Please do not post ITT unless you are posting logs from seedwalks.
Logs from 12/8/13
: Rophs curls up in Awi's roots and waits for more people to arrive
Rophs: Inside a dead tree
Rophs: Not a dead one, just sleepy
Rophs: Why won't he wake up?
: Rophs quietly mourns Awi's deep slumber
: Change dunnos
: Rophs notices Change
: Rophs waves to Change
: Rophs gets up from the roots and brushes himself off
Rophs: Who tells a story first?
Change: Not it?
: Rophs nods I'll tell a story first then. walks over to the Oak and sits down facing it cross legged
Rophs: *turns to Change* What should my story be about?
Change: Hmm
Change: Growing up
: Rophs nods
Rophs: The grass is full of little insects and bugs. There are worms, beetles, caterpillars, and ants.
Rophs: Worm are normally very weak but spend most of their time underground out of harm's way.
Rophs: Beetles have a tough shell to protect them from damage and look very intimidating.
Rophs: Ants have immense strength and number in the hundreds, when one falls two will take its place.
Rophs: Caterpillars on the other hand are weak like worms but spend most of their time above ground, exposed to the elements.
Rophs: Very often a caterpillar will be bulled throughout its younger years by the ants and beetles, while the worms laugh from below.
Rophs: Many people who are bullied surround themselves in a metaphorical "shell".
Rophs: They will isolate themselves from others fearing their attackers, many will dream of flying up and away from those who bully them.
Rophs: Caterpillars are no different.
Rophs: Caterpillars will one day grow a metaphorical shell so thick that it become physical.
Rophs: They will turn upside down an a leaf, curl up, and grow a shell. While inside of the shell a caterpillar will enter a deep sleep. It is said
they dream of flying during this time.
Rophs: Eventually the caterpillar will wake up, and break open the shell.
Rophs: There isn't a happiness greater that that of a butterfly who can fly above those who bullied them and show off their majestic wings.
Rophs: The end.
Rophs: *waves to concussion* Will you be telling a story?
: Change snaps fingers instead of clapping
Rophs: Change, tell the Oak a story about Tolerance.
Change: Tolerance
Change: There was once two neighbors who lived across from each other.
Change: One of them liked to plant cute little pink bushes. The other neighbor hated cute little pink bushes.
Change: So, one day, the one neighbor walked over to the other neighbor and said:
Change: Hey, I see that you have some little pink bushes.
Change: Yes, said the other neighbor. I do.
Change: Well, they're a little too pink for my liking.
Change: Oh, I'm sorry, said the other neighbor. I'll take care of it right away.
Change: Good, said the neighbor. She walked away.
Change: Then, the one neighbor promptly dug up two little pink bushes.
Change: The one neighbor woke up the next morning and looked out her window at the other neighbor's lawn.
Change: She saw that there were two less little pink bushes.
Change: 'Why I otta!' she started to say.
Change: What she didn't know, is the one neighbor had had to rush to the hospital to take care of his dying grandmother's aunt.
Change: But the one neighbor couldn't tolerate the little pink bushes any longer
Change: So she dug them up using the shovel on the lawn.
Change: A couple of days later, the aunt was being brought back from the hospital.
Change: 'I do hope you're better'
Change: 'Oh, I'll be fine. All I need to cheer me up is to see those little pink bushes of yours.'
Change: When the aunt got driven up to the house
Change: She fainted.
Change: The end ^^
Rophs: Hello Ack and Sielfth
Ackshan Bemunah: Hello :)
Ackshan Bemunah: didn't have enough AP to jump to the way, sorry
Sielfth Logres: hello
Rophs: *nods" We just finished at the Oak.
Sielfth Logres: same
Rophs: And I'm certainly glad to find more people at the Maple.
: Change falls asleep by the kegs
: Change secretly opens one eye
Rophs: You missed a good story or two at the Oak.
Rophs: But let's start with the Maple now.
Rophs: Ack is this your first seedwalk?
Rophs: (Log from oak here: [Forum link]
Ackshan Bemunah: First in a while.
Ackshan Bemunah: (Thanks :D)
Rophs: *nods* Do you remember what we do at the maple?
Ackshan Bemunah: We tell him about our day.
Rophs: *nods* That's right.
Ackshan Bemunah: Also, we water him.
Ackshan Bemunah: You should water him.
Rophs: Yes.
Rophs: Does anyone have anything specific they'd like to share with the Maple?
: Ackshan Bemunah squints at Rophs
Ackshan Bemunah: That tree is thirsty. Don't make him wait for us.
: Rophs nods
: Rophs walks over to Change and pokes her
: Change yawns
Rophs: Do any of the casks have water?
: Change points while pretending to sleep
: Rophs struggles to pick up the indicated cask, eyeing Ack and Sei for help
Ackshan Bemunah: *, aggravated, breaks open a keg and offers the tree a drink* You don't mind alcohol in your water, I hope.
Rophs: *chuckles* Let's hope the Maple doesn't.
: Ackshan Bemunah pours out a torrent of -- hopefully harmless -- alcohol for the tree.
Ackshan Bemunah: (and some water -- mostly water, I hope -- of course.)
: Change watches the tree die in her mind
: Rophs wishes he had the rain spell
Ackshan Bemunah: *watches the tree's pain dissipate, but is unsure whether it was NUMBED or SATED.
: Change wishes she had the rain spell
Ackshan Bemunah: Change, I still have it stuck in my head that you're male.
Rophs: Let's approach the tellings of the day differently...
: Change changes
Rophs: Ack, tell the Maple the best and worst parts of your day.
Ackshan Bemunah: Best part of day: I listened to and am listening to a lecture about the manufacture of various dairy products.
: Rophs 's eye widen as Change turns into a man
Ackshan Bemunah: *turns to the maple and repeats himself loudly, just in case the raucous atmosphere is too much for him.* Dairy products!
Ackshan Bemunah: *looks at Change and still sees a female shape, shrugs, turns back to Maple.* The worst part was when it dawned on me that I'm
probably going to be extremely unwealthy in the near future.
: Change has pretty triangular hips
Ackshan Bemunah: *nods* Anyone else?
Rophs: I think the Maple just witnessed the most interesting part of my day...
Rophs: Change, what was the most inspiring and most dissapointing parts about your day?
Change: Doing too much
: Change falls asleep
: Rophs nods
Rophs: How about you Sie? Any part of your day that really popped out at you?Rophs: How about you Sie? Any part of your day that really popped out at you?
: Ackshan Bemunah looks closely at the view, trying to locate the sanctuary..."What an un-aptly named scene!"
Rophs: (It's faded in the background behind part of the tree)
I accidentally the Willow logs, someone please Acousticreamins Willow's Walk and pm it to me...
[spoiler] : Rophs sits down next to the Spruce
: Ackshan Bemunah passes Rophs the keg, then sprints off into the aramory
: Rophs spills a bit of alcohol from the Keg onto the Spruce's roots
Change: *whispers to the Spruce* I have a secret. Rophs has forgotten to water you for ... awhile now
: Rophs stashes the keg on the other side of the wall out of view
Rophs: *whispers to the Spruce* I don't know how I'm going to sail west.
: Ackshan Bemunah walks over to the crowd next to the spruce, pushes them away violently, and whispers something to the spruce.
Rophs: (cheater :P)
Ackshan Bemunah: But don't tell them. It's a secret.
: Ackshan Bemunah backs away.
Rophs: Good night both of you.
: Rophs walks off
Walk is not done, logs will be added as we walk.