 22:08] Rophs:At his shop where the willows would grow Richard decided to put the nuts all in a gallery, so people could pick out the best looking ones and spend more than a pretty penny...
[19/05/15 22:08] Rophs: *grins* His nuts sold for nice nickels, sometimes even a delicous dime!
[19/05/15 22:09] Rophs:All of the nuts were selling profusely. Well, all of the nuts except for the peanuts.
[19/05/15 22:09] TheRichMerchant:why?
[19/05/15 22:10] Rophs:Richard Biter should have tossed them away and restocked with the better nuts but for some reason he decided to leave the gallery full of peanuts.
[19/05/15 22:10] TheRichMerchant:I wouldn't have done that in his place...
[19/05/15 22:10] Rophs: *shakes his head* But unbeknowns to Richard Biter there was a magical acorn amongst the peanuts, and every so often it would give words of advice.
[19/05/15 22:11] Rophs:"Buy more nuts Mr. Biter!", "Why is the gallery only full of peanuts?"
[19/05/15 22:12] Rophs:Eventually Richard Biter was sick of it, so he tossed out the peanuts in spite of the voice and he whispered into the wastebin, "No comments from the peanut gallery."
[19/05/15 22:12] : TheRichMerchant collects wiiya
[19/05/15 22:13] Rophs:Well... this peanut fiasco is what caused him to become poor in the first place. His nutshop was out of stock for months and he had no way to pay the rent.
[19/05/15 22:13] Rophs: *scratches his nutty chin* I told the stories in the wrong order.
[19/05/15 22:13] Rophs: *licks a mysterious dust from his fingers* But they are nice stories nonetheless!
[19/05/15 22:13] :TheRichMerchant claps
[19/05/15 22:13] Rophs: *apirs Richy* Let's go visit the Maple!
[19/05/15 22:13] TheRichMerchant:why not, let's pretend they are
[19/05/15 22:14] TheRichMerchant:let's go there, then
[19/05/15 22:19] :[Spell] so whats that buzz Tree?