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Everything posted by Granos

  1. [b]About next MP Level[/b] The next stage is a special gamestage. Not all players reach it. During mindpower 6 stage players are considered protectors and can cast friendly and offensive spells to help their worshipers. As a protector you will not have many oponents to fight with but you will be more involved with group play. In MP6 your creatures or millitary progress is no longer important, but your popularity is. If you somehow fail to fulfill all the requirements for MP6 you will be droped back to MP5. MP6 is a temporary level. [u][b]Cheating or exploiting the spells or the adepts/worshipers is a serious crime and mp6 players are constant monitored for such activities, if you do such things you will get banned forever,w without warning.[/b][/u] MP6 is not the last level, but its a different level.
  2. 280 active posts, 5068 profile views O.o I have too many stalkers...

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    1. lepus


      i had a stalker once... but erm yeah we don't talk about that anymore

  3. Granos

    Rp Judges

    Dang, I didn't post it in time XD I was going to suggest Innocence, Zleiphneir, Tarq and dst as the judges. Just my 2 cents, I can edit the post if you really want an explanation.
  4. Avatar Last Air Bender was TERRIBLE...

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    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Granos


      It wasnt even 2 hrs! 94 minutes! There wasnt so much of a story as people randomly seeming to do things with no reason and for the little exposition there was it was terrible

    3. Nimrodel


      i still wanna watch it :P

    4. zalabar


      yup, didn't even bother watching it.

  5. Happy Birthday bud, and sorry I don't think Ill be able to arrange that plan or thing you wanted also [color="#0000ff"]:Granos gropes Grido [/color]
  6. Granos

    Cats In Md

    [img]http://blogs.sfweekly.com/shookdown/lolcats.jpg[/img] Contestant #23 [img]http://www.lolcats.com/images/u/09/01/lolcatsdotcomxy4wwqbmg4sdmujf.jpg[/img] #24 [img]http://www.straferight.com/photopost/data/500/lolcats-finish-him.jpg[/img] #25 [img]http://i256.photobucket.com/albums/hh183/vicky_fxz/LOL%20cats/lolcats_scared01.jpg[/img] #26 [img]http://www.mattbrandenburg.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/10/lolcats-surprise-buttsecks.jpg[/img] #27 [img]http://geekfriendly.org/blog/wp-content/uploads/2007/06/schrodinger_s-lolcat.jpg[/img] #28 [img]http://i136.photobucket.com/albums/q193/jvandiveer/my_space/lolcats/lolcat_terrorist.jpg[/img] #29 [img]http://vis.berkeley.edu/courses/cs160-sp08/wiki/images/8/88/Lolkitty.jpg[/img] # 30 [img]http://gustav.files.wordpress.com/2007/11/funny-picture-in-a-sec-cat.jpg[/img] # 31 [img]http://bluwiki.com/images/4/4c/Lolcat.jpg[/img] #32 [img]http://roflrazzi.files.wordpress.com/2009/11/celebrity-pictures-burt-lahr-original-lolcat.jpg[/img] #33
  7. Why is it people talk before reading....

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    1. Fyrd Argentus

      Fyrd Argentus

      God gave us one mouth, two eyes, and two ears. The mouth must work 4x as hard to keep up.

  8. It was well done, you worked with what you had, and didn't over reward people, some of the re-enactments were a complete mess, but that mainly due to people not really paying attention, but the important thing was that people did at least have fun in the process. The re-tellings of the events were well done from what I had seen, probably a bit subjective to some but done in a way that it didn't seem to press people buttons making them go into a foaming at the mouth frenzy stating "Nu uh, you is teh lies!" The trivia was really amusing and kudos on the logic questions, although I did find some of your harder questions not to be as hard as they should of been but that is just my subjective opinion. You provided everyone with an equal chance on the trivia too, which is probably one of the best aspects of this event, giving people all the details prior taking away the main advantage vets would have over most of the newer players. (also sorry for sabotaging you again Grido ) I hope you continue making events like this, at least to varying degrees, it would be interesting to see this become an annual event in md and how it would grow and be compared to prior ones. That said, I do have a few complaints in regard to the festival, the lack of logs which I will keep bothering you about and the complete lack of cowbell.
  9. I would like to be removed from the list.... If you need reasons you know how to contact me.
  10. Yoshi.
  11. O.o I logged on teh Forum...

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  12. XD I just found out about this now, Thank you everyone Pip I didn't break my hip but my back has been out for over 2 weeks XD Yoshi... Shhh that kinda talk can get me banned from the forum if it is ever explained Apophys, of course Ill read this eventually it not like its a pm Anyways thank you all again (except Steve) and I should be back in md properly in mid October when Im not working like a maniac
  13. Heads has never been only about fighting... This addition certainly has its flaws but its still a decent improvement bringing heads back to the social challenge that it once was. But then again I'm one of the people who disagreed with head contest winners not being able to take heads... At least we have torch contest Just my 2 cents..
  14. Because I hardly play games :P

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  15. Congratulationsits about time
  16. Happy Birthday and stuff... bla bla, I already said it to you
  17. Happy Birthday! *points* HA YOUR OLD!

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  19. If you don't like it stop selling him stuff, or buy it before him its simple. And on that note if you want to start taking things away that people paid money for which he did he gave credits for items, then lets remove all avatars from alts that are barely active... He has no need to state a case and trying to get him to is stupid. This calling out is like questioning someones role to which they took what little they had an made something of it. If you are trying to get items off him get in contact with him, and if you can't that your problem not his and not all of MD. They are his items to hoard if he wishes, he acquired them fair and square, not like he was just given them and hoarded them, and also on that note he's doing just as much with items as just everyone else has with items, items aren't necessary they are just there to add flavor.
  20. Toasters are now an endangered species...

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  21. Why don't you love me T.T

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  22. There wouldn't be room for you because you would clearly be in the white van speeding away after I had kidnapped you. Thus unable to occupy the given space. Granos' Law
  23. I stalk all.... And see all... Now would you mind plugging the hidden cam back in... :P

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