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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. dst is already /usually/ very nice, but the nice is contrasted by very very mean sometimes.
  2. Can you provide any specific examples of how you will do this?
  3. In these tough times a new rising mp5 wishing to become mp6 should have some sort of "goal", especially when there is already an existing mp6. There has been much discussion about how an mp6 should be a Pillar of the Community and not just be a good healer and caster, Syrian will outclass you with her higher followercount at that. A good metaphor would be that of a politician... If you were a "political leader" in MD what values would your "partymembers" (adapts/worshippers) support you for? I'm not saying you shouldn't go for it, but have a REASON too.
  4. @TheRichMerchant You can post it here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/14692-quest-creation-partnership-try-1/ edit: a letter
  5. Maeb how does one go about locking doors in vanilla?
  6. I will be there starting around 23:00 ST, I plan on organizing a group to sail west from Golemus with the goal of finding where the Empty Aramors came from and discussing how such a group would do such a thing.
  7. Please do not post ITT unless you are posting logs from seedwalks. Logs from 12/8/13 Oak: [spoiler] : Rophs curls up in Awi's roots and waits for more people to arrive Rophs: Inside a dead tree Rophs: Not a dead one, just sleepy Rophs: Why won't he wake up? : Rophs quietly mourns Awi's deep slumber : Change dunnos : Rophs notices Change : Rophs waves to Change : Rophs gets up from the roots and brushes himself off Rophs: Who tells a story first? Change: Not it? : Rophs nods I'll tell a story first then. walks over to the Oak and sits down facing it cross legged Rophs: *turns to Change* What should my story be about? Change: Hmm Change: Growing up : Rophs nods Rophs: The grass is full of little insects and bugs. There are worms, beetles, caterpillars, and ants. Rophs: Worm are normally very weak but spend most of their time underground out of harm's way. Rophs: Beetles have a tough shell to protect them from damage and look very intimidating. Rophs: Ants have immense strength and number in the hundreds, when one falls two will take its place. Rophs: Caterpillars on the other hand are weak like worms but spend most of their time above ground, exposed to the elements. Rophs: Very often a caterpillar will be bulled throughout its younger years by the ants and beetles, while the worms laugh from below. Rophs: Many people who are bullied surround themselves in a metaphorical "shell". Rophs: They will isolate themselves from others fearing their attackers, many will dream of flying up and away from those who bully them. Rophs: Caterpillars are no different. Rophs: Caterpillars will one day grow a metaphorical shell so thick that it become physical. Rophs: They will turn upside down an a leaf, curl up, and grow a shell. While inside of the shell a caterpillar will enter a deep sleep. It is said they dream of flying during this time. Rophs: Eventually the caterpillar will wake up, and break open the shell. Rophs: There isn't a happiness greater that that of a butterfly who can fly above those who bullied them and show off their majestic wings. Rophs: The end. Rophs: *waves to concussion* Will you be telling a story? : Change snaps fingers instead of clapping Rophs: Change, tell the Oak a story about Tolerance. Change: Tolerance Change: There was once two neighbors who lived across from each other. Change: One of them liked to plant cute little pink bushes. The other neighbor hated cute little pink bushes. Change: So, one day, the one neighbor walked over to the other neighbor and said: Change: Hey, I see that you have some little pink bushes. Change: Yes, said the other neighbor. I do. Change: Well, they're a little too pink for my liking. Change: Oh, I'm sorry, said the other neighbor. I'll take care of it right away. Change: Good, said the neighbor. She walked away. Change: Then, the one neighbor promptly dug up two little pink bushes. Change: The one neighbor woke up the next morning and looked out her window at the other neighbor's lawn. Change: She saw that there were two less little pink bushes. Change: 'Why I otta!' she started to say. Change: What she didn't know, is the one neighbor had had to rush to the hospital to take care of his dying grandmother's aunt. Change: But the one neighbor couldn't tolerate the little pink bushes any longer Change: So she dug them up using the shovel on the lawn. Change: A couple of days later, the aunt was being brought back from the hospital. Change: 'I do hope you're better' Change: 'Oh, I'll be fine. All I need to cheer me up is to see those little pink bushes of yours.' Change: When the aunt got driven up to the house Change: She fainted. Change: The end ^^ [/spoiler] Maple: [spoiler] Rophs: Hello Ack and Sielfth Ackshan Bemunah: Hello :) Ackshan Bemunah: didn't have enough AP to jump to the way, sorry Sielfth Logres: hello Rophs: *nods" We just finished at the Oak. Sielfth Logres: same Rophs: And I'm certainly glad to find more people at the Maple. : Change falls asleep by the kegs : Change secretly opens one eye Rophs: You missed a good story or two at the Oak. Rophs: But let's start with the Maple now. Rophs: Ack is this your first seedwalk? Rophs: (Log from oak here: [Forum link] Ackshan Bemunah: First in a while. Ackshan Bemunah: (Thanks :D) Rophs: *nods* Do you remember what we do at the maple? Ackshan Bemunah: We tell him about our day. Rophs: *nods* That's right. Ackshan Bemunah: Also, we water him. Ackshan Bemunah: You should water him. Rophs: Yes. Rophs: Does anyone have anything specific they'd like to share with the Maple? : Ackshan Bemunah squints at Rophs Ackshan Bemunah: That tree is thirsty. Don't make him wait for us. : Rophs nods : Rophs walks over to Change and pokes her : Change yawns Rophs: Do any of the casks have water? : Change points while pretending to sleep : Rophs struggles to pick up the indicated cask, eyeing Ack and Sei for help Ackshan Bemunah: *, aggravated, breaks open a keg and offers the tree a drink* You don't mind alcohol in your water, I hope. Rophs: *chuckles* Let's hope the Maple doesn't. : Ackshan Bemunah pours out a torrent of -- hopefully harmless -- alcohol for the tree. Ackshan Bemunah: (and some water -- mostly water, I hope -- of course.) : Change watches the tree die in her mind : Rophs wishes he had the rain spell Ackshan Bemunah: *watches the tree's pain dissipate, but is unsure whether it was NUMBED or SATED. : Change wishes she had the rain spell Ackshan Bemunah: Change, I still have it stuck in my head that you're male. Rophs: Let's approach the tellings of the day differently... : Change changes Rophs: Ack, tell the Maple the best and worst parts of your day. Ackshan Bemunah: Best part of day: I listened to and am listening to a lecture about the manufacture of various dairy products. : Rophs 's eye widen as Change turns into a man Ackshan Bemunah: *turns to the maple and repeats himself loudly, just in case the raucous atmosphere is too much for him.* Dairy products! Ackshan Bemunah: *looks at Change and still sees a female shape, shrugs, turns back to Maple.* The worst part was when it dawned on me that I'm probably going to be extremely unwealthy in the near future. : Change has pretty triangular hips Ackshan Bemunah: *nods* Anyone else? Rophs: I think the Maple just witnessed the most interesting part of my day... Rophs: Change, what was the most inspiring and most dissapointing parts about your day? Change: Doing too much : Change falls asleep : Rophs nods Rophs: How about you Sie? Any part of your day that really popped out at you?Rophs: How about you Sie? Any part of your day that really popped out at you? : Ackshan Bemunah looks closely at the view, trying to locate the sanctuary..."What an un-aptly named scene!" Rophs: (It's faded in the background behind part of the tree) [/spoiler] I accidentally the Willow logs, someone please Acousticreamins Willow's Walk and pm it to me... Spruce: [spoiler] : Rophs sits down next to the Spruce : Ackshan Bemunah passes Rophs the keg, then sprints off into the aramory : Rophs spills a bit of alcohol from the Keg onto the Spruce's roots Change: *whispers to the Spruce* I have a secret. Rophs has forgotten to water you for ... awhile now : Rophs stashes the keg on the other side of the wall out of view Rophs: *whispers to the Spruce* I don't know how I'm going to sail west. : Ackshan Bemunah walks over to the crowd next to the spruce, pushes them away violently, and whispers something to the spruce. Rophs: (cheater :P) Ackshan Bemunah: But don't tell them. It's a secret. : Ackshan Bemunah backs away. Rophs: Good night both of you. : Rophs walks off [/spoiler] Walk is not done, logs will be added as we walk.
  8. The main downside to this I see is there would be more votes that need to be counted.
  9. Let's bring this one back
  10. I would also prefer having functionality similar to forum PM but without the ability to create group messages.
  11. *Doing that again
  12. Let's all agree not to go into other people's houses, flood them with water, take all their ingots/diamonds, and remove a single block from their nether portal. edit: And also don't TNT people's front doors. edit2: Don't kill people's chickens either.
  13. Hope your birthday is a bash [spoiler] pun of the year [/spoiler]
  14. Nov 30 23:31:13 ~ Day: 333 Year: 8 ~ I sold Princ Rhaegar a heavily tokened Aramor for 1gc and 8sc
  15. Any updates? Any at all?
  16. I have an idea for an event contest, but I personally feet it more fit for the MD Bday Event I'll see if I can adapt over the ideas My name is Rophs edit: To spice up my resume I'll add this... I organized the Moo Spell Drawing Contest and it's gone smoothly so far (Mur read the forum PM so that I can have the thread closed!)
  17. Good luck out there in the real world Maeb, it can get pretty scary out there.
  18. gz :D
  19. Is it minimodding if someone who isn't a mod says not to minimod?

    1. Jubaris


      technically it should be :D

  20. Happy birthday Ivorak :D
  21. I am currently unable to connect to the server
  22. Make sure that the script to start up the server on bukkit is named starttheparty.bat and not some dumb name :D
  23. A link the the player's profile on magicduel.com/players/playernamehere would be very useful.
  24. Hostname is <REMOVED> for those interested.
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