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Everything posted by cryxus

  1. ahh, man, best villian of the year? sounds like a race...
  2. when is this... im pretty booked for the next two weeks, and am unsure how good a slave i'd be, but im sure i could use a slave or three... hey burns... what size maid outfit do you wear?
  3. i got a token on my aramor i was gonna sac, haha... what a pisser, eh mates?
  4. i dont know the names of the songs of MD but i have heard at least 1 of them elsewhere, although that was some time ago now. Technicly there is a way to upload your song also, upload it onto Youtube and those with a spell similar to one i have allows specific players to play songs, and may be willing to play a song of yours if you ask nicely who knows, maybe it'll catch, who's to say without trying?
  5. you also gotta think when RPCs and players go idle, often they have other bussiness, like me, i've barely been around this week, because of schoolwork (i know im not a RPC, but still the point is valid). Also i have stories to write for future events that may take place, i have things to draw up, and while im doing this i like to train at GoE, so i idle there while im doing other things... i think it's the smart thing to do if you're even remotely interested in that kind of thing.
  6. he could have the libs say hi too
  7. [quote]innermagic left out in the open on the current MD world situation will end up in a frenetic fantasy bullshit with fabulations from all sides and stories that dont find their place and ideas that seem good but are on the wrong path.[/quote] :lol: oh god mur, i couldnt think of anything that could be said about inner magic currently that would be more true. love it mate. I intend to search for secrets, and then i intend to search some more, there is so much wisdom that can so easily be overlooked, or worse, never looked at... all i know is i will walk away from this having learned many things, and that's more valuable than any in-game or out of game praise, and will follow me through, whether consciously or not. For that I'd like to praise you for the foresight for teaching us, albeit in a particularly abstract way, one that can be appreciated all the mur (more ) because of it. Thank you, ~Cryxus~
  8. it's been around as long as i have
  9. you should pick the ones you can visualize better, at least that's how i see it, it makes it easier to comminicate what you're trying to achieve... although currently there's little they're used for
  10. I full heartedly support, also i offer any support i can give, i'll see if i can scounge up something worth competing over also if i have enough time i'll try and make a jesterful story, but im gonna be busy over then next couple weeks o_o Also in the vein of partying, if we get enough support on this i'll offer a very rare creature, so you had better show some support ~Cryxus~
  11. cheers mate, hope to see you around
  12. ahoy mate, welcome and cheers
  13. i think as far as the MRD thing went, actions were taken in game, there was no real apology, except by like firs, who really commited no action against MRD as far as i know. I don't see it beyond the realm of RP, i mean it took place on the boards, spread to the game, in game actions ~were taken~ i dont see how a repraisal is out of the realm of RP, and certainly i could see the leadership falling into the realm of RP, what with mur announcing raven's request for a vote. Again, just pointing things out.
  14. [center]Aqune, first off i believe i said the way you were conveying your message was hypocritical [quote]I didn’t like what I found or how things turned out for Loreroot and while I won’t comment any further to prevent more heated arguments on the forum suffice it to say the Self-Righteous Golemus Bullies were very lucky I wasn’t playing when they declared their war[...] since I would make them sorry for what they did[/quote] [quote]Wow Aqune, if that isn't some of the most hypocritical, hateful $#!^ i heard, especially in response to the side of a war you're trying to convey... so you wanna stop the "self-righteous GG bullies" by being one yourself? way to go champ...[/quote] basicly i was commenting that they way you were acting is no better than the "GG bullies" especially by slinging insults after the matter and did i do anything on that list myself? well did i? no, no i didnt, thank you very much and the reason i didnt comment on the rest of your post is because i didnt wanna say more of the same, i wanted it to be short, and to the point I guess i just dont understand the point of coming back just to be bitter sorry mur ~Cryxus~[/center] [color="purple"]MOVED from Game Reset thread -- Grido[/color]
  15. [center] Aww, now i dont get to post my own "hello" topic after all this time... oh well, back to the drawing board. ~Cryxus~[/center]
  16. if heat is required to upgrade that means that mp3 can only use it as a level 1...
  17. i have stories, although they are my own, and i am sure most people have heard them more than they care to, haha... perhaps i'll have some old ones finished sometime soon... anyhow, you know i'm willing to help
  18. [center]aye, i hope the best, and if i can ever be of any help, just let me know, although at the time i can't really do anything too spectacular, haha... ~Cryxus~[/center]
  19. Wow Aqune, if that isn't some of the most hypocritical, hateful $#!^ i heard, especially in response to the side of a war you're trying to convey... so you wanna stop the "self-righteous GG bullies" by being one yourself? way to go champ... anyhow, i'm not glorifying GG's position, but it must be easy to sling rocks when you haven't been around for a couple months as far as i know... just saying... [color="purple"]MOVED from Game Reset thread, in responce to [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?s=&showtopic=3650&view=findpost&p=28881"]this post[/url] -- Grido[/color]
  20. cryxus

    ~ Day 103 ~

    I am writing a story not pertaining to any realm in particular but i s'pose i can recount some old tales also... but i'm sure most of you have gotten tired of those already
  21. Cheers mate, it'll be nice to see you around
  22. [center]mate im not getting dragged further than this, but i was wondering if you could do me a favor, who was that bloke that was just under me in loyalty when i took over? i dont recall his name off the top of my head i'll know it if i see it... and mate, i told you, i dont care about putting any of my "spies" in place, I actually wanna see the alliance prosper... I'm trying to put in the person i saw as a good example of a follower... anyhow... i seriously don't know why you think im gonna backstab, i havent backstabbed anyone yet, and i live by my word... it makes me look bad if i go around bakstabbing people, and frankly i dont need that reputation ~Cryxus~[/center]
  23. hey mates, you ever heard of sleep? yes, i do it too and Rhaegar i have ~always~ had my suspicions about you being KB's alt, especially since when i pirated the alliance, and tankfans, i know you aren't an alt, you were amoung the "4" it was you, KB, BT, and ~possibly~ Rhaegar, there? happy? Besides Rhaegar, you called me and my men "Pirate Scum" in a previous post, and you're offended by me calling you an alt? laughable, mate. Also Z if i find my mate that was in there previously, I'll send him your way, and no, he won't invite me in, or anything silly like that, as long as the Savelites are on the up and up i have no desire in pirating their alliance again, I haven't backed out on my word yet. ~Cryxus~
  24. savel never got me back on the answer, i know that much, plus he spent most of his time in GG where most people couldnt reach him up until he went MIA
  25. Handsome marv ;) the green wolf :P my werewolf brother :D

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