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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. Good luck out there in the real world, it's scary sometimes.
  2. There are many other things that rely on ap chew redtext chat commands saccing creatures posting in the mood panel Not just movement and fighting, and there's probably a few I also missed. AP is used for lots of different things, and the concept of using expl for clearing positive viscosity seems extremely viable to me. Perhaps viscosity could even "flow" from scene to scene down the heat lines in a river to a central location (possible the GoE?) Actually implementing such a concept in a balanced way that makes the game more fun (or atleast doesn't detract from the current amount of fun) would be extremely difficullt.
  3. Perhaps you can participate but you aren't allowed to receive the rewards you sponsored
  4. I'd love to help
  5. I am signing up as "Rophs"
  6. Welcome back, gl ;hf
  7. Google Chrome, win7 32 bit
  8. If I open a popup box such as a PM or the win/loss compass and press my middle mouse button to scroll up and down by moving my mouse the scrollbar will be gone when I close out of the popup window and I will not be able to scroll up or down until I refresh the page.
  9. Rophs (ID:247146; Days:145) Because I am the least qualified for this I am the most appropriate choice.
  10. Moooooo! Draw moo-re cows! I want to get all the cow artwork we need for a proper Moo Spell! Still 1GC up for grabs.
  11. dst's special time :P (hint: look at first letter of the words)
  12. If there are too few participants there will be no rewards given. edit: I need 10 entries for rewards to go out.
  13. I have two test items
  14. The land loyalty is the loyalty required to grab the item in the first place, but not to use it. Once when I was visiting LR someone lent me a shared Resin Collector so that I could gather one unit of resin, I have also been given an acoustic obfuscator which I was then able to use. edit: touching up
  15. 1 Piece of Cake with 1 use left
  16. happy The Day of Saying to Those Who Ask Questions, “Ask Someone Else” and happy birthday to chewwie
  17. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost. Meanwhile Mur and BFH did nothing to stop the streams of fiery, but instead both refined their grammar drinking sake allot with green elephants while twerking on the GoE steps, holding a huge chained wrecking ball. It exploded, and the cube refolded
  18. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost. Meanwhile Mur and BFH did nothing to stop the streams of fiery, but instead both refined their grammar drinking sake allot with green elephants while twerking on the GoE steps
  19. hbd, don't eat me
  20. Common Herb Basket can collect herbs while depleted.
  21. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost. Meanwhile Mur and BFH did nothing
  22. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost.
  23. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding
  24. Rophs


    I am also experiencing this problem. I would just view them in a tabular format but I do not yet have that feature unlocked. [spoiler] [/spoiler] It is visually identical to when I tried playing MD with Tor (after installing flash) but was unable to heal my creatures.
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