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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. Happy "Day of Ghouls" to all and may your lives be filled with fear and fortune! edit: added a letter to fix a type note: if the title confuses you check the MD calendar
  2. Because there were not ten entries for this quest no rewards will be distributed. Thank you to all who participated. My next quest will be MUCH better than this one. Happy Haloween to all.
  3. I'm 99% sure about this but I'd like a second opinion. Let's say that your ritual is five level 1 heretic archers set to weaken all at 200/400 ve and your opponent has the same ritual, you have 2000 current ve, and attack at 100% The archers will each be at 600/400 ve during the entire fight and take no damage, then after the fight the excess ve from the archers will be added back into your ve pool, so you will have a net loss of 1000 ve.
  4. If you want to look at more specific information about the Summoned Army you can check out http://magicduel.com/players/summoned%20army You can also view the stats of other NPCs int this way.
  5. The purpose of this thread is to allow the community as a whole to more easily keep track of the value of various goods and services and who they might get such goods and services from by assembling trade data into a log. Day 299 Year 8 I bought a heavily heated creature to sacc from Nim for the price of 1SC
  6. Deal made, please refrain from making any offers to me regarding this thread unless I indicate that the deal did not work out. Please do not close the thread yet.
  7. Still interested in purchasing a creature(s) that total 4m heat.
  8. Maybe this is just a "I'm giving a WP to whoever the hell I damn want to" quest. If Mur were to give out "favors" in the forms of wishpoints to people openly then there would be lots of criticism, but if he uses a dummy quest such as this one Mur can launder his favors and give out whatever he wants and receive little to no criticism.
  9. the number is hidden in plain sight 11113517019023529031
  10. The swastika goes very far back. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika
  11. Ingame PM, forum PM, or either?
  12. I am currently interested in buying a creature(s) that total 4m xp. Send me offers via forum PM. Edit: edits
  13. Don't put in the shop, put it in your vault, get it goldened and sell it for 100 morphs
  14. Clicking things too fast in general is bad for MD, my highscore for interface window deactivated while attacking someone is in the dozens.
  15. Or if Eon pays someone to help kill Fang via contract. I'm surprised he hasn't done that with anyone yet.
  16. Seeker already posted one made of apples :D
  17. There was another seedwalk today (and there will be one EVERY day) Only one log this time: From the Maple [spoiler] Ary Endleg: looks like octoberfest : AmberRune mutters : Intrigue sits and leans back against one of the casks Rophs: Here at the Maple we recount the happenings of the day. Rophs: Ary, I think you might have lots to tell. Ary Endleg: ouuu Ary Endleg: well i was pretty much everywhere Ary Endleg: first i saw chained bull at tree everyone brings tons of water to, bob, right? Rophs: Yes, that is Bob the tree. Intrigue: *shakes her head* No, not very much actually. there are few who do such any more. Ary Endleg: then shades gave me real trouble down south Ary Endleg: well stumbled into those few :D : Intrigue smiles and nods Ary Endleg: as if shades werent bad enough.... i got locked inside wooden room, where .... : Intrigue shudders Ary Endleg: *takes a deep breath* it wasnt nice Ary Endleg: some little girl appeared and wanted to play Ary Endleg: but after such events i wasnt in mood Ary Endleg: then she become scary, so i got scared Ary Endleg: then she was even more scarier and... well i got kinda defensive and wanted to get away unfortunately i was locked inside with her, and she.... killed me : Intrigue shakes her head sadly Rophs: Maybe if you get to try that again you'll play with her, Ary Endleg: so i woke in park, and went to check that bull Ary Endleg: but he was nowhere to be found Ary Endleg: so i started exploring around Ary Endleg: saw some weird trees on west Ary Endleg: got past mda gates towards loreroot just to get stuck : Intrigue smiles Ary Endleg: then i found some turtle machine in ground near goe Ary Endleg: figured it out in like 10-15 mins : Intrigue nods, obviously impressed Ary Endleg: and almost lost my hearing Ary Endleg: so when i was back in park Ary Endleg: statue of girl disappeared Ary Endleg: it must have been that bull Ary Endleg: yep i blame bull, they are both missing : Intrigue laughs to herself Ary Endleg: so in its place were some stairs to caves which gave me sore feet again Ary Endleg: strange that some people actually live there : Intrigue thinks that perhaps Ary needs some foot-wear Ary Endleg: and once i got out of it all, yup Ary Endleg: then i went to winds armory and got myself shoes : Intrigue smiles Rophs: That should be the first thing anyone does Ary Endleg: and then i came for seedwalk (enough of walkin) Ary Endleg: well i am sorry but i got pants first :p : Intrigue laughs heartily : Rophs chuckles Ary Endleg: i will pick helmet next^^ Rophs: Did anyone else have an eventful day? Intrigue: *thinks* I have discovered that the viscosity is working against me. I am not impressed. Ary Endleg: tell me about it>_> : Intrigue grumbles about not being able to go places she used to be able to prior to viscosity AmberRune: It's the weekend, haven't done much of anything Rophs: Let's head to the Willow at Willow's Walk then. Intrigue: Ary, do you know the way? Rophs: It's to the top-left of Willow's Shop. Ary Endleg: ye : Intrigue nods and departs [/spoiler] Interesting to see how a newbie sees the game at first isn't it?
  18. 1 heat stone + 1 chaoticboost stone
  19. Perhaps every time you lower viscosity in a location containing non-idle players or traces of players you and each of those players gain a predetermined amount of volition. Might be a bit too powerful though...
  20. asd~ Day: 285 Year: 8\ Rophs leads a Seedwalk in which him and a few others visit Awiiya's seeds and tell stories, poetry, secrets, and the happeneings of the day. Logs: Stories for the Oak: [spoiler] [12/10/13 20:51] :Zyrxae passed Tree bark to Awiiya [13/10/13 00:37] Rophs:Rik what brings you here at this hour? [13/10/13 00:38] Rikstar:Better to ask that question to you. [13/10/13 00:38] Rophs:Not really, I'm the one who announced the seedwalk in about 1.4 hours [13/10/13 00:39] Rikstar:Seedwalk? [13/10/13 00:39] :Rophs nods [13/10/13 00:41] Rikstar:What is it supposed to be? [13/10/13 00:41] Rophs:Come and find out. [13/10/13 00:42] Rophs: (you can stay up past 1am right? :P) [13/10/13 00:42] :Rikstar chuckles [13/10/13 00:42] Rikstar: (Probably, I'm only making some music. Trying to compose some things.) [13/10/13 00:43] Rophs: (what kind of music?) [13/10/13 00:43] Rophs: [Video link] [13/10/13 00:44] Rikstar: (For now, I'm doing some ambient.) [13/10/13 00:44] Rophs: (can you step out to the gates and pm intrigue to enter the gates? i don't have any ap) [13/10/13 00:45] :Rikstar chuckles [13/10/13 00:45] Rophs: (will*) [13/10/13 00:45] Rikstar: (How did that song get so much views. o.O) [13/10/13 00:46] Rophs:(i for one keep it in a playlist and "view" it maybe 10 times a day when listening to music, i imagine others do the same( [13/10/13 00:46] Rikstar: (Sorry, Rophs.) ) [13/10/13 00:46] Rikstar: (Write the PM to me, and I will walk out and send it to him.) [13/10/13 00:47] Rophs: (sent) [13/10/13 00:49] Rikstar: (I gave it to him.) [13/10/13 00:49] Rophs: (brb gonna get foods, and her) [13/10/13 01:10] :Rophs waves to Falronn [13/10/13 01:11] :Falronn waves [13/10/13 01:11] Rophs:How many brain cells ya got left? [13/10/13 01:12] Falronn:Don't be silly, beer only makes you smarter... [13/10/13 01:12] :Rophs nods [13/10/13 01:12] Rophs:You here for the seed walk? [13/10/13 01:13] Falronn:Maybe. [13/10/13 01:13] :Rophs raises both eyebrows in a failed attempt at raising just one [13/10/13 01:17] Rikstar:How much players were you expecting? [13/10/13 01:17] Rophs:No more than 10 [13/10/13 01:19] :Intrigue plops down beside the road and digs out her book again [13/10/13 01:21] Intrigue: (low on ap, and going afk, will try to make it back in time, if i'm not, go ahead and start without me and I'll catch the next one) [13/10/13 01:22] Rophs: (mmk) [13/10/13 01:23] Rikstar:And what will we do on the seedwalk? [13/10/13 01:24] Rophs:I'll tell everybody at 02:00 so that I don't have to say it once for everyone as they show up [13/10/13 01:25] Rikstar:Just let me win it. [13/10/13 01:25] Rophs:Alright, I'll give you a lead of 10 thousand points [13/10/13 01:25] :Rikstar cheers [13/10/13 01:26] Rophs:No cheering! Minus ten thousand points [13/10/13 01:32] Rikstar:But cheering is good. [13/10/13 01:36] Rophs:The seedwalk is not competitive [13/10/13 01:37] :Rikstar stares with a wide open mouth at Rophs. [13/10/13 01:38] :Rophs licks his fingers and puts them in Rik's open mouth [13/10/13 01:38] :Rikstar bites really hard in his finger and kicks him in the stomach. [13/10/13 01:39] :Falronn passed Beer stein to Rophs [13/10/13 01:39] :Rikstar sits down in the grass. [13/10/13 01:39] Rophs:No thanks... [13/10/13 01:40] :Rophs passed Beer stein to Falronn [13/10/13 01:40] :Rophs pets Rikstar [13/10/13 01:40] :Rikstar says chook chook and goes on the Chew train. [13/10/13 02:06] :Change falls asleep [13/10/13 02:06] Rophs: *pokes Change* Time to wake up! [13/10/13 02:06] Falronn: Fenuersios uitne! [13/10/13 02:07] : *hcosgu* [13/10/13 02:07] Rophs:Does anyone here know about the seeds? [13/10/13 02:08] Falronn: Yes. [13/10/13 02:09] Rophs:Why don't you tell it then? [13/10/13 02:09] Change: *mutters in her sleep* Seeds? [13/10/13 02:09] Falronn: No ...hic ... I'm gnoig to sit hree bneig duknr. [13/10/13 02:09] Rophs: *nods* I'll tell it then. [13/10/13 02:09] :Intrigue gets ready to take notes [13/10/13 02:10] Rophs:Ah Intrigue, I told you this story earlier today. [13/10/13 02:10] Rophs:Do you think you can tell it? [13/10/13 02:10] Intrigue: *looks over her hastily written notes* um... I can give a rough quick version? [13/10/13 02:11] Rophs: *sighs* I'll tell it again. [13/10/13 02:11] Rophs:Long ago, when Awiiya was still a man, he planted four (roleplay) seeds. [13/10/13 02:12] :Change opens one ear lazily [13/10/13 02:12] Rophs:The Oak is here across the path from Awiiya, the Maple is at Sanctuary's View, the Willow is at Willow's walk, and the Spruce is at the Old Man's Road [13/10/13 02:13] Rophs:Awiiya watered the seeds daily but had to leave MD for a summer, so he asked Handy Pockets to water them. [13/10/13 02:13] :Intrigue makes note of the locations [13/10/13 02:13] Rophs:Though there was a catch, Awi didn't tell Kets where the seeds were planted. [13/10/13 02:14] Rophs:Kets filled a large bucket with water from Marnid's Roundabout and struggled to carry it around the paths of MD, splishing and sploshing water every which way, making sure water would get where... [13/10/13 02:14] Rophs:get where soil looked upturned. [13/10/13 02:14] Rophs:When Awiiya came back he and Kets would visit the seeds each night. [13/10/13 02:15] Rophs:To the Oak they would tell stories, to the Maple the day's happenings, to the Willow Poetry, to the Spruce Sectets. [13/10/13 02:15] Rophs:*SEcrets [13/10/13 02:15] Rophs:Last night I asked Kets about the seeds and she brought me to each of their locations and we told a story, poems, and some secrets. [13/10/13 02:16] Rophs:I've asked you all to gather here today so that we can visit each of the seeds and do the same. [13/10/13 02:16] Rophs:Who wants to tell the Oak a story? [13/10/13 02:16] Rophs:I'll even offer a topic for a story if you don't have on yet. [13/10/13 02:17] Intrigue: *looks at the small group, and slowly raises a hand* I shall, if you will provide the medium. [13/10/13 02:17] :Change opens her eyes [13/10/13 02:17] Rophs:Intrigue, tell the Oak a story about friendship. [13/10/13 02:17] :Intrigue nods [13/10/13 02:18] :Rophs sits down facing the oak cross legged [13/10/13 02:19] Intrigue:Long ago, there were two villages, long locked in war and struggle... [13/10/13 02:20] Intrigue:One village sat upon the banks of a river, its people fed well, their lands rich from the silt, and well watered. [13/10/13 02:21] Intrigue:The other village, it sat nearly a day's ride from the waters, and it's people were thin with hunger, for the forest in which they dwelt offered much for protection and building, but little for food. [13/10/13 02:22] Intrigue:One day, one of the children of the Forest people wandered away from the main group and deeper and deeper into the forest until he came upon a fallen tree, one that had fallen across a stream. [13/10/13 02:22] Intrigue:The child followed the stream a while, but became tired and soon fell asleep. [13/10/13 02:23] Intrigue:While he slept, the waters rose, and carried him down stream, the stream eventually feeding into the river on which the other village sat. [13/10/13 02:24] Intrigue:When he awoke, he found himself in a strange place, surrounded by strange people, and he was frightened terribly. [13/10/13 02:24] Intrigue:An old woman took pity on the child, and took him into her home, cared for him, and fed him, and raised him as her own son. [13/10/13 02:24] Intrigue:Eventually, the child grew into a man, and set off with the war clans, those who fought against the people of the forest. [13/10/13 02:26] Intrigue:As they fought, stone against stick, the man recognized some of the people whom he fought against as people from his childhood, and threw down his weapon and cried out to those in the war party [13/10/13 02:26] Intrigue:that they should do the same, for these were his people, as well as the fishing peoples of the river [13/10/13 02:26] Intrigue:The friends of the man laughed and called him a traitor, and banished him to live again with the people of the forest. [13/10/13 02:27] :Intrigue looks down and folds her hands in her lap [13/10/13 02:27] Rophs:Is that the story? [13/10/13 02:28] Intrigue:it's.. a story from my village, from whence i came. [13/10/13 02:28] Rophs: *nods* Does anyone else want to tell a story? [13/10/13 02:29] Change: *looks at Intrigue* A true story? It sounded true. [13/10/13 02:30] :Intrigue doesn't look up [13/10/13 02:30] :Falronn passed Beer stein to Intrigue [13/10/13 02:31] :Intrigue passed Beer stein to Falronn [13/10/13 02:31] Intrigue:Thankee, but I must refuse. [13/10/13 02:32] Falronn: Nobdoy is going to dinrk with me eh? ... [13/10/13 02:33] Intrigue: *smiles a little and looks up a bit* mayhaps another time. [13/10/13 02:34] Rophs:Would anyone else like to tell a story? [13/10/13 02:35] :Change thinks visibly [13/10/13 02:36] Rophs:Change do you want to tell one? [13/10/13 02:36] Change: *grins* I do, but I don't know one. [13/10/13 02:37] Rophs:You can make one up as you go along, Intrigue give Change a story topic! [13/10/13 02:37] Intrigue: *looks at the sky* Rain. [13/10/13 02:37] Change: *chuckles* I like rain [13/10/13 02:38] Change:Hmm [13/10/13 02:38] :Intrigue smiles again, and quickly looks back to her book [13/10/13 02:40] Change: *looks at Falronn* Can I have some of that? [13/10/13 02:43] :Falronn passed Beer stein to Change [13/10/13 02:44] :Change thanks Falronn [13/10/13 02:44] Change:So, I will now tell a story about rain. [13/10/13 02:45] Change: Trhee once was aa wamon; her age does not maetrt. [13/10/13 02:46] Change: She was winklag anolg the land of no man one day ...hic ... wehn she ...hic ... came anlog aa wlel. [13/10/13 02:47] : *ihc* [13/10/13 02:47] Change: Prneieg into the well, she fnowder. The wlel was dyr, wtih no dorp left to dirkn. ...hic ... [13/10/13 02:48] Change: &tosHna;'qut ...hic ... it rneiad hree ltoqy?lu&tae; she sdia. Tihs was aa slliy qtoiusne, as she kenw ...hic ... the hniapnepgs ...hic ... of the lnad wlel. [13/10/13 02:48] Change: The land you see, was no ...hic ... Ma'ns lnda. Rtarhe, it was aa Wm'naos land ...hic ... (or so she ...hic ... lkied to thkin). [13/10/13 02:49] : *simskr* [13/10/13 02:49] Change: Aynsayw, she knew this lnad wlle, so ...hic ... she knew taht it ...hic ... h'dant rdinae. [13/10/13 02:49] Change: She tehn ...hic ... hread aa bcunh of lodu, beotrusos vcesio. Tehy wree cmnoig from the Geaobz! [13/10/13 02:50] Change: Walinkg up to the Geabzo at the cneetr of all, she saw saeervl men rloilng anorud on the frloo, liagunhg and ...hic ... tiknlag. ...hic ... [13/10/13 02:51] Change: The woman wathced as aa bcunh of brwon liquid sepilld out of aa ...hic ... tnkarad taht one of them ...hic ... was hngolid. [13/10/13 02:52] Change: &qt;ouSo thta's why the well is dt&ruqo!y; eiexalcmd the wonam. [13/10/13 02:53] Change: One ...hic ... of the men loeokd at ...hic ... the woman and siad, &;tqlHooule, miyss! You look as cerssod as teshe rados a.ueqtro&; ...hic ... [13/10/13 02:54] Change: &uot;qI am csosq!r&out; siad ...hic ... the ...hic ... wmnao. &uqto;My wlel is do!yru&tq; [13/10/13 02:54] Change: &Yt;uoquor wlel is w?ohqatu&t; [13/10/13 02:55] Change: II lkoeod down my wlel and saw that it was ...hic ... dry. [13/10/13 02:56] Change: &t;a'qhtoTus tburoilrqet!&e; siad the man. He headnd her his trkanad. &Ntqoou;w you hvae touow!qt&; [13/10/13 02:56] Change: The wmaon fenwdro. [13/10/13 02:56] Intrigue: *tilts her head* She what? [13/10/13 02:57] Change: She lokoed at ...hic ... the men, and an idea ppoepd into her hdea. [13/10/13 02:57] : *looks at Iginrteu* [13/10/13 02:57] Change: Fnoewrd [13/10/13 02:57] Change: Fnweord [13/10/13 02:57] Change: Frwoned [13/10/13 02:57] Change: II fink [13/10/13 02:57] Intrigue: *frowns and shakes her head* I'll figure it out... [13/10/13 02:57] Change: You all look lkie yoru'e runnnig out of drnik [13/10/13 02:57] Change: said the wmoan [13/10/13 02:58] Change: We aer! [13/10/13 02:58] Change: claeld out one of the men [13/10/13 02:58] Change: So, the wmoan gvae the tarkand ...hic ... taht she was hloidng to the man who caleld out [13/10/13 02:59] Change: Fololw me! II own this land, for II am aa wonam, and II know where you can get ...hic ... some more drikn. [13/10/13 02:59] Change:The men cheered, 'Hoorah!' [13/10/13 03:00] :Change looks at Falronn [13/10/13 03:00] Change:What was I just doing? [13/10/13 03:01] Rophs:You were telling a story [13/10/13 03:01] Falronn:Drinking? [13/10/13 03:01] Change:Oh, yes. Get me some more, will you? [13/10/13 03:01] :Falronn passed Beer stein to Change [13/10/13 03:01] Change:It's rained a lot lately, so there should be lots of drink. [13/10/13 03:01] :Change thanks Falronn [13/10/13 03:02] :Change blinks [13/10/13 03:02] Change: Awanyys ...hic ... [13/10/13 03:02] Change: The fvie men fwelolod the waomn [13/10/13 03:03] Change: Eptmy tarndkas in hadn, to the wlel. ...hic ... [13/10/13 03:03] Change: The waomn pnteiod ...hic ... to the well and siad: [13/10/13 03:03] Change: Hree is aa pacle whree you can get all of the ...hic ... drnik you wnat [13/10/13 03:04] Change: All you have to do is rcaeh down deep with your tdankra, and socop up some dkrin. [13/10/13 03:04] Change: The men qkiucly rhseud tawdros the well and did as the wmaon had siad ...hic ... [13/10/13 03:05] Change: One of the men sdia: T'erehs nnoe hree! [13/10/13 03:05] Change: Raech drpeee, siad the wanmo. [13/10/13 03:06] Change: As the man reahced derpee, he lsot his banlcae and tmbelud into the well [13/10/13 03:06] Change: The man was so durnk that when he felt the sgltlhiy dmap mud asnagit his sied, he sdai: Ive fuond soem! [13/10/13 03:07] Change: Like ligemsmn, the ohter men dporepd ...hic ... down into the wlel aeftr him. ...hic ... [13/10/13 03:07] Change: The woman seimld at her celvresens [13/10/13 03:08] Change: Now thsee ...hic ... men will not ...hic ... bethor me ainga, she siad as she welakd bcak to the ...hic ... gazebo [13/10/13 03:08] Change: Lkioong up at the sky, she saw taht cldous had ferdmo. [13/10/13 03:08] Change: cdluos [13/10/13 03:09] Change: II did ...hic ... not give tehm jest, ...hic ... of cuorse [13/10/13 03:09] Change: she siad as it setartd to rain [13/10/13 03:09] Change: Down tehre tehy will get ALL of the dnirk that tehy suhold wnat [13/10/13 03:09] : *lgsgegi* [13/10/13 03:09] Change: T.he end [13/10/13 03:10] :Rophs slowly begins clappiny [13/10/13 03:10] :Intrigue smiles a bit and nods [13/10/13 03:11] : *alfls on the grsas and ysnaw* [13/10/13 03:11] Rophs:I think I;d like to tell a story. [13/10/13 03:11] Rophs:Change, can you give me a topic? [13/10/13 03:11] Change: Dinrk [13/10/13 03:12] Change: dnuk [13/10/13 03:12] Rophs:Now listen here little sapling. [13/10/13 03:12] Change: dirnk dunk dedus duenkd dduerfllay dirnk [13/10/13 03:13] : *hmus to hereslf* [13/10/13 03:13] Rophs:I'm going to tell you about something called drink. [13/10/13 03:13] Rophs:There once was a man who loved drinking, he had drank all sorts of things [13/10/13 03:14] Rophs:He started out only drinking water, but soon discovered things such as milk and juices. [13/10/13 03:15] Rophs:One day he left a bottle of grape juice out for a few months without realizing it and created wine [13/10/13 03:15] Rophs:Wine was an unheard of drink that would make the drinker drunk [13/10/13 03:16] Rophs:When drunk the words of the speaker became slurred and lost their sense [13/10/13 03:16] Rophs:Trevor created lots of wine, and everyone was always drunk [13/10/13 03:16] Rophs:The problem was that nobody could understand one another [13/10/13 03:17] Rophs:I guess this isn't really a story... I just wanted to tell you about why Change's story was so... rambly.... [13/10/13 03:17] :Change giggles [13/10/13 03:17] :Falronn laughs [13/10/13 03:18] :Change frowns [13/10/13 03:18] :Rophs stands up from his sitting position to standing up in one swift move [13/10/13 03:18] :Change looks for some drink [13/10/13 03:18] Rophs:Let's move on to the next seed now... [13/10/13 03:18] Change:Does that mean that I have to get up? [13/10/13 03:18] Rophs:Change do you think you'll be able to walk to Sanctuary's View all by yourself? [13/10/13 03:18] Rophs:There are more drinks there [13/10/13 03:18] :Intrigue slings her satchel across her shoulder and looks at change, offering a hand up [13/10/13 03:19] :Change takes it and pulls herself up [13/10/13 03:19] :Rophs leads the group to Sanctuary's View [13/10/13 03:20] :Intrigue follows [/spoiler] Happening of the day for the Maple [spoiler] Change: There it is! Rophs: To the left of this path is the Maple. : Intrigue sits and leans back against one of the casks Rophs: Does anyone remeber what we do at the Maple? : Intrigue nods Rophs: Tell Intrigue: *opens her book* recap the day's events... Rophs: *nods* Did anyone here have an eventful day? Intrigue: *looks up at the sky* it rained, that could be eventful. : Change looks at the drinks Change: Yes, yes, it rained! Rophs: *pulls a stool from the table and sits by the Maple Sapling* Not only did it rain, but I asked Intrigue to come to this seedwalk Change: *looks at the Maple* It rained, Maple, and the little rain drops dropped and went free. Rophs: I decided I should ask her because she spend a lot of time around Bob the tree, I thought she would like seeing the seeds/ Change: *looks at Falronn's bottle* May I? : Falronn passed Beer stein to Change : Intrigue looks from the sky, to the tree she is sitting under, to the sapling Change: Tanhks Rophs: Did anything else notable happen today? Falronn: Not that I know of. Change: II met aa beer : Intrigue looks around the group and plucks a pebble from the grass, rolling it between her fingers Change: Its nmae was sietn Falronn: Well this is notable. Rophs: *nods to Change* Do tell use more Change: It was aa rahetr srhot beer Change: Like the man who iodrtcenud me to him Change: But Stein was buintsrg full of teals to tell Change: Stien left me aa ...hic ... few tiems drunig this trip Change: But he cmae back aa cupole of tiems too : Rophs nods Change: *frsnow* H'es lfet me ainag, slday. Change: And I'm lkooing fwrorad to ...hic ... menetig him again soon Change: Taht is all Rophs: Alrighty then, the next seed is the Willow at Willow's Walk. : Rophs walks to Willow's Walk [/spoiler] Poetry for the Willow [spoiler] : Rophs wades through a shallow portion of the pond and peels apart the reeds Rophs: The Willow is in here somewhere... : Intrigue kneels beside the path and watches silently Rophs: We should tell it some poems Rophs: I'll start Rophs: I come here again Rophs: I brought some people with me Rophs: Time to tell poems : *ond nsdo* Rophs: Do tell! Change: Um, rgtih! Change: I've got an igenoneus poem Change: Gahter rnuod enorveye : *kaets aa deep beathr* Change: Iv'e tkaen aa drink Change: From the very kheictn sink Change: Taht my ...hic ... dad mekas swte! : *edos aa bow and aa ctsury* Rophs: *nods* Any others? Intrigue: *speaks softly* Far away faith does grow Intrigue: Hopes emerge there, white as snow... Intrigue: Along comes truth with it's ugly head... Intrigue: and paints the lands in crimson red... : Change claps very softly, for that's the only softly way to clap : Intrigue plucks a pebble from between the slates of the path and rolls it between her fingersRophs: Any more? Change: Hmm Change: Fig in the tree leaf Change: I love to eat trees because Change: They are so tasty Change: Except Bob, of course Change: What tree is left? Change: Seed Rophs: *nods* Now we go to the Spruce. : Intrigue stands : Change cheers [/spoiler] Secrets for the Spruce [spoiler] Change: I think that more than one of us forgot the name of this place. Rophs: *laughs* I think it is so, Rophs: Let's wait for intrigue. Falronn: ... : Falronn sits down and drinks another beer ophs: Welcome! Change: We shall celebate! Falronn: Tnaksh. Change: I think someone's lonely Rophs: Lonely? : Change nods Rophs: Is this one of those times we Fusioneers dance? Change: We could eat an drink and dance. Falronn: I've got the dkrninig cdoveer. : Change nod nods : Change lies on the grass Change: I forgot. Is there a seed here? Rophs: Before we party let's finish our seedwalk. Rophs: We tell the Spruce secrets. Change: Where to next? Change: Ooo, secrets. Rophs: Seeing how secrets are secret we don't listen to other people's secrets, and if we do hear them we keep it a secret. Change: I think this is a good time to drink : Rophs drops to all fours and crawls over to the Spruce Change: To help water the seeds with secrets : Falronn passed Cask of beer to Change : Change thanks Falronn Change: So, Superc. Rophs: *whispers to the Spruce* I'm a bit worried that I didn't do a good enough job leading this seedwalk. : Rophs spins around to sitting on his but to make sure nobody heard his secret : *yass ludloy ...hic ... to ...hic ... the scerup* Rophs: Your turns! Change: II almsot took my turn out of trun : *eigglgs at the spceru* Change: Oh, and II ...hic ... leid ...hic ... about liikng to eat teers Change: Um : *tnkihs aoubt what serctes she has* Change: II acultaly rlaely love to stay the same : *igslegg* ...hic ... Change: Even tgouhh I'm cgnahe Change: Pboblary te'erhs no one more cnnoett with not cnhingag tahn ...hic ... me Change: *oloks at the Scruep* Ssshshssh : *leis dwon on the gunrod* : *nptois to aa gery stop* Change: I'ts the skeis tnur! : *lupgs ...hic ... her eyes so she cna't haer* Change: Oh, yuo're dnoe, syk? Change: Oaky! Change: Who nxet? : Rophs eyes Falronn Falronn: hmwbyPtwo.Wypm7tohtc/u/wGaOCvce:t=wm?./ueY Rophs: Zyr do you want to tell a secret? Change: CAN II uunplg my eyes now? Rophs: Yes Change Change: Good Rophs: I think we can call this Seedwalk onver : *aynws and lets her eyes out* Rophs: *over Change: No more sedes? : Zyrxae whispers "Intrigue's hanging back" Change: Aigan! [/spoiler] Congratulations to Falronn on being the newest member of the Fusioneers!
  21. You are all covered in rewards for this Quest Mur, but I might requisition some more Cow Statuettes if that's alright
  22. 1 silver and 1 piece of cake with 1 use left
  23. Sometimes I feel like the character Rophs is the worst thing I've ever created, I control Rophs too much and won't let Rophs be Rophs...

    1. Mallos


      Sometimes I feel like I only existed just to be a background story for Mallos.

  24. If nobody has been awarded the GC sponsored by BFH by October 31 at 23:59ST then I will return the GC to him and end this contest.
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