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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. newborn child
  2. LIES
  3. This topic is for Mur announcing that Cow is the sacred anime of LotE. Go declare cat the sacred animal of UG in the UG forums.
  4. Mesmerizing Gaze would also attacklock, can't attack while mesmerized by a cow!
  5. lamb chops
  6. @Vic please no, cows are sacred to the Eastlands. Now that the rewards are almost rounded up (dst I need the 5 credit code :P) I'm going to begin distributing them. I don't want to put a deadline because I'd just keep delaying it like half life 3. This quest ends when the rewards are gone. Perhaps we'll get cow illusions that give slight stat boosts :D
  7. We've come this far Mur! Don't let this die!
  8. Make sure the cow creature is usable in combat or does something cool like the Elus :D
  9. DO NOT REPLY TO THIS THREAD UNLESS YOU ARE PLAYING THE FORT AND ARE RESERVING A POST FOR YOUR SPOT IN THE ROTATION, THANKS Current Rotation of players: Kyphis Change Rikstar Rophs If you would like to be added post in this thread: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14391-md-themed-df-succession-fort-looking-for-dorfs/ Before the embark Rophs had a terrible nightmare about how the fort might fail (this is OOC from MD and the actual logs of me failing at getting it started) [spoiler] [/spoiler] Each of the participants will be reserving a post after this one, I've asked Change about this and she said we (her included) are allowed to do this.
  10. Dante added, List of Jobs I'd like people to pick: -Mechanic (so we can make traps) -Weaponsmith/Armorsmith (possibly both in one :P) -Military dorfs (including one to be our General!) -Clothing Maker -Someone who makes sure there is cloth and thread to make clothers -Manager (VERY IMPORTANT)
  11. Rophs


    Magistra reviving Story Telling night might be right up your alley
  12. Rophs (ID:247146; Days:98) Reasons: I'm brutally honest. Keeping secrets is a field I certainly don't lack in. I know quite a bit about programming. MD is almost dead compared to how I remembered it when I played years ago. I want to personally make sure it gets fixed, being on public council will allow me to do that.
  13. Before we try and get more players we should figure out how to teach the newbies. The tutorial doesn't teach newbies much. Remaking the MD University and the Dojo would definitely be a good place to start. We should get a list of goals for this and figure out an order to do them in. edit: Lowering visc at MDA would be really nice. A short while after the party-in-a-box cube at Sanctuary's view opened the visc leading up the the MDA gates was at -80 all of the time. I loved this and made frequent visits to Awiiya, now that viscosity is back up to +40 most of the time I can't enter without pickles or blue candies.
  14. Have the book usable only if it contains three or more spells. Give the book "unlimited" uses but give it one effective use. Every two weeks when Spells regen give it another use if it has depleted its use. edit: finished the post that i submitted prematurely
  15. We'd need to figure out what is and isn't a spoiler. One touchy subject is the LR guards. Example of something that probably isn't a spoiler: They are nearly unbeatable for an mp3. Example of something that is a spoiler: [BLANK] is how you beat the loreroot guards
  16. [url=http://magicduel.com/][img]http://magicduel.com/userfiles/181413/468x60_magic.jpg[/img][/url] For putting in signatures on random forums (if my bbcode is broken someone with more knowledge please fix it) @chew making a bannerlist page would be good, maybe with urls for the images below each one along with bbcode similar to the above
  17. People who like Dwarf Fortress would likely also enjoy MD. I'd gladly put a MD banner in my signature on the Bay12 Forums (where people discuss Dwarf Fortress and other games made by Toady One). Is there any specific banner I should use for that?
  18. Perhaps it has paper made from memory stones but in a more stable from so that it can enchant multiple stones without breaking. Perhaps there is the "Empty Book" item consisting of the book casing and binding but nothing more, the "Pages" which are processed from memory stones and take two people whom each have 8 casts of the spell remaining to enchant with spells. Enchanted pages can be added to books that don't already have them. Perhaps limit the amount of pages a book can hold. (five max?)
  19. @Dan: I suppose so @rik: I am certainly not a part of dst's posse, just because I don't absolutely hate her and her posse doesn't mean I'm super loyal to her and them. When it comes to loyalty for me the boolean (LoyaltyToLand > LoyaltyToSecretFactions) would always return true.
  20. I want to join Golemus because it is the land I will be able to have the most fun being a citizen of. Many players say they felt the land they were a citizen 'calling for them' and of all the lands I heard the call from Golemus the loudest and clearest.
  21. I've ended up with more shop jokers than I need As of when this post is initially made Age: 67 CTC808267ADALH42MDC I reserve the right to not sell if the price is too low. Please post offers ITT, if you wish to remain anonymous send me a forum PM stating your bid. Current Highest Bid :(none)
  22. On Day 218 of Year 8 Rophs applied to be a citizen of Golemus Golemicarum at the Tempest Fort. Rophs will usually be found at or around the GoE if anyone would like to question him as to why they should or should not vote for him.
  23. Happy bday Peace, may this thread make you smile when your glorious return comes!
  24. Seeing how this is a "turn the tables" creature and NC currently has all of the turn the tables creatures I think this would fit better in NC as a recruitable version of the shade or maybe even a shop version of an Unholy Preist/Pope. Stealing token influences might be a BIT much though for this powerful anti deathball creature, we could probably have a whole other creature for that.
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