Kyphis, rikstar, Change, and I are going to play a MD Themed DF Succession Fort. I'm going to start a fort, pass it along to another one of them, who will pass it along to someone else, who will pass it along to the last person, who will pass it along to me.
Throughout the Fortress's History we are going to take screenshots and write stories about the fortress and it will be something worth enjoying.
The purpose of this thread for the MD Community (YOU) to request to be dorf'd (we'll name a dwarf in the fortress after you :D)
Current Dorfs
Starting 7:
-Rophs the Bowyer
-Rikstar the Miner
-Change the Brewer
-Kyphis the Engraver
-Maebius the Cook
-Rumi the Farmer
-Dolomich the Hunter
Dwarves that may migrate:
-Jester the Lye Making Lyesmith
-dst the Animal Trainer
-Koshu the Soapmaker
-Dante Lionheart the Stonecrafter
Form for requestin to be dorf'd
-Dorf Name
-Dorf Job (if you don't pick a job that doesn////////////////////////////////////////'t exist in DF then we'll just make you do a boring job nobody likes, you might want to look them up)
You can find a list of DF jobs: