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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. -1) The Ghost Ritual was never fixed, dst, No one, and lifeline just agreed to stop using it. 12) H, febuary, ERO, Eon, and concussion are the same person 3.14) The XP cap is a weed out mechanism designed to make people who can't find nonexistent bugs advance. i) Bugs that don't exist actually do. twelve) Three of these are probably true.
  2. Thank you, the thread can now be closed.
  3. What is/was the DoF? I've seen it mentioned many times but nobody has ever properly explained to me what exactly goes on during the DoF.
  4. If we only reward the player who comes in first then players will battle over first place and not fear coming in second. There is still the idea of "oh I'll just win next time" that needs to be solved but as versatile and intelligent as the MD community is I'm sure we can find a solution. It's not as broken as the TC was back in the day.
  5. happy bday Greedo, we all know it was you who shot first ;)
  6. Thanks, I'd like the thread closed now. edit: If someone would like they can address the revival of Story Telling. I won't tackle this until later if I decide to at all.
  7. Is there still story telling at Fortune's Well?
  8. Let's all play some .a2 :P add me on steam "Metruption / Rophs" I'll change it later, the Rophs is for you people to more easily identify me
  9. The time limit is before I give out all the moo rewards!
  10. [spoiler] : Aquellia Searches for two sticks to use as markers : Aquellia With her newfound sticks, stabs them into the ground to the side of the shed. Marking out a rectangle. : Aquellia goes to search for a cultivator in the shed to till the soil with : Aquellia Starts to till the soil of her marked out rectangle. Taking a few rose cuttings from the flowers she has and planting them : Aquellia watcers the newly planted cuttings, then places the tools back into the shed [/spoiler]
  11. Antichamber is the best puzzle game I have every played, I want all of you to go play Antichamber. (I've played and beaten Portal and its sequel)
  12. Kyphis, rikstar, Change, and I are going to play a MD Themed DF Succession Fort. I'm going to start a fort, pass it along to another one of them, who will pass it along to someone else, who will pass it along to the last person, who will pass it along to me. Throughout the Fortress's History we are going to take screenshots and write stories about the fortress and it will be something worth enjoying. The purpose of this thread for the MD Community (YOU) to request to be dorf'd (we'll name a dwarf in the fortress after you :D) Current Dorfs Starting 7: -Rophs the Bowyer -Rikstar the Miner -Change the Brewer -Kyphis the Engraver -Maebius the Cook -Rumi the Farmer -Dolomich the Hunter Dwarves that may migrate: -Jester the Lye Making Lyesmith -dst the Animal Trainer -Koshu the Soapmaker -Dante Lionheart the Stonecrafter Form for requestin to be dorf'd -Dorf Name -Dorf Job (if you don't pick a job that doesn////////////////////////////////////////'t exist in DF then we'll just make you do a boring job nobody likes, you might want to look them up) You can find a list of DF jobs: http://dwarffortresswiki.org/index.php/Jobs
  13. Would it be acceptable to use them as self destructing messages?
  14. You can put a soft hyphen "­" without the quotes as the only character in the title of a message and it will be unclickable. I swear there is something in between those quotes, copypaste it and you will have to press backspace three times to delete it.
  15. You have a problem with crafts? :P edit: If anyone wants to find me on steam I'm "Metruption / Rophs" on there.
  16. Thanks! The thread can be closed now.
  17. Is the 1:15 ratio universal? I'd like a second opinion to verify please.
  18. Would rik/change/kyph be interested in participating in an MD themed succession fort?
  19. Lots of dwarf fortress players :D maybe we need a thread dedicated just to the dorfs :P
  20. What is the generally accepted conversion rate between 1gc and 1sc?
  21. I was running around MB posting my moo advertisements when I found some arrows that weren't there before leading to places I shouldn't have been able to go.
  22. This thread will (hopefully) be used for the discussion of videogames (other than MD). Stuff I play on a regular basis: -DotA2 (I have two keys for any interested) -League of Legends (i'm really bad at this one) -Starcraft II: HotS (i'm in gold league despite having no skill) What does everyone else play?
  23. Support the moovement! Get involved in the comoonity! Draw avatars and earn some mooney! http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14367-suggestion-moo-spell/

  24. don't have a sad bday, make it happy :D
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