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Everything posted by Rophs

  1. Rophs
  2. Everybody deserves a HBD, here's one for you fang!
  3. Grido PM me an email address and I'll give you permissions to edit the flowchart
  4. No one for Adventuring dragonrider7 for Beautification concussion for Fighter Summer breeze for Popular Nimrodel for Prime Quest BFH for Outst. Service Eon for RPer Ary Endleg for RotY darkraptor Techie
  5. Rophs

    New ideas

    a system that will hopefully reduce the amount of dumb bug reports
  6. When someone clicks the "Create a New Topic" button on the Bug Report subforum they should be directed to a page detailing what should be done before submitting a bug report, at the bottom of the page there will be a button and a checkbox, the checkbox should read "I followed the procedure shown above" and then will be redirected to the correct new post page and then be able to go and make their post. I made a rough flowchart, you can view it here
  7. A very important part of a quest is to help characters develop their roles, not run around like a robot solving riddles and puzzles. This quest requires a player to actually go out and roleplay. Chances are that the person who earns this WP will have done LOTS of player interaction in order to fix the Ivory Lighthouse.
  8. Write them!
  9. dst why didn't you just post this on your blog? note: The above sentence is addressing dst, not anyone else. Please do not answer that question with your own speculation if you are not dst. edit: replaced a this with a that and made the post more clear
  10. If you click on the "Activate Burst XXX won fights" more than once than your client will ask the server to make your burst twice, the first time you will successfully burst, the second time it will see that you do not meet the requirements to burst and warn you not to ask the server to burst when you do not meet the requirements.
  11. I asked Grido about a landmass to the west and he told me there was a bunch of other evidence, I'm waiting for him to read his PM to tell me said evidence.
  12. Perhaps a clickie quest where we start with a "Level 1 Present" (not an inventory item) and then we can go around and do puzzles, riddles, etc at various locations to increase the level of our present (higher levels are bigger rewards) and at the end we can "open it" in order to find out what we got
  13. I want it to be a stable structure able to produce light so that incoming ships and boats can safely approach Golemus
  14. Implement your solution and prove that it will last permanently. OP updated.
  15. I will award one wishpoint to whoever can get the Ivory Lighthouse *permanently* working, if you work as a team then you must choose one person to receive the WP. This Quest is a pat of the Sail West Project: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15123-help-rophs-sail-west/ edit: I personally have no problem if you use this topic for discussion of how you or others plan on accomplishing this, although moderation might think otherwise. edit: added permanently
  16. The Empty Aramors sailed to Golemus from somewhere located to the west. My character's goal is to find that place. Rophs would like to find out a few things about the Empty Aramors edit: fix same words as in OP
  17. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=define+landmass should provide a sufficent answer.
  18. Was there any rubric or numberical scoring system?
  19. Maeb if I even run across a mushroom biome I'll be sure to give you the coords of it
  20. Thank you Mya, I have already discussed with him and a few others about how to accomplish most of this. If you would like to help Rophs accomplish this goal please post ITT/Rophs an ingame PM/Send me a forum PM/A combination of the three
  21. My character Rophs currently has many goals, one of the largest being sailing west to find the landmass that is located there. Rophs thinks that although freeing the Empty Aramors would be an interesting event that it would be wiser to learn WHY thery came, WHERE they came from, and WHO sent them. He wants to sail west to wherever the Empty Aramors are from and then possibly free the Empty Aramors. Goals related to sailing west Fix the Ivory Lighthouse to ensure a safe return (Topic here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15126-wp-quest-get-the-ivory-lighthouse-working/#entry147499) Gather a crew for the seafaring ship left behind by Cryxus and his pirate crew Figure out where exactly the landmass is located More to be added If you would like to help Rophs sail west then it would probably be a good idea to follow him. edit: words
  22. I'll postpone my next non-event quest until you come back Nimmy :P
  23. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost. Meanwhile Mur and BFH did nothing to stop thestreams of fiery chicken shaped shade-demons, but instead both refined their grammar drinking sake allot with green elephants while twerking on the GoE steps, holding a huge chained wrecking ball. It exploded, and the cube refolded. Chewett died horribly, STOP KILLING PEOPLE!
  24. Following day eh?
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