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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. Pm me info please :D Are you running bukkit? greedy edit: might we also get some kind of voicchat setup for the mincraft, perhaps ventrilo or raidcall?
  2. ITT: Post what themesong would fit other people's MD characters. Eon's themesong [spoiler]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZvCI-gNK_y4[/spoiler] Kiley's themesong [spoiler]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKYbyFGMc9w[/spoiler] dst's themesong [spoiler]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OMOGaugKpzs[/spoiler] edits: accidentally wrong song for Kiley
  3. HBD Pip, may your potatoes be always bountiful and may your long rod cause others to ever beware!
  4. Totenkopf Ectremere Akasha Asterdai
  5. Are we limited to one (valid) suggestion per player?
  6. What purpose would balancing win/loss have in this system?
  7. Thank you to Zyr for giving me the log that contained my story so that I could post it in the thread :D edit: Most readable version of the story that I have: [spoiler] Rophs:Memorystones can contain more than just spells and heat, they are also often full of stories. Rophs:The story I am about to tell is from a Memorystone I found when I was exploring a ruined town... Rophs:I have no proof that it is true, but also none that it is false. Rophs:Take what you will from it. :Rophs takes in a deep breath Rophs:After months of trial and error I had perfected my conjuration ritual. Nothing could avoid being summoned by my precist pinpoint techniques. Such an ability must be shown to the world! Rophs:I ran down the streets shouting for all to hear, "Go to the plaza at 0:00 ST! I have something the show everyone!", calling me excited would be an understatement, I was estatic. My heat jars slowly Rophs:My heat jars slowly filled as I ran through the streets, just one of many preparations soon to be complete! Rophs:As soon as I set foot in my study there was no time to waste, my heat jars were empty in minutes and the pile of memorystones on my desk were heat stones. Rophs:After I had completed filling my pockets with heat stones there was barely any space left for the other component. Rophs:Creature after creature of mine was shoved into the press, and as each Fenth popped out I smashed the capsule open and smeared its contents onto my Wiiya Bubble. I Rophs:I looked up at the sky when the Bubble was complete and smiled, for I saw a rainstorm approaching. Rophs:There was still much time leftover when I returned home, I did the only thing that was reasonable... I pondered my master plan! Rophs:I would turn all of the foolish townsfolk who attended the summoning into my eternal slaves! The creature I would summon wouldn't be some sort of demon or shade, I would summon a Tainted Water Being Rophs:I would summon a Tainted Water Being to seduce all of the townsfolk and do my bidding! Rophs:At 23:00 ST I rushed to the plaza and crowds were already beginning to gather. They stared in awe as I placed the Heat Stones in a circle on the ground and put the Wiiya Bubble in the middle. Rophs:The rain begain pouring at 0:00 ST, right on time. I stood behind the circle of Heat Stones swaying my body, my arms, my voice, and my words. Nothing would be able to interrupt the spell. Rophs:Little by little the Heat Stones started glowing and releasing their heat. The crowd watched in awe as the rain evaporated as the drops hit the stones and the steam collected in the Wiiya Bubble. Rophs:When the Wiiya Bubble reached capacity I shouted to the crowds, "Watch and see! I will summon the spirit of Wodin Ullr!" Then the Wiiya Bubble plunged to the ground. Rophs:As the Bubble popped the steam poured out and burst into flames, I stood motionless as the crowd gasped at my amazing feat. Soon all would be mine! Rophs:A hand reached out of the flames on the ground in front of me and I shook with excitement as the rest of the figure emerged. When I saw what I had summoned all blood left my face... Rophs:The Shade hovered in the midst of the flames and streched a hand at me. My shaking that was once from excitement turned into a shaking of fear. Things could not have gone worse. Rophs:Vitality poured out of my chest and into the shade's outstreched arm, my limbs grew weak, my vision blurred, and then I collapsed. :Rophs Rophs:I rushed to the Plaza frantically, word about the wizard spread like wildfire. Rarely would he perform magic for all to see! Every minute I was late was a minute I fully regretted. Rophs:I arrived just in time to see flames erupt on the ground and watch a figure emerge from the inferno. Rophs:I gazed in awe as lights of many colors poured from the wizard's chest and into the hand of the figure. Rophs:The Wizard collapsed! What am I supposed to do? Was this all planned? Had something gone terrible wrong? I couldn't think of anything to do but run home and hide behind a locked door. Rophs:The Shade was nowhere to be found the next morning, it was deemed safe to go outside. Rophs:The Council declared the wizard's death a suicide, for he had shut himself indoors for months and seemingly gone mad. Rophs:I only hoped that we were safe. :Rophs Rophs:Keep in mind that those memories were found in a Memorystone that I found on the ground in the middle of a ruined town. Rophs:Let's hope that the story isn't true. [/spoiler]
  8. Here's a little something I have bookmarked with some neat info about using color: http://finalbossblues.com/thinking-in-color/ edit: switched out "had" for "have"
  9. Is anyone going to provide an updated version when A debt repaid comes to an end?
  10. Good luck with that embark, I hope you have minimal amounts of fun. Kyphis, don't read the spoiler until you're there: (Those who don't get it should play Dwarf Fortress :P) [spoiler] You have arrived. After a journey from the Mountainhomes in the forbidding wilderness beyond, your harsh trek has finally ended. Your party of seven is to make an outpost for the glory of all of MagicDuel. There are almost no supplies left, but with stout labor comes sustenance. Whether by bolt, plow, or hook, provide for your dwarves (family). You are expecting a supply caravan just before winter entombs you, but it is Spring now. Enough time to delve secure lodgings, ere the black bears (you're in Australia, more like everything :P) get hungry. A new chapter of dwarven history begins here at this place,Ballarat Vic, "(no dwarven translation)". Strike the earth! I am not the original author of that... It is a slightly modified version of the message you get after embarking on Dwarf Fortress (http://www.iceshadow.com/images/dfcastle/0004%20embark.jpg) [/spoiler]
  11. dst knows all.
  12. I was very sleepy when I made the post, my bad.
  13. I'm looking to sell two imps, both are 300+ age One has the following tokens: [claw1] [blooddrop1] Please send me a forum PM if you are interested in buying.
  14. This thread is slowly becoming a seedwalk stories log thread, DO STUFF PEOPLE! [spoiler] : Rophs sits against Awiiya awaiting the seedwalkers : Change sits against Rophs awaiting the seedwalkers : Rophs waves to concussion Rophs: It appears that we have all gathered. Rophs: *pokes Change* Shell you tell a story? Rophs: *grins* Tell the Oak a story about magic. Change: Hmm, not about magic, but perhaps-- Rophs: You need another topic? Change: No. I've got one. : Rophs nods Change: Mmk, got it. Change: There was once two children from No Man's Land. One, a girl, was named Mura. The other, a boy, was named Azad. Change: Mura loved to interact with all of the other children in No Man's land. She and the other children ran around, picking flowers, and pretending to be animals of every shape, size, and colour. Change: Azad, however, wanted to play by himself. Change: One day, Azad came upon the gates of Necrovion and saw a bunch of adults gathered there. He admired how independent they seemed to be, and he wanted to be just like them. Change: Seeing that each of them were drinking a cup of tea, he resolved to make a cup of tea for himself. Change: So, Azad went on a long journey to the Archives for he was still fairly young, and his legs easily got tired. Change: He was going there to find out how to make the cup of tea that he had seen the Necrovion citizens drinking. Any other person would have just asked someone else, but Azad wanted to find out for himself Change: After spending days going through book after book, Azad finally found a map that showed him where he could find all of the ingredients and equipment. The first ingredient was water. Change: So, Azad walked out of the Archives and approached the capital of Marind Bell, looking to become a Dowser. In the Wind's Sanctuary, he found Mura. She was also looking to be a Dowser. Change: Luckily for the two of them, there were two slots open in the alliance, and they were both accepted. Change: After completing his training on the ethics and technicalities of Dowsing, Azad finally knew enough to get the water that he needed to make tea. Change: He dowsed for as much water as he could, and soon enough, Loreroot and Marind Bell were drained dry. Change: All of the citizens of Marind Bell frowned upon this, and he was soon voted out of the land. He didn't care, for he had all of the water he'd need to make tea. Change: The only person who didn't vote him out of the land was Mura. She voted for him to stay, although she did frown upon his selfish actions. Change: The day on which Azad was kicked out of Marind Bell marked the 100th day from the time that he decided to make tea. Change: On every seventh day in these 100 days, each of the four lands took turns hosting a tea party at the GOE. There was plenty of tea for all, and much merriment. Change: Azad, of course, never took part in these parties, since he believed in doing everything himself. Change: Having gotten the first main ingredient for making tea, Azad looked at the list that he had stolen from the Archives. The next ingredients were the tea leaves and herbs. Change: It was fortunate for Azad that he could collect these without joining Loreroot, for Loreroot had remembered how he had taken all of their water. Change: It took Azad much longer to harvest the herbs, however, since they were largely depleted all across the world. He had to beat Some one in harvesting the meager herbs that managed to grow. Change: Some one was using these herbs to make the tea for the tea parties of the main lands, and so he had much support for his actions. Azad's selfish actions, however, were frowned upon. Change: So, around 300 days later, Azad finally harvested enough herbs. The next ingredient that he needed was branches. Change: At first, he tried going into Loreroot to harvest them himself. He soon found that there was a certain art to harvesting branches, and he did not know this art. Change: Reluctantly, Azad applied to be a Woodcutter. Change: At first, the alliance was going to reject Azad's request outright, given his infamous history. Change: Mura, who was now the leader of the Dowsers, managed to convince them otherwise. She knew that Azad had a good, if misguided, heart. Change: Mura, who was now the leader of the Dowsers, managed to convince them otherwise. She knew that Azad had a good, if misguided, heart. Change: So, Azad did much the same activities that he did in the Dowsers. Since he did not need many branches to make a great quantity of tea, he was soon finished with his task. Change: For this, he'd need heat jars, and heat jars could be found in Golemus. Since he was still young, though, the viscosity at the land's gate was too much for him to get through. Change: For this, he'd need heat jars, and heat jars could be found in Golemus. Since he was still young, though, the viscosity at the land's gate was too much for him to get through. Change: Mura, knowing Azad's quest, offered him a few pickles, however, being the independent person that he was, he refused them. Change: Azad tried to join Golemus, but he was refused. So he spent years and years in trying to pass through the gates into Golemus. Change: Finally, several years later, he found that he could pass through the gates with ease. By this time, a war had broken out between Marind Bell and Necrovion. Mura had joined the Knights of the Bell. Change: After strengthening his legs for several years, Azad could go almost anywhere he pleased without any help from anyone. Change: The only place that he couldn't enter was Necrovion, his favourite land. Change: He resolved to join Necrovion, after he had made his cup of tea. Change: So, after getting a heat jar from Golemus, he went to the East to get the equipment needed to make the tea. Change: It took him half a year, since he often got lost within the land, but he finally found the last things that he needed to make his cup of tea. Change: It had been eight years since he first decided to make tea, and he was finally back at the gates of Necrovion. Change: After gathering some heat, he looked at the recipe, and cried in dismay. Change: 'It takes two to make tea.' Change: Not believing that he couldn't do something on his own, Azad tried to make tea for years and years on his own, but to no avail. Change: Everyone in the lands laughed at him for this, knowing that his goal was impossible. Change: Finally, he gave up, and asked one of citizens of Necrovion if they would make tea with him. Change: The citizen ignored him, not wanting to associate with such a fool. Change: Azad got the same response from everyone around him. It then occurred to him that there was someone who might help. Change: 'Mura!' cried Azad in realization. For while he hadn't learned anything when Mura had helped him before, he had known of her since childhood. Change: Azad then ran down to the capital of Marind Bell and cried out, 'Mura, Mura, has anybody seen Mura?' Change: Azad received only silence and people shaking their heads, disgusted at the rude man. Change: For Mura, former leader of the Knights of the Bell, had died fighting Necrovion two years ago. [/spoiler]
  15. All rewards distributed, results in OP. This thread is finally ready to be closed. PM Any questions, comments, concerns, kangaroos, etc to me via forum PM and mention this quest in the subject header. edit: NOT YET, I FORGOT ABOUT SOMETHING. DON'T CLOSE YET.
  16. That's why when I play Dwarf Fortress on a laptop I plug in a keyboard :D I'm also the type to plug in a monitor, mouse, keyboard, and speakers into a laptop
  17. I also have Wiiya, so if Nim is not around feel free to bug me. Just give it back immediately after you are done and do not lend it to anyone without my permission. PM over ingame only please.
  18. You can use the numbers on the numpad for any of the cardinal directions, I've also seen umkh used as a north/south/east/west setup
  19. I didn't remember to post this here when I made the trade but... I traded concussion 6sc and an Angien for 1gc (sold an Angien to concussion for a net value of 9sc)
  20. Quest is over (as of three days ago). GC will be returned to BFH. Going to see if I can get some more cow statuettes, ideally one for every participant who received an award.
  21. Seedwalks are still happening, but not everyday. A story from Mallos: [spoiler] Rophs: Tell the Oak a story about luck and stupidity. : Mallos throws the dice and gets 4 Mallos: Walking through the East one day, I saw some depleters harvesting the scene of herbs. Mallos: I frowned and moved on. Mallos: Working towards my weekly beer that I liked so much.. Mallos: One remained silent, but the other had sent me a note while I passed. Mallos: . Mallos: And something of a Z. Mallos: Heheh.. Mallos: Yet Silence is all I hear now. Mallos: ... : Mallos throws the dice and gets 3 Mallos: How that story is lucky or stupid, for you to figure out. [/spoiler]
  22. Does anyone have a log of Ars's, Nim's, and my story? edit: I heard a rumor somewhere that chew posed a link to a log of the stories in chat at sometime, if someone might have that link I would appreciate it if you PM'd it to me. edit: Thank you Zyr! Here's the story: (timestamps removed to increase smoothness of reading, one line removed because it is someone giving someone else an item) [spoiler] Rophs:Memorystones can contain more than just spells and heat, they are also often full of stories. Rophs:The story I am about to tell is from a Memorystone I found when I was exploring a ruined town... Rophs:I have no proof that it is true, but also none that it is false. Rophs:Take what you will from it. :Rophs takes in a deep breath Rophs:After months of trial and error I had perfected my conjuration ritual. Nothing could avoid being summoned by my precist pinpoint techniques. Such an ability must be shown to the world! Rophs:I ran down the streets shouting for all to hear, "Go to the plaza at 0:00 ST! I have something the show everyone!", calling me excited would be an understatement, I was estatic. My heat jars slowly Rophs:My heat jars slowly filled as I ran through the streets, just one of many preparations soon to be complete! Rophs:As soon as I set foot in my study there was no time to waste, my heat jars were empty in minutes and the pile of memorystones on my desk were heat stones. Rophs:After I had completed filling my pockets with heat stones there was barely any space left for the other component. Rophs:Creature after creature of mine was shoved into the press, and as each Fenth popped out I smashed the capsule open and smeared its contents onto my Wiiya Bubble. I Rophs:I looked up at the sky when the Bubble was complete and smiled, for I saw a rainstorm approaching. Rophs:There was still much time leftover when I returned home, I did the only thing that was reasonable... I pondered my master plan! Rophs:I would turn all of the foolish townsfolk who attended the summoning into my eternal slaves! The creature I would summon wouldn't be some sort of demon or shade, I would summon a Tainted Water Being Rophs:I would summon a Tainted Water Being to seduce all of the townsfolk and do my bidding! Rophs:At 23:00 ST I rushed to the plaza and crowds were already beginning to gather. They stared in awe as I placed the Heat Stones in a circle on the ground and put the Wiiya Bubble in the middle. Rophs:The rain begain pouring at 0:00 ST, right on time. I stood behind the circle of Heat Stones swaying my body, my arms, my voice, and my words. Nothing would be able to interrupt the spell. Rophs:Little by little the Heat Stones started glowing and releasing their heat. The crowd watched in awe as the rain evaporated as the drops hit the stones and the steam collected in the Wiiya Bubble. Rophs:When the Wiiya Bubble reached capacity I shouted to the crowds, "Watch and see! I will summon the spirit of Wodin Ullr!" Then the Wiiya Bubble plunged to the ground. Rophs:As the Bubble popped the steam poured out and burst into flames, I stood motionless as the crowd gasped at my amazing feat. Soon all would be mine! Rophs:A hand reached out of the flames on the ground in front of me and I shook with excitement as the rest of the figure emerged. When I saw what I had summoned all blood left my face... Rophs:The Shade hovered in the midst of the flames and streched a hand at me. My shaking that was once from excitement turned into a shaking of fear. Things could not have gone worse. Rophs:Vitality poured out of my chest and into the shade's outstreched arm, my limbs grew weak, my vision blurred, and then I collapsed. :Rophs Rophs:I rushed to the Plaza frantically, word about the wizard spread like wildfire. Rarely would he perform magic for all to see! Every minute I was late was a minute I fully regretted. Rophs:I arrived just in time to see flames erupt on the ground and watch a figure emerge from the inferno. Rophs:I gazed in awe as lights of many colors poured from the wizard's chest and into the hand of the figure. Rophs:The Wizard collapsed! What am I supposed to do? Was this all planned? Had something gone terrible wrong? I couldn't think of anything to do but run home and hide behind a locked door. Rophs:The Shade was nowhere to be found the next morning, it was deemed safe to go outside. Rophs:The Council declared the wizard's death a suicide, for he had shut himself indoors for months and seemingly gone mad. Rophs:I only hoped that we were safe. :Rophs Rophs:Keep in mind that those memories were found in a Memorystone that I found on the ground in the middle of a ruined town. Rophs:Let's hope that the story isn't true. [/spoiler] Stuff to read after reading the story: (explains something that might have confused you) [spoiler] When I take in a deep breath it's signaling that I'm talking from the perspective of the wizard. When I :Rophs the first time it's to signal that I'm switching to the perspective of someone in the crowd. When I :Rophs the second time I'm switching from the crowd person's perspective back to mine. [/spoiler] The raw, unedited log as it was given to me: [spoiler] [01/11/13 22:08] Rophs:Shall we hear another story? [01/11/13 22:08] :*Burns* sits down at Nimmy's side to hear more stories [01/11/13 22:08] *Nimrodel*:yes yes! [01/11/13 22:09] :*Nimrodel* nudges him in the ribs [01/11/13 22:09] *Burns*:Oy <.< [01/11/13 22:09] Rophs:Memorystones can contain more than just spells and heat, they are also often full of stories. [01/11/13 22:09] Rophs:The story I am about to tell is from a Memorystone I found when I was exploring a ruined town... [01/11/13 22:10] Rophs:I have no proof that it is true, but also none that it is false. [01/11/13 22:10] Rophs:Take what you will from it. [01/11/13 22:10] :Rophs takes in a deep breath [01/11/13 22:10] Rophs:After months of trial and error I had perfected my conjuration ritual. Nothing could avoid being summoned by my precist pinpoint techniques. Such an ability must be shown to the world! [01/11/13 22:11] Rophs:I ran down the streets shouting for all to hear, "Go to the plaza at 0:00 ST! I have something the show everyone!", calling me excited would be an understatement, I was estatic. My heat jars slowly [01/11/13 22:11] Rophs:My heat jars slowly filled as I ran through the streets, just one of many preparations soon to be complete! [01/11/13 22:11] Rophs:As soon as I set foot in my study there was no time to waste, my heat jars were empty in minutes and the pile of memorystones on my desk were heat stones. [01/11/13 22:12] Rophs:After I had completed filling my pockets with heat stones there was barely any space left for the other component. [01/11/13 22:12] Rophs:Creature after creature of mine was shoved into the press, and as each Fenth popped out I smashed the capsule open and smeared its contents onto my Wiiya Bubble. I [01/11/13 22:12] Rophs:I looked up at the sky when the Bubble was complete and smiled, for I saw a rainstorm approaching. [01/11/13 22:13] Rophs:There was still much time leftover when I returned home, I did the only thing that was reasonable... I pondered my master plan! [01/11/13 22:13] :*MasterB* passed Sand to Mya Celestia [01/11/13 22:13] Rophs:I would turn all of the foolish townsfolk who attended the summoning into my eternal slaves! The creature I would summon wouldn't be some sort of demon or shade, I would summon a Tainted Water Being [01/11/13 22:13] Rophs:I would summon a Tainted Water Being to seduce all of the townsfolk and do my bidding! [01/11/13 22:14] Rophs:At 23:00 ST I rushed to the plaza and crowds were already beginning to gather. They stared in awe as I placed the Heat Stones in a circle on the ground and put the Wiiya Bubble in the middle. [01/11/13 22:14] Rophs:The rain begain pouring at 0:00 ST, right on time. I stood behind the circle of Heat Stones swaying my body, my arms, my voice, and my words. Nothing would be able to interrupt the spell. [01/11/13 22:14] Rophs:Little by little the Heat Stones started glowing and releasing their heat. The crowd watched in awe as the rain evaporated as the drops hit the stones and the steam collected in the Wiiya Bubble. [01/11/13 22:15] Rophs:When the Wiiya Bubble reached capacity I shouted to the crowds, "Watch and see! I will summon the spirit of Wodin Ullr!" Then the Wiiya Bubble plunged to the ground. [01/11/13 22:15] Rophs:As the Bubble popped the steam poured out and burst into flames, I stood motionless as the crowd gasped at my amazing feat. Soon all would be mine! [01/11/13 22:16] Rophs:A hand reached out of the flames on the ground in front of me and I shook with excitement as the rest of the figure emerged. When I saw what I had summoned all blood left my face... [01/11/13 22:16] Rophs:The Shade hovered in the midst of the flames and streched a hand at me. My shaking that was once from excitement turned into a shaking of fear. Things could not have gone worse. [01/11/13 22:16] Rophs:Vitality poured out of my chest and into the shade's outstreched arm, my limbs grew weak, my vision blurred, and then I collapsed. [01/11/13 22:16] :Rophs [01/11/13 22:17] Rophs:I rushed to the Plaza frantically, word about the wizard spread like wildfire. Rarely would he perform magic for all to see! Every minute I was late was a minute I fully regretted. [01/11/13 22:17] Rophs:I arrived just in time to see flames erupt on the ground and watch a figure emerge from the inferno. [01/11/13 22:17] Rophs:I gazed in awe as lights of many colors poured from the wizard's chest and into the hand of the figure. [01/11/13 22:17] Rophs:The Wizard collapsed! What am I supposed to do? Was this all planned? Had something gone terrible wrong? I couldn't think of anything to do but run home and hide behind a locked door. [01/11/13 22:18] Rophs:The Shade was nowhere to be found the next morning, it was deemed safe to go outside. [01/11/13 22:18] Rophs:The Council declared the wizard's death a suicide, for he had shut himself indoors for months and seemingly gone mad. [01/11/13 22:18] Rophs:I only hoped that we were safe. [01/11/13 22:18] :Rophs [01/11/13 22:19] Rophs:Keep in mind that those memories were found in a Memorystone that I found on the ground in the middle of a ruined town. [01/11/13 22:19] Rophs:Let's hope that the story isn't true. [01/11/13 22:19] :Rophs walks towards the crowd and takes a seat [01/11/13 22:19] Rophs:Who shall tell a story next? [01/11/13 22:20] :*Nimrodel* claps quietly [01/11/13 22:20] *Nimrodel*:>> [01/11/13 22:22] Rophs: *pokes Nim* Was it really that scary? [01/11/13 22:22] Rikstar:frightening. [01/11/13 22:23] *Nimrodel*:umm... I see things as a movie in my mind. So... [01/11/13 22:23] Rophs: *grins* Let's all hope that I was lying then. [/spoiler] edit: it would be nice if a mod edited my post and made the third line of the second spoiler the same font as the previous two lines
  23. Are improv stories allowed or must all stories be prewritten?
  24. This quest was a sort of a test, A bump would break that with a thump, I'm crazy or maybe lazy, All planned... can you dig through the sand?
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